Birthday boy is a bad boy

Weeks passed without Jace talking to me or rendering an apology,I felt really stupid,test week was already over,mid-term break came along and Jace decided to have few classmates over at house to chill and have fun.

Mason was invited of course, should I say VVIP?!

Some other students who were fun and friends of Jace were invited over including Joan.I decided to go so he could see I am totally fine and not hurt by what had happened.

The mini party started,we played video games,ate,drank and yeah!!

We played Truth or Dare and it changed everything....

The bottle was spinned and it landed on Daniel,our class prefect and Head Boy.

"Truth or Dare"Kim asked biting her lips.

What now?!

"Truth"He replied with a smile on his face.

"Who's your crush in the school"Kim asked probably hoping her name will be mentioned.

"Miss Lucy"He stated with a straight face.

"What?!You mean English Teacher"My classmates asked in unison.

"Yes"He nodded his head.

Wonders shall never end

The game continued and the spinned bottle faced Joan this time

I have a bad feeling about this

"Truth or Dare"Daniel asked.

"Dare please"She giggled.

"Okay!!I dare you to make out with Jace in his room and come with feedbacks"Daniel smirked.


Atleast you don't get to watch the horrible scene

"Shall we?!"She chortled dragging Jace to his bedroom.

I watched as they left the living room to his bedroom, Olivia who sat next to me held my hands to comfort me.I calmed down immediately, maybe he wasn't worth it,while they were busy making out,the game continued.

Joan wasn't around to spin the bottle,Daniel decided to spin it again and it faced Olivia this time,she was dared to kiss my brother.

I wonder why she didn't pick truth

She did it but the kiss lasted for 3 minutes which means they enjoyed it and if we weren't around,they would probably devour themselves.

Enemies turn Kissers

"Seems like someone liked the kiss"I remarked as both my eyebrows raised up and down.

"Well,he wasn't that bad,GOSH!!His lips are arrrrgh,I can't even explain it,I want more"She whispered yelled and winked at Mason who licked his lips immediately she saw him.

"Ewwwww"I squeaked.

"Oh,they are back already"Toyo pointed out.

They both looked dishevelled especially Joan,that explained it,they really did do it.


"How was it ?!"They inquired.

"Well,all I can say is I'm addicted and I want more"She proclaimed jumping up and down and pecked Jace before taking her seat.

"Totally what I want with Mason!!"Olivia whined biting her lips.

"Snap out of it"I shrieked at her.

I was still talking to Olivia,paying less attention to game,I didn't even realize the spinned bottle was facing me.

"Truth or Dare?"Phillip asked me.

"I thought it was Olivia that was supposed to spin"I complained with a frown on my face.

"Truth or Dare?!"Everyone screamed at me.

"Okay fine,I choose Dare"I replied with a smirk.

I was ready to do any crazy shit even if it means getting Jace jealous.

"I dare you to make out with Jace"Phillip dropped the bomb with an smirk.

"What?!But he just made out with Joan"I stated folding my arms.

"Just do it already"Phillip appealed to me.

Is this a setup?!

"Okay,fine"I stood up and walked towards his direction to probably kiss him.

"Not here,Silly,go in there and do some crazy shits"He pointed to Jace's room.

I'm not some hormonal teenager

I wanted to object to it but words didn't seem to come out from my mouth.

"Okay"I managed to say and rolled my eyes and followed Jace to his room.

Good thing,Mason got a call from Mum to go get something for me so he wasn't around.We got to his room,he locked the door and there was an awkward silence between us,he was the first to break the silence.

"You know we don't have to actually makeout you know,they won't find out"He stated looking downwards.

I was taken aback by his statement,I guess this is another rejection because he wouldn't want to cheat on his girlfriend because of a dare.

"Yeah, that's fine by me"I affirmed with my signature fake smile.

"I just want to apologize and probably explain why I ditched you that day"He stated coming close to me.

