Senior's trip

Chapter 15

Michelle's POV

I stood in front of my mirror observing my outfit,I wore a white top with a denim penciled dungarees and my white sneakers,I applied mascara and lipgloss as usual,I loosed my hair the previous night and stretched it,ready to showcase my 15 year old afro hair.

Yap I have never cut my hair before it grew with me since I clocked 2 as a toddler

I quickly packed it into a neat bun,I didn't want to let it down because of the heat it would create,I won't stop touching my hair and last but not the least if I let my hair down, people will start touching it especially the boys,they wouldn't miss an opportunity to touch or drag my hair.

"Michelle!For the last time,get out of your room,why are you wasting time?We are going to be late"Mason yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!"I yelled back from my room,I checked the time,we had 20 minutes left,I quickly locked my mini box,locked my room and went downstairs to meet my family.

Maya had a sad look on her face,seemed she was going to miss us

"Come on,it's just 3 days"I hugged her.

"I will miss you guys especially...

"Me,I know,I will miss you too,don't worry I will buy alot of things from SPAR for you"I said still hugging her.

Mason was talking to my mum about something,he wore a black hoodie with denim jeans

What is it with boys and black ?!

"When you guys get there,call me okay "My mum said as she dropped us at school.

"No misbehaviour,I'm watching you both"She glared at us.

Let me guess,she told Miss Lucy to keep an eyes on us

That one that will use opportunity to romance Mr Jerry,she will be too busy.

They are cute together tho

"Okay mum,Love you,byee"We said as we waved her goodbye.

Olivia ran to meet me,she helped keep my luggage inside the bus,she wore a yellow crop top with black high waist trousers,her hair was let down.

See your mate

Her case is different,hers is relaxed,mine is not!

Do you want me to die of heat?!



Everybody was already seated in the bus,I guess we came late,good thing Mason's friends kept a seat for him if not he would have killed me.

I sat down at the back,next to Lucas who was close to the window,he seemed so happy,he wore white long sleeves and blue jeans,he just had a new haircut which made him more attractive,I haven't seen Jace yet or maybe I have gone blind.

He's sitting next to your brother,you dumbdumb

How would I see him?

He wore black as well as Mason so that was the reason for me not seeing him,he smiled when he saw me and I did same.

"I can't believe we are going all the way to PH with a bus crested with Dayspring International School,so embarrassing"She whined.

"You know you can always come down and enter public transport or better still your driver can drive you,we will meet at that side"I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

Lucas chuckled which made Olivia send him a deadly glare and he went silent at once.

"We aren't going to the museum again"Lucas told me.

"How come?" I asked as the bus starting moving.

"Olivia spoke on your behalf since you were running late"He stated,nudging Olivia as if she did something heroic."Thank you,my madam"I grinned at her.

We were already out of my city when Mr Jerry spoke some incoherent words which I couldn't fathom because I dozed off.

I woke up to the voice of Kim screaming "We are here" and a tap on my shoulder from Olivia,I had fallen asleep on Lucas's shoulders

How come I felt so comfortable

"Do you always sleep during every journey?"Lucas displayed his perfect dentals.

I haven't woken up fully so I didn't reply him,I took a view of Portharcourt city,it was beautiful and normal,that's the only way I could describe it since we haven't entered fully,besides I lacked adjectives to describe it.

Everybody started complaining that they wanted to get things from the mall after a long journey,Miss Lucy had to convince her boyfriend so we could go there first instead of stopping at the hotel.

"Do I look horrible?"I asked Olivia,as I touched my face.

What? You got to look pretty always

"According to Mr Walker over there,you are still beautiful even with your sleepy face"She complimented,I laughed and thanked her but I also checked my phone screen to check if I looked horrible.

Can't trust people's words

Speaking of Mr Walker,I haven't spoken to him today,I will talk to him when we get to the mall.

