Party trouble

Chapter 10

Michelle's POV

"Are you not done with Lucas's notes"Olivia asked for the third time,she was obviously tired of waiting,we had offered to update his notes for him since he came half of the term.

"Almost done,chillax"I grinned at my bestfriend who already had a bored expression on her face."You are too slow joor,infact give the notes to me,let me help"She offered stretching her hands to collect the notes."What's the rush?Are we going somewhere today"I inquired because it was Friday evening and we didn't have any event planned out.

"God in Heaven,any spirit of forgetfulness that want to affect my bestie,take it away in Jesus name, Amen"She prayed with on her knees on the floor.I giggled at her action,silly girl,I wonder where we were going?!

"Seriously,do we have anything planned out"I asked again,dying of curiosity.Olivia face palmed before she informed me about Jace's party,he was going to celebrate his younger sister,so she said.

"I'm not going"I shook my hand as in a big NO."Why?!"She asked pouting her lips and giving me puppy eye's looks.It wasn't going to work this time."Anytime,I'm around him,I end up crying or getting angry"I groaned in frustration."That's what you get for crushing on a player"Olivia chuckled;I rolled my eyes at her words,well she was right after all.

"I'm still not going"I maintained my stand,his presence or his actions were going to affect me in a good or bad way if he was around me."He isn't toxic,just so you know"She grinned,since when did she start taking his sides.

"Come on,Michy,pwetty please"She appealed;I couldn't resist it so I agreed,my acceptance made her jump on feet and scream,hugging and squashing me tightly."You know if I die,you won't be able to attend that party"I chuckled amidst our hugs,she was already dressed for the party,so she said,she wore a plain white t-shirt and a button up jean skirt,casual.

I walked to my closet since I was being forced to the party,I chose to wear a yellow crop top hoodie with ripped jeans and white sneakers,casual.Lucas walked into the room,few minutes after I changed into my outfit,I didn't know he was invited.

It's a party,you dimwit!!

So?Not everybody gets invited sometimes

"Hey,Sweetums!!,Who's ready for some party madness"He screamed with excitement,standing in front of us was my new found male bestfriend who happened to behave like a girl sometimes,I laughed at how he was so excited at the whole party cruise,he wore a red hoodie with blue jeans.

"Hoodie geng"He nudged my hips with his,leading to a high five and chuckles making Olivia roll her eyes and wonder where she knew us from.

School lol

We headed to the party with Lucas as our chauffeur,the house was already full of teenagers and some young adult,when we got there,Jace's dad and his stepmum didn't seem to be around,I guess they travelled and gave him permission to throw the party.Olivia has already been dragged by Mason to the dancefloor,I wonder when those two started getting along,I was left with my charming Lucas,we both started dancing while dancing,I searched for Jace,he can't get off my mind,I finally saw his figure amidst the dancing teenagers,I excused myself from Lucas to go meet Jace,I pushed through the crowd.

I was almost close to him when I saw a sexy bitch whispering something into his ears,something like a smirk appeared on his face after,in led lights,I guessed she whispered something nasty because he pulled her into a kiss immediately,sucking and devouring each other's lips,and there I was,not shocked or heartbroken either because I have seen him kissed multiple girls since he was 16,I just stood there emotionless,why can't he just have a normal conversation with a girl without their lips touching arrrghh!!

Seeing what was happening before my eyes and the thoughts of me liking a player and getting hurt over and over again made me boil up inside,if it was other days,I would cry but not today.I walked straight to the bar and grabbed a bottle of vodka and a glass

Okay I know it's not nice to drink but I really wanted to

I looked around in search of my best friends,they were having fun and I didn't want to disturb them,I took a shot and then another,I just wanted to forget whatever his name was......

But you still like him..


I saw a figure approaching me to take a seat and yeeeeeeaaaaahh,it was Joan,when she saw I was staring daggers at Jace and his bitch,a smirk crept into her pretty despicable face.

"Is someone sad?!"She asked with sarcasm in her voice;she just came to rub salt in my wounds, annoying bitch!"What do you want ?!I'm not sad and why do you care?!"I glared at her,her presence made me sick to the stomach."No silly,I don't actually care, it's just that anytime I see that hope in your eyes that you and Jace would ever be an item always make laugh,don't tell me you are that dumb"She said feigning pity for me."Jace has known me all his life and so have I,I have been with him in his happy and even worst state that I'm sure you haven't seen,we have spent alot of time together while growing up and even now but he doesn't even have a bit of feelings for me and you actually think just because you have had little moments with him,he will actually fall in love with you,and that will change everything,where has your feelings for him gotten you ?!Nowhere but unrequited love,once a player is always a player,sweetie"She added,her tone sounded as if she was bitter.Ofcourse she was bitter.When the led lights flashed red,I could see she was angrier than ever,she looked scary maybe it was the alcohol.

"You are wrong and if you are saying all these to make me backoff in this game then you just have try much harder, whenever you are done ranting,you can get your ass out of here"I snapped at her,she rolled her eyes and left.When she left,I looked towards Jace's direction,he was busy doing his business and here I was in a total mess all because of him,I reflected on Joan's words,maybe she was right after all.