"I didn't actually plan that I was going to ditch you,she's not even my girlfriend,I had to because Mason had his eyes on me and if I actually went on a date with you,it would have ruined everything and also I was planning to get under Joan's pant which I totally did today"Jace concluded with a smirk on his face.

"Jerk!!"I remarked hitting him on his shoulders.

"Muffin, Can you forgive me please??"He appealed holding my hands and rubbing them smoothly.

Well it's been weeks and I missed him so muuuucch.

"Yeah,sure"I chuckled.

He was drawing very close to my face,he was going to kiss me again.

Oh no!!

Oh yes!!

"Now that you and I are here alone,do you wanna do some nasty shits"He whispered in my ears making goosebumps appear on my body.

"I don't know,do you?!"I replied looking into his eyes.

"Yes,Muffin"He smirked and placed his lips.

I kissed him back,we were already about to do some crazy shits when I reminded him of the game,we dressed disorderly to make them believe so.

We got back and met Joan kissing Daniel.

Oh wow!!

She is sooo out of the list

Michelle's POV

"I cannot stop thinking of the kiss arrrrgh!!,it was so...I don't even know how to explain I want more !!I want more"Olivia stated as she bounced on my bed.

For the past 15 minutes,my bestfriend has been talking about my brother and it was so.....


Nop!!My best friend's talk can never be annoying

I looked at her with a bored expression

"You know,his room is not that far from here,you can just get out and go straight to him and say,Mason I just figured out that I have a crush on you and I wouldn't mind going on a second round of that kiss!There you have it,easy-peezy"I clearly stated with a smile on my face.

"It's not that easy"She replied with her right hand on her face.

"Honestly,I wonder why ?!I mean you guys literally hated or hate each other,so how is this even happening?"I asked.

"Well, that was because I didn't know his lips tasted like strawberry!"She remarked with her arms folded.

"You are totally under a spell"I rolled my eyes.

"Okay,that's it!!I am going to his room right now!"She stood up about to leave for his room.

"You are not going anywhere,you are not serious!"I shaked her hoping the spell will shake off.

It doesn't work that way!

I know and there is no spell!

"Happy birthday bro"Mason said across the room probably on the phone.

I wonder who he was talking to,I kept my ears on the door and tried to listen.

"When will you stop eavesdropping?"Olivia asked turning my face to hers.

"Shuuuusssh!!"I said with my lips on my mouth.

"I think today is Jace's birthday"I blurted out.

"Oh!!It's your boyfriend's birthday,ooooowww!!"She nudged my shoulder.

"He is not my boyfriend!!"I stated.

"Then why did you loose your virginity to him if he is not?!"She asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Oh My God!!,you really thought..."I laughed so hard I couldn't stop.

"What's funny?"She asked.

"I didn't loose my virginity to him,silly and certainly not on some stupid dare"I replied still laughing.

"Then what happened between you and him in his room?"She asked again.

Here we go!

"Well,we didn't make out make out,he just apologized and explained why he ditched me the other day"I explained to a serious looking Olivia.

"And what was his excuse?"She inquired.

"He ditched me because Mason and Joan had the whole date planned and if he ditched her for me,Mason would have found out through Joan and then Mason would have killed him"I stated.

"So Jace is scared of Mason?"She giggled.

"Babe!!Mason's hand hurts o"I replied.

"Wait,he has hit you before?!"She asked with a straight face.

"Not really,just a slap because I reported him to my mum sometime ago as revenge and it hurt really bad"I asserted.

"Oookay,so you are trying to tell me that you and Jace stayed in thesame room and he didn't even kiss you ?!,I don't believe it"She shook her in disbelief.

"Well,he kissed me and I sort of kissed him back"I confessed.

"I knew it!!"She replied as she jumped up.

"You like him and you want him to be your boyfriend,don't you?!"She raised my face to look at hers.

"I don't know,I'm not really sure,I just care about him,that's all"I shrugged.

"You care about who"Mason asked as he barged into my room.

"Emm...I care about you,yes you!My darling brother that I care about so much"I stuttered.