"So what are we going to buy?Clothes?Food?Junk food?"Olivia as we stepped on the escalator."Clothes?!They will be expensive here,I will just buy food and also junk"I replied her.

"We aren't going to the main mall"I added."We will buy from the fast foods here"I continued.

"On our way back,please remind me that I have to buy skincare products for my elder sister"She said."Doesn't ShopRite sell those things,why can't she buy there?"I asked as we stepped out and started walking to the main mall to buy icecream. "I don't know for her o"She shrugged.

And oh remind me to buy water gun,I don't want to tell Olivia

"Michelle"I heard my name from behind. Olivia and I turned to see who it was,Mason,Leo,Jace,Lucas and the rest boys were heading towards us.

I think Jace called you

Or maybe Lucas

"Hey"He greeted as they got to us."Hey"I did the same."You wanna grab icecream"He requested, smiling.

This is new

"Yes sure,be back in 20"I told Olivia who already was smiling like idiot as my brother flirted with her.

Things that happens when you are in love

She only waved and signalled call me when you are done,I nodded and left with Jace.

The walk to the store was silent,when we got there,I sat and waited for him,he came back with 2 plates,Vanilla and Chocolate.

"I didn't know you liked icecream"I grinned. He gave me the are you serious look before replying,"Who doesn't like icecream,don't be a weirdo, Muffin"He smirked.

The smirk is back, people!


"Jace,I wanna ask you something"I began

"Shoot!"He replied opening his plate.

"Do you believe in love?I mean why don't you believe in love?"I asked.

Here goes nothing

He went silent before he replied

"I did believe in love but I stopped because it isn't real"He stated taking a spoon of his icecream."Why?"

"Because love is bullshit,that's the truth,in terms of relationship,I never experienced,it was just a lie,she never loved me,in terms of family,I never experienced it there too,my mum left me with my dad,I never got that motherly love and my dad,he showed me love but he changed as soon as he got wealthy"

"Love may seem enticing at the beginning but it's just trap,once you fall for it,sure it will be amazing for a while but later it just breaks you into tiny pieces and leaves you in a terrible condition so that's why I don't believe in love because I never want to be in that state again"He explained.

Wow that's bad?

"So if a girl told you she has feelings for you,what would be your response?"I asked,putting on an act like I wasn't that girl.

He laughed and shook his head,what's funny?

"I have been asked that question alot and my answer always remains the same"He frowned. "So what is always your response?"I inquired as I took a spoon of my icecream.

Atleast icecream is here to console me in case of heartbreak from him

"She should kill those feelings"He replied,as he rose his head to meet my eyes.

"But it depends on the girl though,if I like her,sure,we can give relationship a chance but if I don't like her,then non can do"He concluded.

"Jace,who am I to you?"I asked."My bestfriend's younger sister whom I like to hang out with and pester her life"He smirked. I facepalmed myself,why do always say it like he's older than me with like 2 years?!

They just want to annoy you

"For God's sake,we are twins!"I whispered yelled hitting his shoulder.

"What if,that girl happens to be me?"


He had a shocking expression on his face,I took his hands,okay you can do this

"Okay,I'm going to say this with open eyes and in a non-drunken state,I like you like I like like you,you know what I mean right?"I confessed out of no where,the boldness

He withdrew his hands from mine and I watched them move away,heartbreak loading.......


"It's fine if you don't feel the same way"I shrugged.

"I don't know,I'm not sure if I like you,I do like you but I'm not ready for a relationship...."He explained with a sad look.

I was lost,still thinking,maybe I didn't hear well



"Michelle,what were you dreaming about?"He tapped me lightly breaking my chain of thoughts and imaginations.

Wait where were we?!

"Did I say any lovey-dovey stuff to you?"

"No,you didn't,why?"

Thank God,I was actually daydreaming that I confessed my feelings and he rejected me.

I'm not confessing again,I will keep crushing on him without his knowledge.

