
Her throat was dry, her eyelids sticky, and her head pounded. Sophia didn't want to wake up, her dreams were swollen with extravagant adventures, and she desperately wanted to cling to them. It was a migraine that forced her to wake, one spurred by a rampaging hangover.

Sophia opened her eyes and found her world was spinning. It was a good sign of a rather ravenous night. She groaned, her voice muffled against the pillow, and rolled over to one side. Her heavy breasts were free to flop around and rest against the mattress.

No bra…again? Sophia cursed herself for making the same mistake twice.

A groan from behind caused Sophia to lurch, then stiffen under the sheets. Recognition of another bodies warmth sent tingles up her spine. There was more than just one. Sophia's hands reached forward and quickly found purchase with a large sack of flesh in the palm of her hand.

So soft and squishy…

Sophia summoned the energy to open her eyes, and could smell the crusty leftovers of semen on her neck and shoulders. Memories fizzled in and out of focus. She could remember going back to the Rhythm Garden with Chloe and her boyfriend Jack. The trio were happily spending their time on the dance floor. Strobe lights shrouded them with an iridescent glow, and the alcohol endlessly flowed. Sophia could count the number of shots she had taken with both hands, at least the ones she remembered.

This time there weren't any overhead showers, or orgies for that matter. Sophia was surprised that she didn't have to pay to get in the club. It was as if the Rhythm Garden wanted her to be there, and everyone wanted to be graced by her presence. It somehow made her feel special.

At some point Sophia found herself far too disoriented to keep up the pace, and as she was drinking a tall glass of water someone took notice of her. A single conversation, one she could barely remember, and Sophia was happily whisked away.

He was tall, that much she could clearly remember. There was a vague impression of dark hair, and a cute face. He certainly was a sweet talker, but Sophia saw through his guiltless charms and cut straight to the chase. She was horny, her panties were soaking wet, and his wife was a looker.

His wife…

The gears of her mind were slowly turning. Sophia's hand felt up the warm mound of flesh belonging to the woman in front of her. Her stomach pressed against the strangers backside as she leaned in close. Sophia couldn't remember who they were, only the eager temptation of spending the night with them. It happened so fast; one moment she was laughing with them at the bar, the next she was sitting in the back of a limo with both their hands feeling up her skirt.

Sophia's throat was dry, although she could still taste the husbands member when trying to swallow. The sheets were so soft, somehow more delicate than silk, and the pillows were extremely comfortable.

I slept with him…while his wife watched…

Sophia struggled to remember when the wife got involved, but it must've been at some point late into the night. The last memory that stuck out was the smell of his musk, the feel of his pulsing phallus squeezed between her breasts, and the taste of his wife while she sat on her face.

It took a while, but eventually nature called. Sophia's bladder yearned for relief, and no matter how much she wanted to hide under the sheets and postpone meeting the strangers, she desperately had to go to the bathroom. Reluctantly Sophia lifted herself up, letting the sheets fall down her naked chest.

Looking over her shoulder, Sophia found that the man behind her was indeed handsome, although many years older with a fatherly face. He had a thick beard, and lots of chest hair. Sophia couldn't help herself, she was curious if his chest hair would be smooth or scratchy. She reached down to feel it, and was surprised by how soft and itchy it was against her fingertips.

Sophia kept feeling his chest, long enough for the wife to notice.

"Getting a little handsy are you? And here I thought you liked my chest?" The wife's voice was soothing and refined. The accent rolled off the tongue like a sophisticated champagne.

Sophia turned around to find a stunningly beautiful diva with sharp almond eyes and pixie styled hair. Her skin was the color of desert sand, with freckles decorating her warm cheeks. The woman's plump soft breasts hanged freely in full view, and her thighs were thick and gorgeous. Before Sophia could respond, she felt the woman's arms wrap around her stomach and hold her tight.

"Tell me, how are you enjoying my little present?" She whispered into Sophia's ear with a hint of sultry delight.

