90% of an ideal wife, why not 100%

Leaving the sitting Ayushman alone. The waiter kept staring at him, but then even he eventually left to deal with the work. Ayushman kept looking at the leaving figure of Yuvika.

So, she has really grown up. No doubt she has become more attractive, not just physically but even mentally. She has grown up really well. Now, he has to make her his, at all cost. This girl has to become his cock-slave for insulting him like that till her last breath.


Yuvika reached the cabin, where Ashutosh was busy with the files as usual. But he gave her a quick glance and smile, the moment he saw her enter, before burying himself once again in his work.

'Mr. Pratihast, Lunch time.' She said a bit loudly so that the person surrounded by work could hear it.

' Just five minutes more, Miss Chauhan.' He replied back, his eyes still fixed on the screen, his fingers on the keyboard.

' Mr. Pratihast, there's no such thing as five minutes, in your case. Do I have to keep reminding you again and again? Hurry up.' Yuvika replied back.

Earning a sigh from the man, who left his work pending and walked towards the sitting area, where the warm, full of mouth-watering, tempting aroma was being placed by Yuvika.

Bringing a sweet smile from Ashutosh. She has really taken those words to her heart. Taking great care of him. He hugged her from behind, startling her. She narrowly escaped from scalding herself, all thanks to Ashutosh, who pulled her away from the table, in his warm embrace.

' Thank you so much for taking good care of me, Sweetheart. I am sure this makes you 90% of an ideal wife according to a typical Indian psychological survey.

I love you, Yuvika.' He said in a whispering voice while kissing her forehead gently.

' What do you mean by 90% of an ideal wife?' She asked back, feeling curious.

' Wow, I even said I love you. Did you not hear that?' He asked, feeling amazed by the fact, she always avoids his 'I love you' s either one way or the other.

' Why 90%?' She again repeated, not letting him change the subject.

' Because the rest 10% is something you can't do. At least not in the next ten to twelve years. So, let's ignore that. Shouldn't you be happy that you already have a 90% chance of being an ideal wife? ' He asked, wondering why she would care about being a 100% ideal wife.

' Something I can't do, what is it? I can do everything as far as I know.' She replied, feeling disappointed that there actually exists the thing that she can't do.

' Well, you don't have to bring your perfectionist spirit here. I am more than happy with the way you are handling everything. Trust me.'He tries to encourage her.

'What is it?' She asked again, earning a sigh.

' Cooking makes up to 5% and as for the remaining 5%. Well, it's to give the heir to your in-laws, to carry our lineage. As I said, we can ignore it.

You are far more than perfect and best for me. I love you the way you are.' He said with a smile on his face, earning a deep sigh from her. Making Ashutosh wonder whether he said something wrong.

' I am sorry for not being an ideal wife.' She replied feeling sad, out of the blue. Well, she knows cooking, cleaning and washing are the major responsibilities of the wife towards her husband and his family. She knows dealing with people related to him, maintaining the house is also her responsibility.

But she was cut from a different cloth. She can't do it.

As for producing the heir, then the fear instilled deep in her, was still there. Unless he won't force her to do it, she doesn't think she would be able to do it. But as far as she knows him, he won't do that, no matter what. He will neither pressurize her nor forcefully get things done with her.

She was in the middle of analyzing herself when she heard a low whisper; 'Miss Yuvika Chauhan, you are perfect the way you are. I don't care about the criteria set by our ancestors, all that I know is that, until you are happy, I am happy.

If you aren't, then nor am I. You don't have to mold yourself as per this society, as per their expectations from us. You are free to live your life in whatever way you want to live it. You aren't allowed to force yourself or pressurize yourself to meet the bar raised by this society.

Just remember this forever, for them you are just an individual, but for me, you are my entire World. And I love my world the way it is. I would love to watch it evolve, grow, but not degrade or degenerate under the pressure set by some people.

You know, why despite everything, I like Kirti. Because she doesn't give a fuck to this society or their standards or their expectations. She lives her life, the way she wants to. She always says she is a bird born to fly and she lives up to that. Breaking all the shackles, all the cages of this world.

You idolize her, don't you? Then, gain that fierce, fighting spirit of her, to face everything this world has to offer to you head strongly. Show them you don't give a fuck to them or their expectations from you. Show them it's your life and you will lead and live it as you want to.'

Ashutosh explained to her patiently and softly. While she remains in his embrace, smiling lightly. Just why is he so understanding?

'Okay!' He asked her gently to which she nodded with a smile.

'Then, let's eat something. I am really very hungry.' He added widening her sweet smile.


In the evening;

Yuvika was busy arranging the meeting while checking all the files and content to be used in the meeting when once again she met Ayushman. She looked at him and gave him a confused glance.

But the girl next to him said that he was with them and he would be joining the meeting too. Making Yuvika nod and resume her work. After fifteen minutes of backbone-breaking work, they were finally led inside the conference room, where Ashutosh, Yuvika, and Pranav were sitting on one side, while the bunch of employees was sitting on the other.

Ayushman's eyes fixed on Yuvika, noticing her each and every moment. While Yuvika, Ashutosh, and Pranav's eyes were fixed on Naina ( the girl who talked for Ayushman with Yuvika just earlier), the host of today's presentation.

They kept listening and jotting down the points that either needed work or they want to ask. While in between, the trio would exchange a few words with each other, expressing their opinions.

Once the meeting was done, only two sentences came out of Ashutosh's mouth; ' Redo the proposal. I will check it at the end of the week, if it remains the same, then pack your bags and leave.'

Shocking everyone present in the room, except for the duo who now were busy interacting with each other, dealing with some other work. Once Ashutosh was done, he stared at the duo who were busy with passing the pleasantries and when they were done, Yuvika excused herself and continued to walk under Ashutosh's lead, till they reached his cabin.

While Pranav was left to deal with the newly hired employees, for whom their first meeting with the chairman of The Raj came more as a shock.


The moment they were inside the cabin's door, she found herself entrapped in between the door and her boss, making her raise an eyebrow in question.

Now, what did she do wrong?

' Sweetheart, do you know how fatally attractive, how gorgeous you are?' Ashutosh asked in a low, magnetic voice, activating the warning siren of her head.

'Pardon me!' She asked, not quite knowing what she did to earn this proximity torture.

' Well, I saw how some men were gawking at you.' He explained feeling overprotective towards her. Only he knows how he was controlling his overpossessive side from claiming every inch of her skin as his. Especially when that particular man kept glancing at her after every five seconds.

He seriously disliked the way that man was staring at his wife. He really wanted to fire him, to kick that man out of the company. But then he realized he hadn't confirmed Yuvika's status as his wife in The Raj, yet, which can only happen when Kirti would be here and know about Ashutosh and Yuvika's marriage, which in itself would be a big disaster.

' Don't tell me, you rejected that brilliant proposal because of this.' Yuvika asked, not quite knowing whether she should laugh or cry at the reality-check of the situation.

She thought Ashutosh might have some valid reason to demand a better proposal from the employees, despite the proposal meeting the standards of The Raj already.