Party panty

Chapter 11

Michelle's POV

I was scrolling through Instagram,when I raised my head to see Jace sitting besides me.That was quick.

"Hey,Muffin"He said with a mischievous smile on his face."Why are you here?"I scrunched my brows in confusion.

"I came to keep you company,seeing that your best-friends are nowhere to be found"He replied looking around for them."Oh,I see"I said before taking my drink in my hand and tapping on my phone.

"About the other night,did you really mean what you said?"He asked rubbing the back of his head."What did I say?"I asked nervously,hoping I didn't say any stupid thing the other night.

"That you really like me"He replied looking at me. I nearly choked on my drink on hearing those words,did I really say that?!Jesus,I confessed my feelings for him?Oh no,this is bad.

"What did you say?"I asked again,not sure of what my ears had heard."That you really like me"He stated."I was drunk"I managed to say.

"That's the whole point"He replied with his hands apart."Now that you aren't drunk,do you really like me?"He asked in a flirtatious tone.

I gulped at that question,"I don't know,maybe"I shrugged.

Maybe?You are denying your affections for him?Just great!

"Does it even matter"I added."Yes,it does"He replied.I shook my head at his words without replying him."What if,I like you"He stated with his eyes ogling all over me."Jace"I replied and gave him the are you serious?kind of look."What if,I want to date you"He continued with a smirk on his annoying cute face.

"Am I the next on your hit list?"I inquired."No,you are the next on the line to my heart,Muffin"He replied touching his heart.

God I want to kiss him right now...

Bitch,don't fall for this,it's a revenge/player scheme


I rolled my eyes at his words,stood up and walked away from him,hoping he would leave but non-can do Missy.

"Where you going?"He asked following me like a lost puppy."Away from you,stop following me like my disciple"I replied walking to the bar.

I sat on the chair and took a glass and grabbed a bottle of vodka."What do you think you are doing exactly?"He asked raising a brow.

"About to drink,duh"I replied sticking out my tongue at him."I don't think so"He grabbed the bottle off my hand.

"Why not?"I asked folding my arms like an angry child."Because you aren't supposed to"He grinned.

Ugh that smile...

"Who exactly are you to tell me what to do?My Dad?Older cousin?Uncle?Brother?"I asked glaring at him."At the moment,I don't have a title in your life neither do I have a relationship with you but very soon"He winked at me.I rolled my eyes.

"You are not the boss of me,so don't tell me what to do,now give me the bottle"I stated while hitting his hard chest before trying to grab the bottle.

"If you dare try to grab this bottle from my hand,I will call your elder brother"He threatened with a smirk.

"Elder brother?!We are twins!"I yelled amidst the loud music."But he is older than you"He folded his arms.

"With 3 to 5 minutes,duh"I replied before we both looked at Mason,the life of the party."You actually think he is gonna come here because of what?!"I added.

He ignored my statement and went silent.

"Aren't you supposed to be with one of your girls whom you plan on making out with tonight"I asked grabbing another bottle.On hearing this,a smirk crept to his face and then realization hit me.

He was already with that girl

"OH MY GOD,am I?are you?"I screamed with my mouth wide open."Stop overthinking it, Muffin"He grinned."I'm not overthinking"I groaned."Yes,you are"He replied touching my face.

"I hate you"I frowned poking his chest.

That's a big lie

I actually love you


Like you

We can always jump some steps

And get injured, yeah,I think I will pass.

"I know you love me and I love you more"He said winking at me.I roll my eyes and smile at his words,slowly my eyes moved to his lips and then stopped,observing it

Pink and yummy

I stare for a while and bit my lips unconsciously,he noticed my action,smirked and stood up,moving close to me

Dinner is almost ready people!!

His lips aren't food.

But they look....

Shut it.

He leans closer,I breath heavily

What's wrong with me?

I closed my eyes hoping he will actually kiss me and what happened on his birthday wouldn't repeat itself."If you want to kiss me,you can always ask"He whispers into my ear with a soft tone.

Damn the voice

I opened my eyes when I heard those words to see a smirk on his face


We locked our eyes in a gaze before his eyes moved to my lips,he touched my chin and wrapped his arm around my waist,pulling me closer,I looked into his hypnotic eyes.....

Michelle stop him

But I don't want to

Stop this,you are the girl he has planned to make out with tonight


Stop him

But I want to kiss him so bad.

"Jace?"Someone said from behind.

We both turned to look at Joan,I rolled my eyes when I saw her.

Show spoiler

Can't a girl have her moment?!

"Hey Pretty face"Jace replied with a smile.

Pretty face?

Okay fine,Joan is pretty so?!....