"What?" Sophia had no idea what she was referring to, not until the wife reached down and tapped her on the rear cheek. It sent ripples of pain and pleasure through her skin, revealing a knot of pressure anchored at the center. It was then that Sophia realized she had a butt plug inserted.

The woman chuckled, "You can keep it. And just so you know, it can vibrate."

"Leave the poor girl along honey," The guy awoke next to them. His voice was hoarse, like it belonged to someone who had spent far too much time yelling orders on the battlements. "How are you doing Sophia, did you sleep well?"

He knows my name! Hearing the stranger say it was slightly unnerving. Sophia tried her best to remember who they were, but thinking only caused her migraine to worsen.

"Poor thing, she looks frightened. Maybe she doesn't remember what happened." The wife held onto her tighter. Sophia could feel her love sacks pressing against her back.

"I certainly hope not, I would hate to forget such a memorable night." The man reached out to touch Sophia's cheek. Sandwiched between them, Sophia couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal.

Sophia had to clear her throat before she could speak, and even still the roof of her mouth felt like sandpaper. "Sorry, who are you…exactly?"

Both couples laughed, but it was the husband who spoke first. "Perhaps I can prepare some coffee and breakfast. That is unless you want to sleep a while longer? My name is Samual Durrant, and this is my wife Diana. We met you at the Garden last night and you were positively enamored by my wife's charm. We were all a bit drunk, but you were insistent on coming home with us." He paused a moment to admire her nakedness. "Who were we to refuse the company of a Pryde? After that…I think you can fill in the rest."

New memories flowed through her mind. Yes, Sophia definitely could fill in the rest. Some of the details weren't crystal clear, but she remembered more than enough to know how great it felt.

"Thank you, for the fun times I guess." Sophia looked down at the pillow. "Do you have any aspirin? Or something stronger?"

Diana released her gently, then rolled off her side of the bed. The mattress groaned from the sudden shift in weight. Sophia caught a good look at her lean legs, and supple butt cheeks. Every square inch of this woman screamed super-model. Diana offered her a coy smile, noticing where her eyes were drawn. "I'll get you some medicine. I remember when I was ten years younger and could drink an entire fishbowl of vodka without a care in the world. Oh to be that young again."

"How old are you?" Sophia assumed they were both in their thirties, mid-thirties at most. They looked good for their age. "Sorry for being rude."

"She's thirty, although she'll swear that she's twenty five." Samual leaned his elbow against the sheets. "As for me, thirty two plus a few months."

Sophia couldn't believe it, "She looks no older than twenty! Neither of you do."

"Well thanks, we'll take that as a compliment. But seriously, age is but a number." Samual rolled over on his back, and rested the back of his head in his hands.

Diana didn't even put on a robe, she strolled through the bedroom completely naked. Just as she reached the door, she paused to ask Sophia a question. "I got some milk, straight from your own dairy in fact. I think it's the special batch 247. Would you like something like that with your medicine? Or I could get you some iced tea."

"Special batch 2..247?" Sophia stuttered.

"I see that made your tits perk up," Diana smiled. "Oh wait, I guess you might actually know from where that came from? Would you like another batch? I think I may have a little left over from batch 78."

Sophia preferred milk from traditional pastures, but when she consumed anything from the family dairy it was from Sena's line. Both of her mothers were always willing to provide her an unlimited supply as well.

Something about drinking one of her sisters batches didn't make her feel comfortable. Special batch 78 was produced from Dane, one of her younger half-sisters. Unlike herself, Dane rarely ever sold her breast milk, making it surprising that this couple would have any to begin with. The few times it was readily available, it sold out quickly.

Of course Sophia wasn't about to explain any of this. She struggled trying to decide how best to answer for the offered hospitality.

Diana continued, "you know what, I'll just get you some tea instead."

"Thank you." Sophia couldn't see it, but she was blushing. Both her cheeks, and her entire neckline, was stark red. "Just the tea is fine, and could you add a little sugar?"

