
Chapter 14

Michelle's POV

Exam week finally came to an end,I just finished my last paper,I headed to my class in excitement as the bell was rung for the end of exam for everybody,we headed to our various classes talking with our friends about the exam,I got to class and everywhere was already noisy.


"Chelle!"Olivia screamed,running towards me and hugging me."My madam!"I hailed her."How are you and where is Lucas?"I asked looking around.

"He is with the guys in science class"She replied."Okay,so how was Agricultural Science and CRS?"I asked,waiting for the complains to follow.

"Mtchww,I couldn't finish CRS no time,that woman just packed Narrate this Narrate that, explain this explain that,State state,mtchww!"She complained.

"As for Agric,mtchwww!Rubbish,I wonder why I even offered that subject sef"She hissed,I bursted into laughter,holding my stomach,she was right about CRS and Agric exam,those two subjects are something else.

"I got gist o"I grinned."About what?"She raised a brow.

We sat on our seat because I was tired of standing.

"You know that boy David ?"I said more like a statement than a question.

"Which David?I know many Davids's "

"David in SS2 na"

"I don't think I know him"She replied still confused.

I rolled my eyes before answering her.

"Chidi! That boy that was wooing you that time or have you forgotten?!"I explained.

"Oh oh!That idiot!" She hissed."Olivia!That's someone's child"I frowned,hitting her.

"And so?!He behaves like a tout and he's very notorious,he will be forming Bad boy,mtchwwww!"She cursed. I shook my head,"Anyways,he couldn't finish his last paper which I think was Biology or Physics I'm not sure because he cheated"I told her and her eyes widened.

"Serves him right"She stated smirking.

"What's your own with that boy ?!"

"Nothing,it's just that his own is too much"

"Or is it because after you rejected him,he planned to deal with you"I said chuckling.

"It's you that knows that one"She frowned before walking away.

Angry Olivia

"Let's go downstairs for assembly so I can finally go home,I'm so tired"I grinned,keeping my arm around her shoulders.

We gathered for assembly,we sang,prayed and danced to Thank God for a successful end of term,the Principal ended it with his many many boring talk with some other teachers adding irrelevant nonsense to his talk.

"I will miss you girls,so much"Lucas frowned,pouting his lips."Dumb dumb,we are hanging out at your place tomorrow, remember?"Olivia reminded him as she hugged him.

"Besides,the trip is like 2-3 days from now,so we are gonna see even after tomorrow"I added,joining in the bear hug,I sniffed Lucas,he smelt nice.

I feel like staying here for awhile

He's not Jace,get off

I pulled out,Lucas had a huge smile on his cute face.

"Great,I get to see your pretty faces again"He said,pulling our cheeks."See you later"He grinned and winked at me before leaving to meet the boys.


Not us,why ?!

"Is it just me or Lucas just winked at you"She stated with a smirk on despicable cute face."You are not serious,it's just a wink"I shrugged.

"I feel a chemistry between you both"She smirked.


"I'm just saying"She stated,her left hand rubbing her neck nervously.

"My mum's here,bye Olie"I hugged her before dragging Mason to the car.



"Hello,please who's this?"I asked the caller because the number was unknown.

"It's Dad"

No wonder the voice sounded familiar

"Good evening,Daddy,how are you?"I asked as I headed to my room.

"I'm fine,how are you doing?"

"I'm great,I just got back from school"

"Okay,your Principal called to inform me about a trip that SS3 students were going,I transferred cash to Nero's account but he transferred it back to me"

Mason! Stubborn as always

"So I paid the payment for the trip to your school account,I also sent you money for your small chops plus money for shopping with Nero's money as well,just keep it for him,if it's not enough,let me know and also let me know when you get the alert"

"Thanks,Dad"I thanked him,smiling like an idiot.

What money can do

"How's your mum and my little girl,Maya?"

"They are fine"

"Okay,I'm still at the office so take care"


As soon as he ended the call,I was about to drop my phone,when I got the alert of 50k

Wait that means I get 20k while Mason gets 30k ?!

I disagree,he doesn't even look like who will accept the money but I will tell him anyways,if he rejects,that's his luck,more money,more flexing on point.

"Mason!Daddy just sent me 50k for both of us"I grinned as I got to his room. "Good for you"He replied still facing his game."Maybe you didn't hear well,he sent it for both of us for our trip to PH"I stated.

"I don't want,keep it to yourself,Mum is going to give me money so I don't want his"He frowned,pausing his game.

Okay o

"Okay"I mumbled,leaving his room.

I told my mum that my dad had paid for our trip and sent us money,she seemed uninterested just like Mason.

Well I don't blame them,I totally understand why

I sighed and went back to my room after my conversation with Mum,I'm supposed to be angry and uninterested as well but

Money stops nonsense

That's a lie.


I was getting ready to leave for Lucas's house,we were going to hang out remember?!

"Hey babe"


I removed the phone from my eyes to check the caller ID


"What's taking you so long? Olivia's is already here,hurry up"

"Give me 10mins I will be there"I appealed,wearing my jeans.

"Okay,see you lera"


"Byeee"I giggled before ending the call.

I quickly wore buttoned my jeans and put on a blue offshoulder top, grabbed my purse and hurried to my mum's room to inform that I was going out.

