
Returning to the comfort of her own apartment, Sophia sat the gifts down on the small coffee table and took a moment to look around. Walking through the Westside district had been an unforgettable experience. The streets were wide enough to drive the largest, and most fascinating vehicles Sophia had ever seen. Large blimps floated overhead, each filled to the brim will noisy customers enjoying their private casino's and social gatherings. Bold red, purple, and gold beacons were strategically placed in the three corners of the district, basking the streets with their everlasting light.

It was a district that seemed out of place, as if it didn't belong to the greater city. The moment Sophia crossed the bridge to the southern districts, she longed to return. Visiters weren't allowed to loiter in Westside, or even enjoy the restaurants, unless accompanied by a resident. Sophia feared the only way she could ever return, was by considering the Durrant's potential job offer.

She supposed it wasn't the worst idea, even if it meant cleaning in that ridiculous outfit all day. Somehow, Sophia felt that she would rather work in the dairy, unless the Durrant's were willing to make it worth her while. They seemed sad to see her go.

Being their unicorn courtesan might not be such a bad idea? Sophia wondered to herself as she planted her hands on her hips. She tried to ignore the smell of dust that had accumulated in her small sanctuary.

Her eyes darted back and forth between the small collection of flies hovering over a used plate in the sink, and the beaten up coffee table cluttered with empty food cartons. The old wood of the table was covered in stains and barely held itself together. Durrant's gifts were by far the nicest things sitting on it. New furniture wasn't a commodity she could readily afford, and so Sophia did her best repairing what she had with duct tape and glue.

She plopped onto the couch, its cheap cushioning nearly sinking to the floor, and reached her arms back to stretch. As her back arched, Sophia could feel some lingering soreness in her groin, a bitter reminder of last nights festivities.

Sophia looked over to her coffee table, at the peg leg Chloe had damaged months ago when after tripping over it, and imagined what it would be like to have a fountain installed in its place. That and some actual book shelves along the walls for the piles of books she owned. Sophia knew her tiny apartment would never accommodate any of that.

How cool would it be if some of the shelves had secret passages that lead to even more places that I could store books! The thought seemed childish, but she enjoyed the idea.

Taking a long deep breath, Sophia's immaculate breasts heaved in the air. She couldn't stand the eerie silence, and wished she had a stereo. If she could get really fancy, she would've loved to get her hands on some real vinyl records. Her mother owned three, each sounded serene and were easily worth six months of her rent.

Her eyes looked over at the decretive packages the Durrant's had so gratefully given to her. They were just sitting there, teasing her to pull the ribbon. Sophia already had a pretty good what was inside. She reached out to grab the larger of the two parcels, and opened it to find the cream colored silk robe. It was laid over a scented leaflet and covered in rose petals.

A simple card had been left with it, one addressing her by name, containing a poetic sonnet to her beauty. At the very bottom of the note was a sincere invitation, or plea, for her to consider working for them. They would love to enjoy her company, not as a maid but as their personal courtesan. The couple so longed for her that they even promised a reputable sum just to have her for for the weekends.

Sophia's hands were shaking as she read the letter. How could she refuse such an offer?

The robe came with a pearl collar, something Sophia imagined was worth her entire apartment. She touched the expensive fabric of the gown, it felt like silky spandex to her fingers. Sophia couldn't resist the urge to try it on again, this time in the comfort of her own home.

She stripped out of her clothes, letting them clutter on the floor. She even unlatched her bra, letting her girls breath. Putting on the robe, Sophia found the fabric form fitting, and it draped over her curves down to her rounded butt cheeks. It didn't come with a sash, an odd design choice. She also decided to try on the necklace. The choker was just loose enough so that the pearls wouldn't pinch her skin, but it wasn't the most comfortable thing she ever wore.

Just as she anticipated, the smaller cube box contained the ominous butt plug. It was polished, and crystal clear in the light. The instrument's engorged orb seemed rather large, yet Sophia was fully aware that she could take it. If she looked hard enough, she could make out the fine electronic wiring built within the layers of synthetic crystal material. A tiny bump could be felt along the flat base, which activated the vibrating feature.

"Not right now," Sophia put the toy back in its box and closed the lid. Her rectum was still throbbing, and she doubted it would feel better any time soon. She dared to hope it would heal in the next day or two.

Before she could turn on the tv, Sophia was distracted by the buzzing of her phone. It had been active the entire time on her way home, but until the migraine had relented Sophia didn't want to look at the screen. She supposed, now was as good a time as any.

"Shit," Sophia turned on the screen to see a mountain of messages from Chloe.

Chloe -> Where are you! Where were you last night!

Sophia <- Sorry! I'm ok.


Sophia <- With a couple, things got kinda out of control

Chloe -> You ok?

Sophia <- Yeah, just butt hurt.

The texting went on back and forth for some time, until Chloe was fully caught up with everything that happened. Apparently, she and her boyfriend lost sight of her some time after midnight, and searched for her for hours. They were still searching until now.