Olivia was holding back her laugh at how I stammered in front of my brother,I gave her the "Don't you dare"kind of look.

"I know that"Mason replied.

"Good,now that you know,kindly get out"I gestured towards the door.

"Well,I'm not going to leave so soon because Olivia and I have an unfinished business to attend to"He winked at her.


"Apparently not,now get out"Olivia replied with a straight face.

Olivia is quite an actress

She just rejected a free ticket to her so called strawberry island

"Hold on a sec,Jace is holding a birthday party at his father's house to mark his 18th birthday so you guys are invited and the dressing is formal"Mason stated before he left.

"We know that"Olivia yelled at him.

"Huh?!I didn't know"I said with a frown on my face.

"How would you know?!When you hardly check the class group chat"She replied.

"Oh!I don't have anything formal"I stated with my arms folded.

"Are you okay?!"She asked as she checked my wardrobe.

"You have tons of hot dresses here"She remarked as she checked my closet.

"No I don't,what are you going to wear?"I asked.

"I came prepared"She raised her bag to show me her dress.

We were going to come home late so Olivia took permission from her parents that she was going to sleepover at my place,they gave her permission,my mum already knew since she knows Jace's father.

We took 35 minutes to get dressed,we both wore a floor length gown,Olivia wore a gold and red offshoulder gown with side slit ends and golden heels,she had a golden heart necklace around her neck and large hoops on her ears while I wore a sexy blue halter side slit dress with silver heels,my neck was decorated with a 2-piece long necklaces and silver dangle earrings on my ears.

Olivia packed my box braids into a bun and let her own hair down,we applied little makeup.

Just waterproof mascara and lipgloss

"We look gorgeous"Olivia remarked.



"Takeaway"I concluded as we both admired ourselves in the mirror.

"We are ready!!"Olivia yelled as we walked out of my room.

Mason was totally speechless when he saw us

Well when he saw Olivia actually not us

"You look beautiful"Mason stuttered as he shook his head.

"Let's go already"I stated as I hopped into my mum's Range Rover.

My mum gave us her car to use so we drove off to Jace's house.

Jace's house was a modern stylish Mansion with lavish facilities unlike mine that was a duplex.The garage was filled with luxurious cars like Lamborghini Urus,Range Rover, Mercedes-Benz G Wagon and alot of cars.

"Wow,Jace's dad is stinky rich"Olivia remarked.

"I know right and so are your parents remember"I replied.

"But not as rich as Jace's dad"She stated.

"Don't compare okay"I replied.

"Let's go"She grabbed my hands and we walked in stylishly.

The party was held in the hall and there were alot of people, everybody dressed formal and was in their best behavior including my classmates.

Jace saw me and walked towards me,he looked extremely handsome in his Navy blue Tuxedo suit with a bow tie.

When he got to where I stood with Olivia,he couldn't say a word when he saw me,he was startled.

"Are you going to say something or you just want to keep staring at my pretty face?"I grinned.

"I will pick the latter,you look extremely gorgeous,I can't take my eyes off you"He complimented as his eyes observed my body.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"Olivia and Mason said in unison.

"Happy birthday"I added.

"Thanks guys,where are my gifts?"He asked looking around.

"Well,I got you something,I don't know about them"I said as I handed him a pair of grey sweatpants and a golden wristwatch in a box.

Mason and Olivia also gave him their gifts.

"Come along,let me give your Thank You"He smirked as he dragged me to God knows where.

Probably his room.

We were on his way to his room when Joan stopped us

Stopped Jace not me

"Happy birthday,handsome"She pecked him on his cheek.


"Muffin,go upstairs,the second room on your left is mine"He added directing me.

"Okay"I muttered and walked away leaving him with Joan.

I wonder what they wanted to discuss but anyways it is not actually my business so I cared less.I followed his directions and got to his room,it was sort of empty,just a bed and some few things in the room, I guessed since he doesn't live in his father's house,his room won't be filled with things.

"This used to be my room"A voice said from behind as he closed the door.

