
"If only my tits weren't so damn sensitive," Sophia complained as the humidity and constant change in air pressure caused her nipples to stiffen. The constant tickling made her stomach flutter.

"Why did it have to be rain?" Chloe stammered in frustration next to her. They both shared an umbrella as they strolled onto campus. The commuter traffic had been atrocious, forcing their cab to take hours to get across the city to the Grand University.

The air was humid, and the wind was relentless. They rushed from the cab to the universities walls as quickly as possible. By the time they made it to the safety of the inner gates, they were both drenched.

Sophia wasn't sure what was so 'Grand' about it. Its walls were newly built, giving it the impression of a formidable bastion, but past them the campus grounds were unimpressive. There wasn't a lack of buildings, just a lack of style. Evidently, the university was among the oldest districts in the city, and its construction showed. Only a few structures were fairly new, or repurposed and refurbished.

The tallest building was a seventeen story tower near the corner of campus, surrounded by a large park with oak trees and hiking trails. Fountains could be seen through the thick foliage, along with other artistic trinkets. According to the brochure the tower was the main dormitory for all students on campus. The first nine floors were dedicated to the sororities, one for each, while the top eight housed the fraternity students. It wasn't always this tall, it was only recently rebuilt and raised higher. The brick and cement work for the first four floors were noticeably older, the higher levels made up of newer material.

The Rachelle's were based on the 7th floor, just below the Bella Institute girls. There was a time, according to her mother, when each of the organizations had their own houses. However, due to an unfortunate series of events, largely referred to as the 'malaise of madness' where a skitter attack, and an outside actor, helped spread a deranged illness across campus, that changed.

The sexual depravity from the 'malaise of madness' consumed all of the students on campus, leading to the shutting down of the university, and the enactment of thorough reforms. The wall around the campus was the first step, increasing security the second. One of the final added security measures involved the consolidation of the student body into one place where they could be more easily protected.

Sophia thought it seemed constraining, to be compacted with so many students in one place, but she figured it wasn't too different than living in an apartment…with roommates.

All the other buildings were recently painted, and seemed properly maintained. Most existed around the periphery of the central administration which stood only two stories tall, and was composed of ancient granite. Gardens and small parks decorated the inner courtyard, separating the central building from all the others.

"Hopefully this isn't a bad omen." Sophia clung to her raincoat with a chill. She wasn't the superstitious sort, but it was hard not to consider the signs as ominous. There were so many things for Sophia to consider about meeting a representative of the Rachelle Sorority Institute, dealing with the rain hadn't been one of them. She was lucky to have a compact raincoat tucked away in her purse. Chloe wasn't so prepared.

Choosing the outfit for the meeting was the hardest part. It needed to be stunning, but not too revealing. The right balance of classy and seductive. It wasn't smart to show off too much of the goods so soon, yet to appear stuck up or timid was a death sentence. Her mother made it very clear that the Rachelle's ate timid girls for breakfast, both in the metaphorical and sexual since.

The Rachelle's were known for accepting two kinds of girls into their illustrious institute. The first were women of passion, sophistications, and confidence. Those who were likely to be leaders, or could be moulded into one.

The second were of a far more timid, vulnerable, and innocent variety. They would become prey for the older sisters to enjoy. Their hazing rituals were both degrading and humiliating. Watching an innocent girl submit to their will, becoming a masochistic whore, was a pastime for Rachelle seniors who had the right to order the freshmen to do anything their infernal imagination could conceive of.

Those who showed promise, and some level of confidence, were just as likely to be accepted as the sweet and simple. Yet Keri made it abundantly clear to her daughter Sophia that she was to do whatever she could to present herself as in charge with a commanding personality. Being a Pryde was more than enough to garner attention, her sexual appetites likely the cherry on top. The Rachelle's already knew Sophia by reputation, all she needed to prove was that she was a little more than an affectionate unicorn who enjoyed sex machines on the side.

It took some time, and research, but Sophia decided to go with a padded decorative buster with rose patterns decorating the cups. The garment greatly enhanced her features. To go with it, Sophia wore a mid length skirt with black lace stockings, and a red coat to cover her shoulder. Her heeled shoes looked expensive, but were anything but. She combed her long blonde hair back, and tied it into a ponytail. Yet even still, a stray bang hanged loosely in front of her eye.

Chloe ignored her text warnings about how to dress, instead going with something far more provocative. The black lace mesh striped bodysuit perfectly fitted her slender frame. It clung to her well formed cleavage so tightly it left little to the imagination. The short skirt didn't cover her rear, exposing a thong as she walked. Wearing high heels didn't help, it only made it easier to catch a glimpse underneath the skirt.

Chloe wanted to go with a cut out lace bodysuit, one that fully exposed her ample chest and flat stomach, but evidently she couldn't get the garter straps to fit correctly. Sophia wasn't sure whether she was relieved, or even more worried for her friend.

"I still don't understand why you wanted to come?" Sophia groaned, "I thought you and Jack were going for a baby." She could only imagine how difficult it would be to raise a child while earning a degree.

"We are!" Chloe's eyes flashed. "Or at least I keep telling him to knock me up, and put a baby in me, during sex. It gets him so fucking hard it's unbelievable."

Sophia just rolled her eyes. "How did you even afford that outfit?"

"Took out a loan," her attempt at humor didn't jibe. "Just kidding I got this months ago. I typically only wear it for Jack."

"Looks a little slutty." Sophia didn't mean it as an insult, but a warning.

"I wanted to look my best." Chloe skipped a couple steps, the rain instantly washing her skin. She immediately hopped back under the umbrella with a chill.