"Some of us are gathering to play Truth or Dare,you wanna come?"She asked,the question was directed to Jace.

"Sure,you wanna come?"Jace asked facing me.I hate that game but since I don't have anything doing....

"Yeah"I replied tagging along to another room with less music in the house. We walked into a room with a red LED light,quite nice..I sat next to Olivia,I looked around to find Lucas sitting close to Daniel and some boys from science class.

"So,Mason Truth or Dare"Joan started."Truth"He replied."Why are you close to your sister's bestfriend?"Joan inquired."because I like her"He asserted.

All eyes moved from Mason to Kim and then Olivia before they started whispering,I looked at Kim,anger, jealousy and pain was visible on her face,I nudged Olivia and whispered to her ears.

"Kim is gonna kill you"I said."Why?!I wasn't the one who confessed feelings,was I?"She asked.She has a point.

"Lucas,Truth or Dare?"Kim asked.

"Dare"He replied."Kiss one of your female best-friends for 2 minutes"She grinned.

Is this her plan to make Lucas kiss Olivia then make Mason jealous?!



"What kind of kiss?"He raised an eyebrow."French kiss"She smirked glaring at Olivia.

Grab your seatbelts people because things are about to go down....

Lucas stood up and walked towards Olivia and me?

He stopped infront of Olivia,he smiled at her and then turned to me,he moved alittle and stood right in front of me,I raised a brow at him because I was confused,he leaned close and we locked our eyes,what is he trying to do?

"Lucas,what are you doing?"I whispered breathing heavily."Relax,it's just a dare"He replied staring into my eyes.

"But.."I was cut short."Is it a crime to kiss my bestfriend?"He whispered."No"I replied in a low tone.

"Less talking and more kissing"Almost everybody said in unison.

Not helping guys.

What if this kiss ruins Jace's and I friendship?

He has kissed other girls and he doesn't own you so you have the right to do so besides it's just a dare.


Lucas angled his head to a side before claiming my lips,I closed my eyes immediately our lips locked,he kissed the top of my lips,then the bottom before grazing his tongue with mine,our lips moved in sync sucking each other's tongue and lips,he snaked his arm around my waist as soon he got my response,I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck then I remembered it wasn't Jace.

I broke the kiss as soon as the time was over,we caught our breath before locking our eyes and bursting into laughter.

"So,Lucas how was it?"Jerry,a boy from science class asked."Amazing and her lips tastes like strawberry"He replied licking his lips.

"Michelle,how was it?"Esther asked."It was minty and on a scale of 1-10,I will say 7, he's a good kisser"I grinned at Lucas.

"I wonder who you will give 10/10 to ?"Someone asked. I blushed at the question and moved my eyes to Jace,it seemed everybody followed the movement of my eyes and when it landed on Jace, the girls whispered while the boys talked aloud.

"Guy,I think your sister has a crush on your bestfriend"Ryan stated nudging Mason.He didn't reply,he just glared at me,I ignored his glare and stared at the pair of hazel eyes opposite me,a smile wore it's way to his face and later gave me the I knew you liked me kind of look.I grinned at him and

turned to see Lucas with a frown on his face.

What's wrong with him?

I heard the conversation of some girls from commercial class.

"I really pity Michelle"

"She is probably the next on his hitlist"

"Don't mind her,it will end in tears"

"She is only wasting her feelings because Jace doesn't date"

"They are using her to catch cruise"

I glared at them,the moment I heard those words.

"Atleast I haven't been used and dumped yet"I blurted eyeing them.

"And I'm not also the ones on his conquest list unlike some old hags"I added glaring at them.

"Used and dumped"I stated before clicking my tongue at them and looking away.

"Ryan, Truth or Dare?"Stephanie asked."Truth"He replied."Who is the sexiest in this room?"She asked."Michelle,she looks sexy AF tonight"He replied with his eyes ogling all over my body as though he wanted to eat me.His reply made the boys to check me out,I quickly wore my jacket because I felt uncomfortable.

"Dude!"Mason nudged."It's the truth"Ryan stated. Mason shook his head and chuckled at his words.

"Joan, truth or dare?"Daniel asked."Dare"She stated."Pick up your phone and put a call to crush"He replied.She picked her phone and Jace's iPhone rang. Everybody awwned at her action except Olivia and I of course.

"Olivia,Truth or Dare"Kevin asked.

"Truth"She replied.

"Have you ever cried in a movie,if yes,which one?"He asked.

"Five feet apart"She replied in a sad tone.

"Ifeyinwa,truth or dare"I asked.

"Dare"She asked blowing her fingers without looking at me.

"Take an embarrassing selfie and post it as your Instagram DP for two days"I smirked.