It was Jace

"I know that"I replied as I stood up.

"I like the gift, thanks a bunch"He grinned as he came closer.

"You look extremely glamorous"He complimented as he took another step closer.

"You have told me that before"I rolled my eyes as I took a step forward.

"I just wanted to remind you of how bewitching you are"He stated with another step forward.


Compliment him you idiot!

"And you look charming"I remarked.

We were already close to each other,we locked our eyes in a gaze for some minutes, before his eyes wondered down slowly and stopped at my lips.

"Why are you so irresistible"He whispered as he leaned closer.

I closed my eyes waiting for him to lock his lips with mine as soon I scented his cologne and smelt his minty breath,I wanted to kiss him again.

He paused when his phone vibrated,a frown appeared on his phone immediately he read the message,he walked out without a word leaving me to wonder what happened.

Out of curiosity,I followed quietly so he won't find out,he entered a room and was having a conversation with someone,as usual I eavesdropped

I'm just curious

Okay fine it's becoming an habit


"Don't call me that! I'm not your son maybe I was but I'm not yours anymore"

"Listen to me"

"What do you want?!"

"You should be happy to see me"

"I should be happy to see you?!I was even expecting an apology"

"You disappeared and after 14 years you are back and you expect me to embrace you in a hug"

"Woah"He clapped his hands in mockery

"I'm sorry,I can explain"

"I don't want to hear it"

"Just go back to where you came from,you are not welcome here"

"Give me a chance to explain"

"Explain what exactly?!Where were you when I needed you for 14 good years?!,you show up hoping you could surprise me then I would jump and embrace you, please leave"

"Jason!,listen,I'm not going to leave until you listen"

"You don't want to leave then fine,I will leave if you don't want to"

I heard footsteps marching to the door so I hid somewhere so he won't see me.

I think that was his mother but isn't she dead.Is it your mother?!

I'm just guessing but I have never seen her before.

She left them of course

He stepped out of the room,I followed him to pool where he was heading so I could speak with him and calm him down but I stopped in my tracks when I saw Joan pull him into a kiss probably to calm him down.

Please don't kiss her back

He kissed her back,I froze at what I was happening before my eyes,why did he kiss her?!How can he kiss her?!Is she that special?

He is a man whore,dimwit!!

He was supposed to kiss me


I couldn't move,I watched as they devoured themselves like wolves,this is what I get for caring so much about a player,what was I even thinking?!

When I managed to move,I slipped and fell into the salt water infinity pool.

My death!!

I'm not actually a good swimmer,okay fine,I can't swim and death by drowning wasn't how I wanted to die,my cousin drowned and ever since then I feared water.

I gasped for air and struggled to swim but I couldn't,I decided to let the cold water cover my body and close my eyes,waiting for death to come get me,suddenly I felt muscled arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me from the water,I only heard voices calling my name but couldn't see anything.

Are these angels pulling my soul

It's a human being,you idiot!!

So you think you will go to heaven after you made out with a guy twice

"She's awake!!"

"Thank Goodness"

"You scared the shit out of me"

"I thought I have lost you"

"What would I have told mum?!"

"How did you fall into the pool?"

I was pulled into a hug by almost everybody.

"Was I dead?"I asked looking at everybody.

They burst into laughter

"No,you didn't"Olivia chuckled.


"Let's leave you and the Superman who saved you alone"Olivia said dragging everybody out.

I was alone with Jace,I glared at him,I didn't even realize my clothes has been changed into.......Boy's clothes?!

"Why I'm in your clothes"I asked touching them.

They smelt just like him

"Well,your gown was soaked so.."He stated.

"So you changed them?"I asked with a raised brow.

"Sort of"He replied scratching the back of his head.

"I deserve a thank you"He smirked.

Annoying brat

"Thank you for what exactly?!"I snapped.

"For saving your life,duh!"He stated.

"Well,you were the reason I slipped into that pool in the first place so it was your responsibility to rescue me"I yelled.

