Mrs. Dora Israel Takes a Bow

That day, the unsuspecting applicants turned up for the meeting where the results of their interview with the Human Resources Agent to Kenny Haven would be announced. Meanwhile, Mr. Robinson Kama and Mr. Richard Johnson were present. Although, they never had any interview with any agent, but they were present because Mr. Jasper Idika had sent an invitation to the meeting. As for him, he was working with the instructions of Mr. Ken Israel to gather them. Then, when they had settled down, he began.

"I welcome all of you to today's meeting. In a couple of minutes, we will hook up with the agent."

"Thank you, barrister."

Nevertheless, the welcome formalities were hardly completed when ten fierce looking police men barged into the office and declared.

"Gentlemen, you are arrested, and you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law."