"Miche,calm down"

"Pity her"

"It's just a dare let her do it"

"You are wicked o"

"It's just 2 days"

Everybody argued amongst themselves. I cut them short with my next statement

"Or you drink a whole bottle of vodka"I smirked.

Revenge is sweet !!

She finally took the selfie and posted it,we burst into laughter when we saw it,she stared daggers at me,I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

"Daniel,truth or dare"Esther asked.


"Who has the nicest ass in this room?"

"Kim"Daniel grinned.

"I wanna tap that ass"He added which made few to gasp.

"Kim,truth or dare"Tobi asked.

"Dare"She replied.

"I dare you to let a Noah pour 3 glasses of water right on the boobs area of your shirt"Tobi smirked,ready to see things.

Noah poured water on her shirt making her boobs very visible in her white shirt,the guys were very uncomfortable by what they saw,I even saw Jace lick his lips when he saw her tits.

Jealous much?




It was Jace's turn.

"Jace,truth or dare"Leo asked.

"Dare"He replied.

I and few others gulped at his reply.

"Use this lollipop and describe how you suck tits for 60 seconds"Leo stated handing him a lollipop.

I wasn't surprised at the dare for the fact that Leo is 3rd baddest player and dude in senior rank and I'm sure you know who the 1st is...

Jace smirked when he took the lollipop from Leo

Oh geez

He unwrapped it with his teeth stylishly and popped it into his mouth...

Not bad at all

He brought it from his mouth and used his tongue to dance around the cap as the nipple of the lollipop,he slowly moved his tongue down to the bottom before licking it slowly....

I looked round to see girls biting their lips,few holding their shirt,some slowly removing their clothes unconsciously,Olivia bit her nails and funny enough I also bit my lips too unconsciously

He licked it slowly from the bottom to the top before popping it back and bringing it slowly sucking it,he repeated what I did earlier but alittle different,his action were making girls nuts....

I never knew it had much effect on girls than boys

The boys immediately stopped him before things got worst,he stopped.

"Are you girls alright?"He asked in a British accent. He smiled when he saw the effect he had on the girls,he looked round and when his eyes landed on me,he smirked.

I gulped.


Michelle's POV

"What subject do we have first today?"I asked my best-friends,we were on the hallway,we just finished assembly."Agricultural Science"Lucas replied checking his notebook.

"Agric?!Oh God,on a Monday?!"I frowned."We usually have Agricultural Science as first period on Monday,have you forgotten?You are the assistant class prefect,how can you forget?"Olivia asked walking behind Lucas and I.

"What kind of school is this?!"I frowned, asking nobody in particular.

"One of a kind"Lucas stated raising his face from his notebook towards me.

"Why do you have dark circles on your eyes"I asked Lucas as squinted my eyes."I slept very late last night"He replied yawning."Why?"I scrunched my brows.

"I copied my notes and spent the rest of the night solving that math assignment"He explained."I hate maths"I scoffed.

"Almost all art students hate maths"He chuckled."What maths assignment?"Olivia asked behind us.

We stopped in our track and turned to look at her,giving her are you okay ?kind of look.

"Math assignment?Maths assignment! Jesus,Mr Jerry is going to kill me!"She whispered yelled.

We both laughed at Olivia pulling her in between us."As your bestfriend,you can copy mine or we will both solve it together"Lucas spoke first,grinning.

"As your bestfriend,I can submit late because of you,I will make up an excuse,don't worry,now go"I grinned and used my hands to indicate their leave.

I grinned at them as they both walked away,my legs were about to move but I stopped when muscled arms snaked around my waist and I turned to see Jace and his despicable smirk.

"Jace,what are you doing?We are in school"I asked looking around.

"So?I'm only claiming what's going to be mine soon"He grinned. I blushed when I heard those words.

"Yours?"I asked smiling like an idiot."Yes,Mine"He replied in a sexy tone.

"Jason,we are in school"I rolled my eyes."You sound like my mum and if we are,so?"He said in disgust.

He really hates his mum

"You aren't scared because Principal is related to your dad"I replied before walking away.

I was drawn back,making my hands hit his hard chest,my eyes widened and I looked round to see if teachers were around,luckily they were all downstairs probably talking about...

Whatever shit

"Now Muffin,where do you think you are going?"He asked with arms on my waist.

I need help....

"To class?!"I replied trying to move away.

"Okay,see you later,Muffin"He pecked me on my cheeks,winked before walking away.

I'm the one supposed to walk out not the other way round...ugh

I touched my cheeks and then looked at my hand before blushing and walking to my class.

Agricultural science class was usually held in science class,I walked to science class after dropping my bag,most students has already left including Olivia and Lucas.