"Of course!" Diana's smile was infectious. " And feel free to freshen up in our guest powder room. I would recommend the lemongrass and cedar wood soap if you want to take a shower, and the lavender, rosemary, and mint body wash if you want to take a warm bath." Diana finally put on a loose robe, retrieving it from the closet next to the door. She then laid out another for Sophia to wear, it was cream colored and made of some kind of spandex material.

Sophia's heart fluttered at the mention of a warm bath, that and the expensive soaps.

Diana noticing the pile of clothes on the floor. She leaned over, her pink slit and buoyant rear cheeks fully exposed, while picking up the pile of garments on the floor. "I'll run your clothes through the wash really quick as well, don't worry they'll be ready in no time."

Sophia gave a short nod of approval. She watched Diana strut from the room with her garments in hand, and felt a surge of arousal between her legs. Her lower lips were soaking wet.

"Admiring the view?" Samual somehow managed to lean next to her without knowing.

Sophia jumped in fright, "Sorry! I didn't mean to stare."

Samual bellowed a hearty laugh. "You have nothing to feel sorry for, you can look all you want. We're friends now, aren't we?"

"I guess?" Sophia wasn't too sure. "So, what exactly happened last night?"

Sensing her nervousness, Samual gave her some room. "I figured you would be a little loopy, we all drank a lot last night. You more than both of us."

Figures, Sophia rolled her eyes. "How much?"

"Sophia, if you were paying for your drinks you'd probably be bankrupt right now." His assumption were probably accurate.

Sophia was glad the club bouncers let her in for free. "Figures, that's what I get for drinking on the house."

"I'm pretty sure the the club owners wanted you there, so that others like us would pay a small fortune to get in." By small he probably meant more than Sophia would make in her lifetime, judging by all the wealth on display in the bedroom. The artwork alone belonged in museums, not private homes.

So that's how it worked, Sophia couldn't keep herself from smiling. The Rhythm Garden wanted her and Chloe to be unofficial eye candy for all the other customers. They probably even let Chloe's boyfriend in, just so they could have Chloe. It was an unspoken agreement, they get to have fun, and the clientele get an opportunity to mingle with them.

"There's the smile we fell in love with. Glad to see you're waking up." Samual threw off his side of the sheets, and got onto his feet. As he stood up, Sophia had a front line seat to his raw manhood. He was impressive, it stunned her knowing she it all to herself for a while last night.

Samual noticed her fascination. "Don't worry, you were so wet last night I just slipped right in."

"You wore a condom right?" Asked Sophia.

That made him flinch and raise a brow. "You specifically told me you liked feeling me without one. Something about skin on skin turning you on, and how much you loved the feeling of me cumming inside you. I just figured you were on birth control."

"I am," Sophia emphasized the point. She made sure to keep taking the pills, even though it was hard to keep track, and they screwed up her monthly cycles. She wished she could be done with them. Maybe one day she would.

"I just couldn't remember." Sophia realized this guys potency was likely swimming around in her womb at that exact moment. How disappointed his little soldiers must feel, not to find a place to settle. Not finding an egg to fertilize.

"That's a relief," he sighed. "But seriously, you have a kink for creampies."

Sophia looked away, not wanting to confirm nor deny the truth. She got up from the comfort of the bed, and realized the tiled floors were heated and warm to her bare feet. It sent a tingle up her legs, and reminded her that she had a butt plug firmly rooted in her rectal cavity.

"I'm gonna go freshen up now…it was great to meet you…both times I guess?" Sophia picked up the robe Diana had left for her, and strolled out of the room.

"It was marvelous to meet you too, Sophia Pryde." His dry voice reminded her of a dying whistle, but was genuinely sincere.

She took one last fleeting glance at the handsome man still lingering behind. He seemed to be going to his own private bathroom. His back was covered in scars, some looked like claw marks. Each one must've told a story, and Sophia loved stories! It was maddening for Sophia, not to divulge her curiosity and ask him about each one.