I grabbed the bottle of vodka,the glass, stood up and left for the pool hoping it will be less rowdy so I could reflect on everything and probably dip into the water.

You can't swim remember!!

Less people were at the pool side and I was glad about that,I sat down on the floor,I took a shot and then another,thinking of nothing but just him.He is always on my mind arrrrggghh,I kept drinking and after a while,it started having effect on me,all I could see was stars...I don't know....

A pair of big hands carried me on their broad shoulders,I was too weak to fight whoever it was,I only managed to ask who it was."Who is this?"I giggled touching the back of his tuned body."Lucas"He replied."You have a nice ass"I stretched and smacked his ass earning chuckles from him."I bet yours is bigger and better"He teased.I grinned at his words,if Jace doesn't like me,maybe he wasn't worth it,maybe Lucas was the one,maybe....

Enough with the maybes!!

Jace's POV

I saw her push against the crowd with tears in her eyes and a bottle of vodka and a glass in both hands,I wondered what the reason was?!I have never seen her drink before,I excused myself from the boys and followed her at a distance,she was heading to the pool,when she got there,she sat on the floor and kept on drinking,she didn't stop,I wanted to rush there and snatch the bottle from her but I thought against it.After a while,she stopped drinking,she started talking and giggling to herself,when I saw she was in a terrible drunken state,I went straight to her and took her to my old room.

"What was your reason for drinking?"I asked in a very concerned tone."It doesn't matter,it's not that important"She stated staggering towards me.I rushed to hold her from falling,she looked really beautiful and cute even in her drunken state


"Come on,Chelle,tell me,I'm your bestfriend remember"I lied,having the feeling that she would be open and free to Lucas than she would be with me."Why do you look like Jace?"She squinted her.I looked away before she would recognize me,I really wanted to know the reason for her drinking."I drank because the one person I happen to have a crush on is player,is it bad that I'm falling for a player,I mean he is always with tons of girls,either sucking their tongue or banging them,why did I ever think he would like me?"She giggled and shook her head at her words.My eyes widened at the realization of what she just said,was she trying to say that she has a crush on me,nah!but what if,she actually did."And that happens to be who?I asked just wanting to be sure of what she was saying."Jace"She managed to say before sleeping off.

This is......amazing?


I can't describe it

Wait why are you happy?

I mean we have made out before,but I felt it meant nothing to her and she would never feel a thing for a loser like me.

Maybe I felt something for her as well but I wasn't sure of it.

I woke up with a banging hangover only to see a pair of hazel eyes staring at me,I scratched my eyes and blinked thrice,looking around to make sure I wasn't dreaming,my eyes widened when I realized I wasn't dreaming and the fact that Jace wasn't far away from me infact he was on the same bed with me wearing only trousers and singlet.I quickly raised the duvet to check if I was naked or not,thank goodness,I wasn't naked,my action made him burst into laughter,what's funny ?I asked myself.

"You actually thought I raped you ?"He asked still laughing,showing his perfect set of white teeth."Did I say anything stupid last night?I asked with my hands on my head,squinting my eyes.

"Oh,yes you did,you confessed your undying love for me"He smirked,he was obviously lying.I remembered my reason for my drinking the previous night,the anger just happened to boil up once more.

"Take your meds,so you can feel better"He said,his hands with drugs and a glass of water.The anger was aggravating,how could he behave as if he wasn't the guy I saw last night sucking a girl's lips,I knocked the drugs from his hands and yelled at him.

"Just leave me!!You are just a guy who leads girls on,flirt with everyone then messes with their feelings!!"I snapped before I walked out of the room without waiting for a reply.

Those words actually came out of your mouth to your crush?!

I didn't know where I was going but I just wanted to be far away from him,that's not possible you know,I know that !!I heard my name being called from behind,it seemed he ran after me.

"Muffin!!Wait"He called out for unteempt time."Muffin,stop!!"He called out again,I didn't bother to listen or even stop."Michelle,get back here now!!"He yelled in an angry tone.

Did he just yell at me ?!

I flinched and turned swiftly,walked back to him.

"Did you just yell at me?!"I snapped at him,staring daggers at him,if looks could kill,Jace would be 6 ft below.

"Yes I did,do u have an objection to that?!"He asked as he lowered himself to my height.

Annoying MF!!!

That you like and probably in love with !!

Shut up!!!

Before I could reply,I was swept off the floor and placed on his shoulders like a bag of rice,I struggled like a fish caught in a net to get out of his grip but he was just too strong and I likey.

"Stay still or I will spank your ass and I'm sure you wouldn't want me to do that"He stated,I could imagine a smirk on his face when I decided to stay still and stop struggling.

He took me back to his room and dropped me gently on his bed,he brought out a plate of the sweet potato porridge he had made earlier and meds for me to take.

"My hangover has gone"I said with my face elsewhere,I didn't want to look into his hypnotic eyes."Muffin, please"He appealed in the sweetest tone ever."First,admit the fact that you were and you are a total dick!"I said with a straight face not wanting to laugh."I am total huge dick"He smirked at his words.