I don't know about other students but after Economics,the next subject that sucks big time is Agric Science...

I hate it

I actually hate it,I just find it boring maybe because of the teacher but whatever

I walked into the class after greeting the teacher and took a seat with Lucas and Olivia not without staring at Jace who already ran his eyes all over me,did his signature wink before looking away.

So much effects.....

I tried concentrating in the class but couldn't,I kept turning back and looking at Jace and he obviously didn't notice...

What's happening to me?

"Michelle,pay attention!"Mr. Peters's authoritative voice jolted me to face him."Sorry,sir"I stuttered.

The lecture continued with multiple words that weren't sinking into my brain because of what and who?!


I looked back one more time to look at his beautiful eyes,he smiled and gestured me to pay attention,I turned to the front and remembered the first time I saw those eyes....

"So this is my home,I live with my mum and two annoying lovely sisters"I heard Mason's voice from downstairs talking to someone. I walked out of my room to see who he was talking to..I walked slowly downstairs to the living room to meet Mason with a guy who was looking around the house.

"Guy,this is my twin sister,Michelle"Mason grinned nudging the boy beside him.

The boy slowly turned and when he saw me,a smile wore it's way to his face,when I saw him,it was left speechless,standing in front of me was a beautiful pair of hazel eyes and nice physique for a boy his age,wow...

"Are those contact lenses?"I managed to ask."No,they are actually my eyes"He grinned."Wow"That was all I managed to say. Still lost in the moment,he introduced himself, stretching his hands."I'm Jace"He said with a charming

"I'm Michelle"I replied taking his hands and holding it for awhile. We locked our eyes before Mason coughing

"You attend our school?"I asked,hoping he does."Yes,I just resumed"He replied."Okay"I smiled before walking away.

"Your sister is pretty"I heard him say to Mason."Yeah and I'm hot,don't play mind games with her,don't even plan any dirt game"Mason warned jokingly.

"Michelle,do you mind sharing with the class,what you were thinking about"Mr Peters said,he was obviously angry.

Words didn't seem to come out from my mouth,thank goodness,I was saved by the Bell indicating that the class was over. Mr Peters warned me before he left the class,I apologized before copying whatever he explained on the board.All non-science students has already retreated to their classes except me,I didn't bother to hurry since staffs were holding meeting.

"Do you mind sharing what you were thinking about,Muffin"Jace said with his hands on the table,his figure was obstructing my view.

"You are obstructing my view"I stated politely avoiding his eyes."But I'm the view"He replied turning my face to his.

"By the way,if you keep looking sexy every single day,I won't be able to help myself"He smirked.

How am I sexy in this horrible uniform?

Oh my skirt...

"Really?"I asked.

"Yeah,so who were you thinking about?Me?I'm honoured"He said taking a bow.


I rolled my eyes and continued writing...

"Stop rolling those sexy eyes at me,do you want to hang out today at my place,we can watch a movie"He grinned.

"Sorry,I can't,tomorrow is school and I have to tutor Lucas in Government"I explained before leaving for my class.


"Good evening,mum"we greeted our mum as soon as we got home.

"Welcome,go freshen up,then you both meet me here in 15 minutes"She said to Mason and I in a serious tone.

I wonder what's wrong...

We freshened up and went downstairs to meet our mum,she gestured for us to take a seat,she cleared her throat before she started talking.

"One of your classmate's mother went through her phone and found videos of the party,you kids go to"She said with a frown on her face.

I hope they didn't record Lucas and I kissing or I will be officially dead.

My heart beat increased at a very fast rate as she continued

"You kids,drink and play stupid games"She continued looking at me. I gulped when she stared at me with disgust.

"I'm not always around because of my work and I'm very sure that's the reason for this misbehavior,the parties or sleepovers you both have been to is enough to last for 6 months,I'm taking a leave,I will be in this house for a month,as of tomorrow if you want to see someone let them come here,only Jace and Olivia are allowed to visit without my permission if you want to bring someone else you let me know,if you want to go out,you let me know,now get out!!"She yelled.

I jolted when she yelled

No more hanging out?

My life is about to get boring

Social media got your back

"But mum...."Mason was cut short.

"The next time I see any funny thing in your room,just know that you are a goner"She glared at him,making him go silent and leave for his room.

"And you,a boy is coming over right?"She asked looking towards me.

"There won't be a need to,I will just cancel"I stuttered.

"Better and don't try to play smart with me,I'm monitoring you and I'm very sure you know the kind of mother that gave birth to you,last warning!"She stated before signalling me to leave.

I guess my strict mother is back.....

I'm so happy ......................

No, I'm gonna cry on my life

Ugh....I hate Mondays.