Chloe returned a youthful smirk, the insinuation ringing true. "I've never worn it this long before, its starting to give me mad boob sweat. Why did it have to be so rainy and humid today."

"Lets just hurry." The pair heightened their pace, thunder groaning in the distance.

The meeting was scheduled in the main auditorium, situated in one of the many smaller buildings on campus. When they found it, they rushed inside and made their way down the aisles of velvet seating. The center stage was large, the curtains drawn. A single sorority sister sat at the edge of the stage, her feet dangling back and forth. The woman was no taller than herself, and appeared roughly the same age. Her shoulder length brown hair was naturally curly and etched with blonde highlights. She had a narrow chin, bold cheeks, and a broad forehead. Olive toned skin made her red lipstick stick out.

Sophia was quite nervous as she entered the auditorium to meet with the nameless sorority sisters. Her nerves were calmed the moment she saw what the sister was wearing. A pink pattern top held around her shoulders by a single button at the very base of the collarbone, it parted wide down the center whenever she moved her arms. The underside of her giving breasts were on full display, along with a healthy dose of central cleavage when she dared to move. The skirt that it came with was barely long enough to conceal her undergarments. Black stockings ran down her legs to a pair of thin leather boots.

"About time, do you have any idea how long I've been waiting here?" Her voice held a strong central district accent, it was sly and judgmental.

"Are we late?" Chloe strutted down the rows of chairs to the base of the stage.

"You are if I say you are."

Sophia remembered her mothers words, don't be intimidated.

"It appears you don't know how to read a watch, clearly we're fifteen minutes early." Sophia walked with a controlled pace. She didn't halt when she made it to the stage, instead hopping onto the elevated floor. Sophia stood next to the sister with a hand on her hip, and did her best to appear in control.

The sister looked up at her with only mild fascination. Her facial expression said everything without her having to. It screamed, you're just an arrogant bitch. "I take it you are the Pryde. Sophia, is that correct?"

"Yes, and you are?"

The sister stood up, her breasts freely swinging with the sudden twist of movement. Her sultry outfit nearly exposed her nipples as she rose. She looked at Sophia with a sharp glare. "Joscelyn Luca, junior student and sister of the Rachelle Institute Sorority. And you are extremely lucky none of the seniors bothered to show. They wouldn't tolerate you're disrespect, in fact they would probably strike you down the moment you jumped up here."

Sophia kept her composure, although she could feel the tension and hear the truth in the sisters tone.

"You don't have to be rude," Chloe interrupted.

"Says the slut," Joscelyn looked over at Chloe while licking her lips. "Oh you'll be a lot of fun screwing around with. I like the top, a good way to show off those fun bags of yours."

"Creepy," Chloe scoffed.

Joscelyn looked them both up and down, then took out her phone and skimmed through the buttons on the screen. Once finding what she was searching for, Joscelyn presented it to Sophia. Her video at the Rhythm Garden, getting pounded and filled with cream by the machine in the back room, was loudly playing.

"You like to pretend to be so damn confident, but we know the real you." Joscelyn continued, "It's the reason we offered you that bid in the first place. So I'll tell you what, lets make a deal."

Sophia felt a cold chill. A bead of sweat strolled in between her shoulder blades, and her stomach rolled. "What sort of deal?"

"Tell me your deepest, darkest, secret. And I'll give you a personal tour around campus." Joscelyn smiled. "If you don't, then consider this interview over and just go home."

"I don't think—" Sophia started.

Chloe interrupted frantically, "I drugged Sophia at the Rhythm Garden."

"You what!""

"I'm sorry!" Her pleas echoed across the auditorium. "I slipped a little something in the drinks, just to lighten you up!"

Joscelyn squealed with delight. "Oooh this is interesting."

Sophia was speechless. She looked at the best friend she ever had with cold dread, a layer of spite, and mixture of disbelief. "How could you?" She barely managed to frame the words.

Chloe looked down, a tear forming in the corner of her eye. "I'm so, SO, sorry. I was afraid you were going to leave me all alone, and they never told me it would screw around with short term memory."

"Who's they?" Sophia's hands were balled into fists.

Joscelyn sighed to herself while hearing their argument. "Boooring, now Sophia it's your turn."

Sophia gawked. She was half ready to turn around and leave. Her composure was long gone, given over to a confusing mixture of rage and sadness.

"Come on love birds!" Joscelyn's spiteful voice rang true. "No reason to hold anything back now!"

"I really fucking hate Jack, and I hate fucking him too." Sophia targeted her girlfriend.

"What!" Chloe gasped in surprise.

"He's obnoxious! Every time we're out all he does is talk about bands I've never heard of or would ever care about. And I'm pretty sure whenever we're…in bed together he's filming us." Sophia's outburst poured from her lips with a trickle of spit.

Chloe froze in disbelief. "How could you think that?"

Sophia continued. "I've seen the blinking lights. At first I thought it was just my imagination, like when you get extreme vertigo or see too many stars during orgasm, but last time I clearly saw a red light coming from the corner of the room."

"That's...ridiculous," the stammer in Chloe's voice was noticeable.

"Enough you two." Joscelyn clapped her hands until both of them were silent. "Ok, I'll show you around campus. We need to also talk about what you even want to study, should you enroll. Oh, and I hope you have nothing against the uniform, it's what you'll be required to wear at all times on campus should you be accepted as a Rachelle."

Sophia's eyes studied the detail of Joscelyn's uniform. The lack of a bra, and wild exposure seemed unbecoming. She couldn't help but wonder if all the sororities had similar uniforms. She also couldn't imagine what the guys thought of them.

"That uniform?" Sophia asked while pointing at the revealing top.

The sorority sister grinned. "Of course, that is when you will be allowed to wear anything at all."