"Oh!So now you blame me?!"He whispered yelled.

"Yes,I blame you,she kissed you,why didn't you reject the kiss?!,I deserve an apology"I snapped.

"Come get it from my ass"He smirked.

"I'm so going to kill you"I sneered.

"I will like to see you try"

"Shut up!!"

"No,you shut up"

"I won't"

"You won't shut up?!"

"Nop and there is nothing you gonna do about it"

I kept ranting and blabbering until he rolled his eyes and locked his lips with mine to shut me up.

Yummy lips

Ewww he just kissed Joan

"You should have shut up"He smirked.

I didn't know when I raised my hand and slapped the smirk off his face.

How dare he?!

"How dare you kiss me when you just had a makeout session with your girlfriend!!"I yelled.

"Ouch!!I just wanted some sugar, Muffin"He stated with a smirk again.

Arrrgh he is soo annoying!!

"And she is not my girlfriend"He added.

"Whatever"I rolled my eyes as I stood up.

"Where are you going?"He asked holding my hand.

"Anywhere away from you"I stated flinging my hand out of his.

"The party is not over and you want to go out there with what?!"

"An oversized shirt?!"He chuckled.

He's right

"Where are my actual clothes?"I asked with folded arms.

"They are wet"He stated.

"Then dry them"I yelled.

"They are not my clothes so I'm not going to do that"He smirked.

I'm so going to beat him up

"You are so annoying"

"And you are so adorable"

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"


"Never?"He chuckled.

"I can't deal with you anymore"

"This is the best birthday gift ever"

"Oh,I completely forgot it was your birthday,I'm sorry"I apologized.

"But I am still angry"I added.

"Apology accepted"He grinned.

We decided to sit and talk,I asked him about the woman he spoke to and he told me everything.

"Few years ago"He beginned.

"My mum left us when I was 4,I didn't know why she left,but my dad said she left because he had absolutely nothing back then and she didn't want to deal with a poor man,she didn't bother to take me along,to show you the level of her love for me.."He paused.

"My dad was left devasted for months,I watched him call and beg her to come back that if she was around,she could support him to be a better man in life but she blocked his number and changed her line later on,making her unreachable for years"He paused heaving a sigh.

I touched his hands to comfort him

"Later on,my dad dated his secretary and got her pregnant who is his wife today,she maltreated me when my father wasn't always around,I grew up hating my mum for abandoning me to suffer,I hated my dad for marrying a gold digger and a witch and of course I hated Maria who is my stepmom with passion because of her maltreatment,my dad bumped into my mum in my step mum's supermarket,she apologized immediately she realized who he was, well my mum is also rich and single too but my dad is obviously richer,when my dad told me,I wanted him to tell her I was dead so she would never think of having me back but she decided to show up on my 18th birthday to apologize"He stated.

"That's horrible,I thought she was dead"I remarked sadly.

"Well,I made everybody believe my mum was dead except Mason and Joan,they was the only one who knew"He said.

"You and Joan seem pretty close"I fake smiled.

"She's my Dad friend's daughter,so we are quite close,she was always there for me to keep company when I was little"He stated.

"Oh,no wonder she pulled you into a kiss when she saw you down"I replied looking downwards.

"It isn't a big deal"He shrugged.

"It was assertive"I stated.

"Assertive?"He asked.

"Wait,are you jealous?!"He added.

"What?!,hell no"I lied looking elsewhere.

"You guys will make really cute babies"I remarked.

No jokes they will really make cute babies

"We are never going to do that"He said before he walked out.

"Aren't you going back to your party"I inquired.

"Nay, it's more of a business meeting than a birthday party"He chuckled and I giggled at his words.

The party ended,cake,food and drinks were brought to Jace's room and I ate all of them,his father offered us to sleepover but we kindly declined and went home,Jace even followed us home and we spent the weekend together.