"Bye mum"

"Be back before..."

"5pm,I know"

I got to Lucas's house with a Taxi,I was about to ring the door bell when the door opened with Lucas standing there,wearing a black top and a Jean,he was looking cute as f*ck,he smirked when he saw me.

Something's fishy

"I don't like that look"I frowned as I got into his house."Where's Olivia?I don't see her anywhere"I said as I looked around his awesome house.

"She's upstairs in my room"

"Your room?"

"Yeah, anything wrong?"He asked."Nop"I replied popping the P.

"Okay,let's go upstairs then"I gestured towards the stairs."Give me a sec"He appealed.

He opened the fridge and brought ShopRite nylon out.

He bought ICECREAM

"I bought our favorites,Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate!"He grinned."The rest things are upstairs,come on,let's go"He grabbed my hands and we went upstairs.

We got into his room and his room was huge and it wasn't messy like other boy's rooms,it was tidy, everything was in order.


My eyes went down to see lot of things he had gotten alot of things from ShopRite including PIZZA!!!

I was distracted by the sweet things he got,I didn't realize Olivia wasn't in the room.

"Where's Olivia?"I asked as he locked his door.

Why is he locking his door?!

Maybe he doesn't want any disturbance

Or maybe he wants to rape you

Stop overthinking.

"She hasn't come yet"He replied as he sat on his king sized bed."Why did you lie?"I asked hitting him hard."Ouch,I knew if I told you Olivia hasn't come yet,you would stay at home"He explained,rubbing his shoulders.

He's right

"Not true, anyways I guess she will be here anytime,so what should we do till she comes because we can't eat all these without her"I stated.

"We could watch a movie or play video games or whot card"He suggested.

"Or we could lick our icecream and leave hers"I suggested, grinning.


"By the way,why did you lock the door?"I asked, curiosity was eating me up badly.

"No reason"


"What?No reason"

"Then unlock it if there's no reason"I frowned.

"No,I'm not doing that"

"Why?! Nevermind,I will do it myself"

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door to unlock it,before I got there,he was already backing the door,blocking me from unlocking it.

"Lucas!Why did you lock the door?"I folded my arms, feigning anger.

"You want to know the reason?"


He started walking slowly away from the door to me,with every step he took towards me,I was walked back slowly until I stood in front of his bed and he was right in front of me,I wasn't aware that I was already in front of his bed or maybe I forgot.

I tried to move back but I fell backwards on his bed and he fell on top of me.

"Lu-cas"I called his name in a low tone,he let out a moan when I called his name.

"You still want to know the reason"He asked looking into my eyes. I couldn't reply,I went numb.

"I don't want anyone to disturb us"He whispered into my ears as he leaned close with his body pressing mine.

I gulped when I heard those words,his deep voice sent shivers all over my body not to talk of the fact that his body is pressed against mine,I tried to stop breathing but I ended breathing heavily,he moved from my ears to my neck,his nose tickling my neck,making my shoulder move slightly to my neck.

"Mich-e-lle"He said in a very low tone.

Somebody please stop this

His eyes met my lips,he licked his lips before leaning to kiss them,I shut my eyes.

This isn't a dare,so what's happening?!


That was the sound I heard before opening my eyes to see Lucas on the other side of the bed laughing his heart out,his hands were on his stomach,he was trying to control his laughter but he couldn't,I just looked at him with a confused look on my face.

What's going on?!

"You should have seen the look on your face"He said amidst laughter."You were so weak that you couldn't even do anything,all you could say was Lu-cas"He added,mimicking how I called his name,he was still laughing.

So this was a prank,Thank God.

I was so furious that I didn't know when I climbed him and started hitting him.

"Woah woah,wait "He begged still laughing.

"I'm so going to kill you"I continued hitting so hard but he was still laughing which made me more furious.

"You do know what you are doing right?"He said still laughing. I looked at him with a confused dumb look

Has he gone nuts?!

I stopped when something poked me,Holy Molly,I was straddling him,I quickly apologized as I got off,looking embarrassed,he was still laughing.

"I'm sorry"I stuttered,looking away."It's okay,I kinda of enjoyed it"He smirked.

Why wouldn't you?!

He was about to say something when we heard a knock on his door,he quickly stood up to open the door,it was Olivia,I was so happy when I saw her,I walked to hug her.

Remind me never to stay alone with Lucas

"Why was the door locked?"She raised her brow,looking at both of us.

We didn't have an answer to that question so we distracted her with the things Lucas had bought,she still asked after we had finished licking our icecream,I told her after all we didn't do anything bad,did we ?!

Oh should I remind you


"I can't wait for tomorrow,we are going to PH,I can't wait,I need to buy alot of things from SPAR and ride horses at the beach"Olivia screamed,jumping up and down.

And I can't to spend time with Jace without Joan being around

"What about the Museum and Garden City Amusement Park?"I asked.

"Have you googled about the Museum,trust me,you wouldn't want to be there"

"Let's swap Genesis Centre with the Museum please" They begged

"Okay fine"

We spent the rest of the day playing video games,eating lots of lots of junk

food and watching Zootopia

Best cartoon ever !.