My phone flashed,it didn't make the usual notification sound because I kept on silent, I checked to see Olivia's message

Oliee️:Where are you?Aren't you done with your date ?We haven't shopped yet remember?

Me:OMW,be patient.

"I gotta go"

"We gotta go,just hold on,let me get some stuff for the guys"He appealed and I passed him my signature fake smile.

We walked back to the main mall to meet the others in silence,none of us uttered a word.

"Finally!!You took so long"Olivia whined."I missed you too"I grinned."Let's do some shopping before Mr&Mrs Jerry informs us that it's time to go"I giggled.

"Let's go"She chuckled,dragging me along.

"So how did it go?"She asked in a high-pitched voice,wiggling her eyebrows."Jesus Christ!Olivia!!,keep it down"I whispered yelled at her.

"Sorry,I'm just excited"She cheered."There's nothing to be excited about"I frowned,rolling my eyes and filling my basket."Why not?"She asked,still putting on a smiley face."Because I couldn't tell him how I feel besides he said any girl that has feelings for him should kill it and I'm so taking that advice"my words changed her smile to a frown.

"You know that won't be easy anyways maybe he might fall for you later on"She smiled and patted me on my back."I pray!Playboys don't catch feelings, it's in their rule book "I rolled my eyes and a scowl danced on my face.

"How do you know that?!You might be the lucky girl to change that rule"She smirked and I shook my head.

We were almost done with our shopping when I remembered I had to get water guns but I'm not going to buy them in front of Olivia,I want to surprise her tomorrow,now who is going to help me get it ?

Mason ?

That one will start asking me questions as if it's a job interview


He will tell Olivia and I don't want him to know either

What about...


Oh no!He's my only option

I quickly texted him

Me:Hey,I was wondering if you could help me get something?

He replied almost immediately

Jace️:Aren't you in the mall?

Me:I know that but I don't want someone to know what I'm buying so I need you to help me buy it.

Jace:I'm not going to help you get condoms,Muffin.

Condoms?! Muffin?!He still flirts with me,stupid son of ......oops mistake

Me:You are not serious,can you help me get water guns, please?!


Me: Thanks,I owe you.

We bought everything we needed and moved to the store that sells skincare products before we left and headed to the hotel which wasn't far from the mall.

We got to the hotel with the help of Jace's directions,his father's hotel was a luxurious one,it seemed to be those hotels who charges 70k-250k per night(70,000 naira-250,000 naira),the hotel had 35 floors,it was huge.


We checked into our rooms,it was 2 to a room,so I paired with Olivia,Mason paired with Jace as usual,Lucas with Leo and the rest sort themselves.

"Jace's father is stinkly rich"

"Bloody wealthy"She complimented as we got into our room.

The room had a king sized bed,a plasma TV on the wall and the bathroom was also beautiful just like my mum's,the room had wireless internet,awesome!!

"It's just an hotel"I rolled my eyes."Learn how to appreciate good things when you see one"She glared,hopping into the bed."Okay ma"I replied,putting my hands up into the air.

We settled in,I was about to devour the goodies I bought when my mum called

Ewoo!! I forgot to call her to let her know we arrived safely

I did the cross sign before answering the call.

"Michelle!!"My mum yelled across the phone."Good e..evening, "I stuttered,biting my nails nervously.

"I thought I told you to call me"

"I forgot,I'm sorry"I apologized.

"Where's Nero?!Give him the phone"

Can't just call his line


"Ma,I'm on my way to his room"I replied,stepping out of my room to Mason's room.

I got to his room and knocked, Mason was the one who opened the door,I gave him the phone and told him who was on the phone,he had a frightful expression on his face

Mummy is going to finish your ears today

I entered the room not wanting to stand at the door like some worker,a scornful look appeared on my face when I saw Cassandra,a girl from science class sitting on Jace's lap,he was whispering rubbish into her ears and she giggled like an idiot.