As she explored the corridor, Sophia found the guest powder room just down the hall. The portraits hanging on either side of the walls were of people and places she had never known, all of which seemed to be drunk on opulence.

The guest bathroom was nearly the size of her own apartment. The walls were painted a gentle blue, like a warm summer sky. Her eyes immediate glommed onto the rather deep porcelain tub. It was newly cleaned, and sparkling. The sinks were crystal bowls complete with waterfall faucets that kissed her hands with cool spring water. The forward wall was populated with an endless assortment of soaps and shampoos. It was all high end, and the variety of aroma's seemed limitless. She wanted to smell them all!

Sophia laid the robe on the counter top, and adjusted the knobs next to the bath tub until rich warm water started to fill it. Then, as she watched the water beginning to rise, Sophia summoned the courage to reach behind and touch the smooth crystal of the butt plug.

"Shit, I'm going to need some lotion," Sophia gasped upon testing the girth of the rather obscene instrument. She couldn't help but wonder how long it had been lodged inside her.

Luckily there were plenty of lotions to choose from, and after she gently applied it around the rim of the plug, where it narrowed into her passage, she was able to slowly slide it out. Once free, her poor hole throbbed. Sophia knew it would take a few minutes to recover the strength to clench her sphincter again.

She left the butt put next to the sink, and dipped her toes in the tub. Once fully submerged, Sophia laid her head back and watched as the water slowly came to her chin. Her exquisite breasts floated underwater, the purple tips just skimming the surface. Sophia decided to take Diana up on her offer, using the special body wash and shampoo, and then laying in the water while enjoying the mix of aroma's.

She took her time lounging in the hospitably. The water fully embraced her, even her own bathtub wasn't this large. Her migraine faded, although it still lingered in the background. It was a subtle, and uncomfortable, reminder that she couldn't stay long. Each time Sophia closed her eyes, the swelling behind her skull grew worse. Without the headache, Sophia imagined she could fall asleep here for hours.

Fifteen minutes past, and Sophia enjoyed every second of it, until her migraine started to return in force. She carefully lifted herself from the bath, and reached out for the neatly arranged towels on the overhead banner. She couldn't believe how soft and absorbent they were. They were smooth as silk, and as stretchy as spandex. She padded herself off, and then adorned herself with the robe. It didn't include a sash, she wasn't sure if that was a mistake or a purposeful design choice.

When she returned to the bedroom her clothes were neatly arrayed on the mattress, cleaned and ironed. However Diana had managed that so fast, Sophia could only imagine. Likely, even their washer and dryer was extremely high end. Maybe they even had some new age technology? She clothed herself, and left the robe behind, although she felt sad to part with it.

When Sophia exited down the corridor, walking past the amazing powder room and strolling to the living quarters, she expected to find herself in some kind of manor or penthouse. What she didn't expect was finding herself in a penthouse on the top floor of a skyscraper somewhere in the Westside District.

Glass walls outlined everything for her, the entire city laid out in stunning admiration. She realized then that she was in the Westside District, the most affluent place to live in the entire city of Nova Nash. Separated by the river cutting through the the wall, the district was thick in skyscrapers, most of which belonged to the elite.

The living quarters were a sight to behold as well. Gold plated tables were decorated with silver guilded plates and pristine silverware. Candles lit up the corners of the room, while an antique chandelier glowed overhead. A statue of a busty goddess stood at the center of the room. A waterfall spilled from her mouth, flowed down the curvature of her cleavage, and ran over her stomach to finally kiss her lower lips. Despite the allure of the goddess, that wasn't was captured Sophia's immediate attention.

There were four servants standing in the living room. Each scantily clad in the most sultry garbs Sophia had ever seen. They each wore gold bracelets, along with a pearl collar linked to chains that connected to nipple and clitoris piercings. They all seemed roughly her own age. Each of them looked at her, and then knelt in supplication.