I let out a gasp at his words,I decided to taste the food and it was delicious,"you are a nice cook"I said giving him a thumbs,he only grinned at my words,I took my meds after my breakfast and wanted to chit chat with Jace but he insisted on me getting some rest,"Whatever Joan said to you last night,she was trying to get on your nerves,you aren't the first she has said that to and I don't mess with people's feelings especially yours,now get some rest and forget about it"He said patting my head and playing with my hair making fall asleep on his laps.


Lucas, Olivia and I decided to have a sleepover at his(Lucas) place,his house is almost like Jace's but alittle different,we talked,laughed, fought with pillows,ate and later chose to watch The Fault In Our Stars,the movie was so depressing especially the part of Hazel reading her eulogy to Augustus at his pre-funeral,Lucas and I burst into tears and let out a loud cry as I clung to his chest sobbing,Olivia shook her head at our action."Must you guys be overdramatic,he isn't dead yet and you guys are already crying"She chuckled with little drops tears in her face.

"Let us cry in peace"I sobbed with tears running down my face like tap.Lucas and I continued crying till the end of the movie like kids abandoned by the parents in the dark.

After the movie ended,Lucas requested that we hold a party at his place."Everyone is gonna be there right"I grinned at the thought of Jace being at the party."Why are you smiling like that"Olivia asked with a raised brow."Nothing"I bit my lips still smiling."Oh oh,you think I don't know,Jace is gonna be there,that's the reason right?!"She said with a smirk on her face.

"She has a crush on Jace Walker?"Lucas asked Olivia in a tensed tone."No,I don't"I giggled nervously at his question."Yes,you do,I don't get it,one minute you are cursing the poor boy,the next you are blushing j"Olivia argued.t was 3AM in the morning when I checked and we haven't slept yet


We were going to have dark circles in our eyes if we didn't get some sleep,since the next day was Sunday,we were going to sleep longer ,we had planned not to go to church,we didn't want to yawn and sleep while the sermon went on,that would be very embarrassing for our parents.

The rest of school days was quite stressful with teachers giving us tons of assignments,the week came to an end and finally party day was here,JSYK....

Sexy bitch mode activated

That's right !!

Olivia's parents weren't home,so I decided to dress up at her place,if my mum saw my dress,she would literally kill me, Olivia wore a short red V-neck

jumpsuit with net long sleeves while I wore a white criss cross back singlet with high waist jeans and ofcourse my jean jacket to cover up,this time I applied eye liner not just mascara and lipgloss.We were set for the party,I grabbed my lipgloss incase of necessity,you know.....and two long lollipops.We headed for Lucas's house,it wasn't really far from Olivia's place, music was already buzzing,teenagers going crazy wild.

Olivia and I took a seat kept by Lucas for us,we had non-alcoholic drinks,we observed everybody,not really in the mood to dance,maybe it was only me.Jace happened to sit opposite us,time for action,taking off my jacket,I excused myself with the lollipop in my mouth and walked to Jace,funny enough,he was alone

Away from girls and with his fellow gender

Perfect timing...

"Hiiii Jace"I said in a seductive tone."Heeeey"He replied with his eyes slowly checking me out.

Like what you see?...

Okay, I didn't actually say that aloud,sitting close to him with the lollipop in my hand,I licked it slowly from bottom to the top,locking my eyes with his,I used my tongue to swirl around the cap before popping it back into my mouth,moaning a little and sucking it like........his eyes on my lips or should I say lollipop,he took a cushion to cover his rising cock which I have already noticed,I smirked at the realization that a little torment could have effect on him.

Bringing himself back to reality,he tried to start a conversation," look.."He Jace Walker stammering,that's something you don't see everyday.

"Did I render you speechless?"I smirked touching his shoulder and trailing downwards with my nails to his elbows."Catch you later,Handsome"I winked at him before walking away stylishly.

Walking back to my best friends,a shocked expression was on their faces especially Lucas."When did you become so baaaad?!"Olivia asked in Jasper's voice."About fifteen minutes ago"I smirked.I turned to my left to see Lucas quiet more like zoned out.

"What's wrong with him?"I asked Ollie since she would be in a better position to answer."Let's just say, whatever you did had effect on him from this angle and he wished he was the lollipop"She giggled.

I chuckled at her words,well maybe it affected more than one person,I shook him back to reality."You are back,why did you do that?"He asked shifting alittle from me."I can always make you my lollipop"I winked at him.

Are you trying to flirt with your bestfriend?!


Ifeyinwa headed towards our seat with grin on her face probably to talk to Lucas but he didn't seem too interested,he excused himself from us to go meet the guys,his action made Olivia and I burst into laughter,we laughed like hyenas hitting each other as we laughed.We aren't drunk.

"What's so funny?"Ifeyinwa snapped at us.I guess she doesn't know how embarrassing that was.."you still have mouth to talk?"Olivia asked still laughing.I was too weak to exchange words with her."Bunch of mad people"she rolled her eyes before leaving.

"You are the one who is mad, idiot"I yelled at her figure.


We burst into laughter again but later stopped laughing when Mason pulled Olivia into the dance floor,leaving me alone to the eyes of.....