Michelle!! Stop being jealous

She doesn't know what awaits when we get back to school,she will cry rivers of tears when he dumps her.

It's not your business


"Yes"I replied,glaring at both of them.

"I bought the guns"

"Thanks"My face lit up when he told me,he didn't forget.

"Guns?Babe,what guns?"Cassandra asked,caressing his face.

Arrgh!I might end up beating this girl up before I leave this room and Mason please be fast with that call!

"Babe,relax,they are not real guns,they are just water guns"He explained,cupping her face.

"Oh,I guess they are for the beach outing tomorrow,can I have one?"She pouted her lips and did puppy eyes.

Mtchew I'm even finer than her but he has never called me BABE before or is it because she has hour glass body,mtcheww!!

"No!"I carped."I wasn't talking to you"She snapped.

Be calm! Calm down!

"Well,the guns are mine and I'm not giving,if you really want one,the mall isn't far from here"I faked a smile at her before eyeing her.

Mason finished the call with mum,I snatched my phone from his hands aggressively and headed towards the door.


"What!"I snapped,looking back at whoever called me.

"You are forgetting something"Jace wiggled the nylon bag at me,he stood up and walked towards me.

I took the bag from his hands and brought the waterguns and handed him back the bag,I turned to open the door when he gripped my hands,I turned to look at his hands on mine and then his face before glaring daggers at him.

"What is it!"

"Woah, someone got mood swings today"He smirked.

"Just tell me what is it!"

"These are for you"He handed me the bag.

"I don't want"

It's a lie o,she wants

"Stop being stubborn and take them"He forced it into my hand before walking back.

I rolled my eyes and dropped the bag on the floor before leaving

You are a fool o,you didn't even bother to check what was inside,pride and stubbornness will kill you



"What is it again?!"

Oh,it's was Lucas

"Who got my baby angry?"He put his arms on my shoulders walking me to my room. "Nobody,I'm sorry I yelled"I apologized.

"It's okay,these are for you"He handed me a nylon bag.

What's going on?!

"Thanks"I muttered.

"Anytime,babe"He winked and left.


"Olivia you won't belie..... Olivia cut me short

"Jace brought these for you"She grinned,dragging me to the bed.

When did he get here?! How?

"What's in your hand?"She inquired.

"Oh,Lucas gave it to me"I replied.

"Oya let's see what's inside"

Lucas's bag was filled with Snickers, Shortbread biscuits,Fanta drink,chicken nuggets,a mini plate of icecream and hamburgers.


"Uh la la"Olivia rubbed her palms together."Oya let's check Jace's bag"She handed the bag to me.

Jace's bag had a plate of Fried rice,a plate of Jollof rice,Biscuits,Fried chicken,a box of pizza,doughnuts, Chocolate bars,Cookies,a can of Fanta and Malt,Chips,A big plate of chocolates icecream and Muffins! in it.


"Ah,see flex this night,they aren't your boyfriends and they are getting you all these"She grinned,looking at all the sweet things.

"Is it just me or I see a love triangle"A smirk danced on her face.

Love triangle ke?!

"You are not serious,none of them likes me,so stop dreaming"I rolled my eyes and opened the plate of Jollof rice.

"Wherever you kept your eyes,go and bring them back because you are officially blind"She shook her head and grabbed a spoon to join me.

"So where are we going tomorrow?The zoo?"She asked as her mouth was filled with rice.

"Olivia,table manners"

"Which table?Please there is no table here,allow me to flex,where are we going joor"

"We are going to Genesis Centre then to the beach"I stated.

"The school made a good job by making you social prefect, give me high five"She raised her palm and we did a high five.

"I'm not sure,we can finish all these,we bought ours too"

"We will carry some tomorrow for picnic"

"And we are still going to buy more at Genesis"I looked at all the foods.

Too much of everything is bad

"Whatever but we are licking the icecreams today"She stated.
