Mrs. Dora Israel Takes a Bow 2

Mrs. Omeiza Hassan took Mrs. Dora Israel's resignation in her stride. She was aware that she could not stop her even if she attempted to. Now, as the date drew closer, she became moody, which caught her husband's attention.


He called out in trepidation when he returned from work one day.

"Yes, Hubby. You are back."

She responded coldly. Then her husband took his seat beside her and demanded.

"What is bothering you? You look depressed."

Since her husband had noticed her mood swing, she was left no choice than to discuss her problem with him. After updating her husband with the resignation story, he exclaimed.

"Oh! I can understand how you feel. It is not easy losing such a capable hand."

"You are right, hubby. All the same, she would not be with me interminably."

"I am glad that you are aware of that."