Chloe -> Let me know if you wanna meetup.

Sophia <- Hey you got an invite from the university right?

Chloe -> Yeah, they also gave me a little present. Ok not so little.

Sophia <- want to go together? Check out the university?

Chloe -> OMG yes!!! We can visit tomorrow!

Chloe had to remind herself that tomorrow was Monday. The weekend literally flew by in a drunken malaise. She wished she could remember half of it.

Sophia <- hasn't the semester already started?

Chloe -> Yeah but they have this program to help late enlistments.

Sophia <- Cool…so Monday, 7am?

Chloe -> Yeah girl!

Sophia sat the phone down on the coffee table next to the sealed box. The air conditioning groaned, trying to circulate cool air into her small enclosure. It was stifling hot outside, and the ventilation struggled to keep up.

"What to do, what to do?" Sophia pondered to herself. Even though the robe didn't come with a sash, it felt remarkably warm and comforting against her clammy skin. The seam down the middle allowed fresh air to brush her bare breasts, her nipples were just barely covered. Tiny goosebumps decorated her cleavage, and formed along her neckline. The tiny hairs between her legs ticked as the air conditioning picked up speed.

Sophia clenched her bottom cheeks, and leaned back into the cushioned padding.

"What's the worst thing that could happen?" She asked the empty room, while pondering what she was going to say to the sorority leaders. It wasn't like she was staring down the barrel of poverty, so if they rejected her Sophia still had her job at the farm, and maybe even another prospect. Her fingers played with the pearls of the choker. If the Durrant's were truly in the market for another maid, how much would they offer her for full time employment? Sophia looked down the valley to her flat stomach, it was grumbling loudly.

Before picking herself up in search for something to eat, Sophia found the controller to the tv and turned it on. She then searched for the soap opera channel. No sooner had it popped on the screen, did she feel another ache in her chest.

"Not again!" She groaned. It was Sunday, barely two days since working on the farm, and already her breasts were swollen with milk. What she would give to experience a solid week without having to grope them with a breast pump.

Searching for her at-home pump grew more annoying than should've been possible, given the size of her abode. The suction cups were recently sterilized, and left next to the sink, and the portable filing container was being used to help lift up a counter next to her bedpost. She yanked it away without thinking, causing the entire table to collapse. The pumping mechanism seemed lost for the ages until Sophia found it under a pile of books and pamphlets. The batteries were dead, only adding to the frantic excursion. By the time she found a spare set, her nipples were pounding. Already a thin trickle of motherly fluid was leaking down her stomach.

It took twenty minutes to find all the pieces and properly assemble it. By that point, Sophia's bosom's were throbbing in pain. She could feel iron rich deposits lodged in small clumps within her milk ducts, and yet her glands were still richly producing more.

The suction cups were rubbery to her bare nipples. They latched on firmly, fully encompassing her puffy areola's. She flipped on the switch, starting the suction mechanism. Once the pump began nursing her nubs, Sophia fell to her knees moaning with pleasure. She could feel the tugging pull of her sensitive buds as they were drawn into the siphoning tubes. Slowly the pressure began rising to the surface.

When the dam broke, it unleashed two ivory geysers of fresh nectar through the tubes. Sophia cried out with pleasure, feeling a tidal wave of relief as her breasts spent themselves of their sustenance. She watched with mild fascination as the tubes running to the batch container ran white with her fluids. It was a soothing relief to spend her mammaries load, and yet she knew her bounty wouldn't be useful. There was too much alcohol in her system from over the last few days, it would undoubtably ruin the milk. She would dump the canister of its sour contents once finished. Even still, It felt good to relieve the pressure. Too good in fact.

Once the last dribbles had been siphoned, Sophia took a moment to study the cylinders contents. Her milk seemed a bit thicker than usual, likely from her irregular eating habits over the weekend.

The rest of her day was spent cleaning the stains from her new robe, and finally lounging next to the tv. The soap was predictable, yet she couldn't look away, not until it had finally run its course. Eventually, as the sun began to dip low, Sophia turned off the screen so that she could finally read the latest edition of 'Hard Dreams' . It was the one thing she had planned to do this weekend, before Chloe had stolen her away to the Rhythm Garden.

Reading the sultry tale, dressed only in her silky gown while playing with the pearls around her throat, was probably the highlight of her weekend. The highlight she could fully remember, at least. Sophia noted to herself to be more careful with alcohol in the future.

Just before turning in for the night, Sophia nearly forgot to notify her mother about not showing up for work tomorrow. It probably wasn't the best idea anyway, not until the weekend had fully left her system. She texted her mom about wanting to visit the university instead, and that she was going to talk to the Rachelle Sorority with her bff. Her mothers response was a collection of cheerful faced emoji's, and an never ending surge of advice on how to proceed. Above all she cautioned, not to let them intimidate you.