Michelle's POV


I screamed so loud when my zip pulled out from my skirt,it was Monday morning,my day hasn't even started yet and it was already ruined.My siblings came running thinking something must have happened to me

"Michy,what's wrong"

"Ogre,why did you scream like that"

"Shut up,Donkey"I glared at Mason.This wasnt the time to call me names,I was in a bad state.

"My zip got spoilt"I explained looking at the mirror.

"Wear your spare skirt then"Maya said as she ate part of her breakfast.

"It's wet"I whined.

We were already late and it was obviously because of me,I slept quite late the previous night doing all my assignments which I could have done on Saturday but I completely forgot.We were so going to get heavy punishment,to make matters worst,I was a senior!!

You are in alot of trouble

I know that!!

"Since your spare skirt is wet and this one right here is completely bad,you can wear mine"She grinned.

There was no way I was going to wear hers, it's extremely short.

"No way,it's too short,it will bring too much attention from students and lectures from teachers"I stated with a frown.

"Is either you wear mine or you wear this and get to hold it every minute from avoiding it falling down at school"She replied with her arms folded.

"She has a point"Mason added.

"No,I'm not wearing any,I will just skip school"I faltered with the knowledge that my mum wouldn't allow me do that.

"Mum!!!Michelle wants to skip school today"Mason yelled to the hearing of my mum.

"She wouldn't dare"My mum yelled back.

"Son of a....."I threw my shoes at him.

"Bitch? I dare you to complete it"He smirked.

I paused when I realized I almost insulted my mum.

Curse my mouth!!

I decided to wear my sister's skirt since we were getting late, infact we were extremely late,my siblings kept ranting on how they were going to kill me if they got punished for late coming.Guess what?!We got to school when assembly was over,I got deadly glares from my siblings as we got punished,the teacher even insulted me for wearing such a short skirt to school on a Monday morning.

It's not my fault

I was so pissed that I didn't realize I passed the wrong way to my class,I had to pass science class first before getting to my class and boy o boy,my ears had to listen to the gossips of the girls about my skirt and alot of whistles from the boys in science class .


I finally got to class without any other teacher seeing me and of course giving me lectures about my skirt,when I got to class, everybody gathered round my seat,I wonder what happened?!

Did Olivia faint?!

I rushed to my seat to find out what was going on,all eyes instantly turned, accessing me

Actually your skirt

"Why are you wearing that?"

"Damn!You look hot"

"Are you planning on seducing us?!"


"Maybe she heard about the new boy and decided to dress hot for him"Ifeyinwa smirked.

The whole class bursted into laugh

God I hate that girl so much and you know it !!

New boy?!

Everybody left for their seats leaving Olivia,a handsome face and I alone.He quickly introduced himself to me.

"I'm Lucas and you must be Michelle,I have heard alot about you in just 15 minutes"He grinned.

Lucas was dark skinned,tall and extremely alluring,he had brown eyes,his hair cut was lit and yes his smile was totally.....


Something like that

He seemed nice,doesn't seem like a player unlike.....

I don't want to mention his name

"You are exaggerating,how can you know so much about a person in 15 minutes"I stated as I sat on my seat.

We continued talking,Olivia and I enjoyed his company,he was really nice and fun to be with.

"He seems nice"Olivia whispered yelled when Lucas had left.

"That's what you said about Ifeyinwa and how did it end"I glared at Ifeyinwa without her knowledge.

"People are different"Olivia shrugged.

"You do make a point"I nodded.

"I always do and I think he will make a nice male bestfriend"She smirked.

The rest of the day till breaktime went well,I silently prayed none of my teachers would send for me.

"Senior Michelle,Mrs Lucy sent for you"A junior said after greeting the class.

God why?!

"Okay"I muttered as I walked out of the class to the staff room.

On my way,I kept dragging the skirt down hoping it will atleast increase in length and I prayed that God would blindfold their eyes so they won't see it,I wasn't in for alot of lectures,most of the teachers had already left for their classes leaving only few in the staffroom,they were too engrossed that they didn't respond to my greeting,I walked to Mrs Lucy's table.

"Good afternoon,Ma"I greeted her.