"Impressive aren't they, you haven't lived until you've become the master of your own house." Diana strolled in bearing an ornate glass. Ice danced among It's liquid contents. "We pay handsomely for good courtesans. If you're ever looking for a new career, I would love enlisting your services."

The idea of submitting herself as a courtesan did have an appeal. Sophia wondered what kind of services she would be expected to provide. She looked at each of the maids, they were all striking beautiful. With a wave of Diana's hand they rose, and returned to their duties. Two of them were busy cleaning up the living space. The others were followed them to the kitchen and pulled out the seats for them.

"I'm not looking for work," Sophia looked up at one of the courtesan maids who returned a small smile. Her cherry ginger hair was combed back, and her rich green eyes sparkled in the sunlight. She had a small scar on her upper lip, yet it somehow added to the mystique rather than detract from her natural beauty.

"That's too bad, but I assumed as much." Diana didn't seem too disappointed. She sat back as another maid delivered a coffee cup brimming to the rim with a steaming brew. "Oh I almost forgot, let me get you some medicine."

Sophia took a sip of iced tea, and gratefully accepted the pills Diana retrieved for her. "I gotta know, how the hell do you guys afford all this stuff?" She asked after swallowing the small capsules.

"I'm an executive manager at the wall committee, and my husband just so happens to work as an advisor to the general staff. They're both stressful jobs, true, but we make due. I've found that enjoying a night out helps, along with having some extra company every once in a while." Diana leaned forward on the table, letting her girls press up against the surface.

"Can't say I'm not jealous." Sophia looked around, admiring the marble counter tops and designer kitchen amenities. The things she could do if she owned a proper stove, or a kitchen in general, the prospects baffled her.

"We're very fortunate." Diana admired the view.

"So when did you graduate from the university?" There was no way this couple could've gotten the jobs they had without a university degree. Sophia didn't see any diplomas on the wall, or hanging anywhere, but their intellectual achievements were evident.

Diana took another long sip of her coffee before answering. "Just over ten years ago. I was a sister at the Lyra institute. My husband was a brother from the house of Contact. Why? Are you attending?"

Sophia knew little about the sorority institutes, or fraternity houses, other than her mothers were sisters at the Rachelle Institute. She finished her iced tea, and sat the cup down. No sooner was it on the table, than the ginger courtesan picked it up to be cleaned. "I got an invitation, from the Rachelle Institute, but I haven't decided anything yet."

"Well if you got a bid than you can't pass up the opportunity!" Diana's interest peaked.

The sound of wet footsteps introduced Samual Durrant's entry into the room. He wore a towel around his waist, and little else. Once again, Sophia found herself mesmerized at his broad chest, and firm pectoral muscles. The matted chest hair, a sign of maturity, sent tingles through her fingertips.

"I see our lovely guest is still here. Good!" He didn't sound the least bit surprised. As he took a seat at the table, Sophia realized he had been carrying two packages in one hand. The first was a slim parcel, wrapped in expensive packaging and bound with a bow. The second was a smaller cube box made of smooth polished wood, it's lid sealed with a tiny lock. The key to which was taped to the box.

Diana was happy to see that one of the servants already prepared a second cup of coffee for her. She picked it up while smiling toward her husband. "Honey, it appears our guest has an invitation from the Rachelle's."

Samual seemed pleased, but Sophia got the impression he was more happy about the thick assortment of newspapers offered to him by the ginger haired courtesan. That and the steaming cup of tea. "Impressive, what are you thinking of studying?"

"I don't even know if I want to go." Sophia thought back on her old apartment, and cramped lifestyle. If going to the university could give her the chance to live like these two, was it really such a bad idea? She couldn't help but wonder.

"Hmm, well it's your choice I guess." Samual pushed the two packages to her. "I hope you weren't planning to leave without our parting gift. You deserve a little taste of the finer life."

Sophia felt awkward about accepting, but felt it would be rude to refuse. She had a good feeling that she knew what were in each of them. The silk robe in the ornate package, and the butt plug in the polished box.