"Mich,how are you?Your test scripts are over there,you can get them and distribute to the class"She stated as she pointed towards the script.

It seemed God was answering my prayers or so I thought.I quickly took the script and was one step from the door and Mrs Lucy called me back.

"Why are you wearing that?"She accessed me.

"Well,it is my sister's"I replied nervously.

"Don't you have yours"She asked taking off her glasses.

"I do have but my zipper pulled out today and my spare skirt wasn't available so I had to wear hers"I explained.

"Well,that explains it,don't wear that again,you can leave"She said going back to whatever she was doing.

"Thank you,Ma"I grinned and left.

It wasn't as bad as I thought

Jace's POV

Since the appearance of my mum,I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Duh!!She's your mother

Stop sounding like Michelle!!

Wait what?!

School was horrible,,I passed all my tests very well but I was quiet the whole day,I was still thinking of my mum,maybe she has truly changed.

I got a text which disconnected me from my train of thoughts.

Dad,3:45PM:Son,I will like to speak with you,come over to the house.

Me,3:46PM: Okay.

I got to my dad's house 15 minutes later on,my dad and I engaged in conversations about school,his business and other things,we were still discussing when my mum and a girl of 14-15years walked in.

"Good evening,Sir"The light-skinned girl greeted.

I wonder who she is

"Evening,my dear,please sit down"He gestured for them to take a seat.

I completely ignored my mum,trying to get busy with my phone,her sight irritated more than the sight of Maria.

Yes I do hate her that much

"Son,your mother has something to discuss with us"My dad said gaining my attention.

"Okay, I'm listening"I replied with a straight face.

She cleared her throat before she told us her little story...

"You both will be wondering who she is and why I brought her,few years ago,when I left your dad,I found out I was pregnant with his child,I gave birth to the girl right here later on and we have been together for a while,I recently just told her about her family"She paused before continuing.

"She was excited that she had a father and a brother,she wanted to see you guys so bad"She stated.

"The 14 years I didn't spend with you,I spent it with her"She said directly to me.

"If you don't mind,I would like for her to stay with you both,it would be selfish if I decide to keep her away for so long"She said with a straight face.

"I'm remarrying and the man I'm getting married wanted to start a new family,he didn't want another man's child to live in his house considering the fact that her father is still alive,so I brought her to stay with you"She added.

How can one be so selfish?!

"It's okay,I have always taken care of my kids, welcome to the family,you look so much like Jace"My dad grinned.

My sibling and I took over the looks of my dad and good thing,we have thesame resemblance with him,I certainly do not want to have any business with a self centered woman like my so called birth mother.

"What's your name?"I asked her.

"Jessica and I guess your name is Jason,I'm so glad to meet you"She grinned.

Jessie was light skinned,she has brown cat eyes just like me,she's of average height, actually petite but she was the beautiful version of me,if I must commend.

"Welcome to the family,Jessie,you now have an elder brother to protect you,how old are you?"I asked pulling her away from my mum.

"15"She replied with a huge smile on her face.

"Same age with Maya,I guess you have a friend already"I stated.

"Who's Maya?"She asked with all seriousness.

"My bestfriend's sister"I replied.

"So will you both live here or you rather live in your apartment?"My dad inquired facing me.

"My apartment"I stated.

"Why don't you both stay here?"He appealed.

"You kicked me out remember"I frowned.

"That was before"He said.

"We are okay,dad"I replied.

"In that case,I will make arrangements for her school and also hire a cook for you both,I can move you to my 3-bedroom apartment if you want"He remarked.

"There won't be a need to"

"Jason,let your father move you both to his 3-bedroom apartment,I mean it's his money,he isn't complaining"My mum added.

I glared at her,she has no right to make comments,she isn't part of my family anymore.

"Dad,there won't be a need to"I stated with a frown.

"It is not a request,it is a command"He frowned before making a phone call.

He was giving orders to some people concerning our movements and he also called my principal to inform him of my sister's transfer.

I have one awkward family!!.