Chapter 1

It was a Sunday night, four in the morning, and my best friend was shrieking in drunken laughter behind me. I sighed as I pulled into the gas station. My little Corolla had been chugging near empty for the last few miles. And I'll admit that I'd been worried we would've broken down on the side of the road, not for my car's sake, for my sake. I didn't know if I could've handled walking with Kyle. And on cue, Kyle rammed his elbow in the back of my head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean—" He dissolved in laughter once more.

kyle wrapped his hands around the passenger seat and leaned forward. "Can we go to another party?"

"Please?" He said with his mouth close to my face

"No."I unclipped my seat belt and started to get out.

he staggered out, or tried.

"Why not? It's our last night before school. Come on, "

kyle stood and straightened out his shirt . "It'll be fun. Come on! I know where a public party is."

kyle starts walking towards the road mumbling words I couldn’t quite understand. Just in time I finished filling up the tank.

” Eva come on! Let’s have fun” Kyle said spiraling on the road

what a friend I had

I walked towards kyle dragging him back to the car. The air suddenly felt very chilly , unusually chilly. Putting Kyle at the back sit I made my way to the front sit and started the engine. Suddenly a figure passed the car. I opened the car door and did the dumbest thing any teenage girl should not do

” Anybody there “ I shouted into the night. I called out again and still got no answer.

I decided to close my car door since no one answered.

Suddenly the car door was yanked opened and in seconds I was flying out of the car and into a brick stoned wall. Blood started gushing out of my nose as I look up in pain to see a large man with reds eyes walking towards me . In a second the culprit was in front of me and dug his teeth in my neck . I could hear my own scream in the quiet night, all I could squeak out was that he should not hurt Kyle before darkness engulfed me.

I FELT LIKE I WAS TRAPPED IN a nightmare, where i have to run without knowing where am going or where I am and I can't make my body move fast enough. My legs seemed to move slower and slower each time I tried running faster. It seemed I was running for my life.

Alice had said there was a good chance we would both die here. Perhaps the outcome would be different if she weren't trapped by the brilliant sunlight; only I was free to run across this bright, crowded square.

And I couldn't run fast enough.

I wake up to a pool of sweat on my bed which am sure was due to the nightmare I had which I totally cannot remember. I try to recall last night events but couldn’t think of anything. I was certain that Kyle must have gotten me drunk.

I grumbled as I stumbled into the bathroom and stopped at the mirror taking in my appearance.

I had gained a little weight which was actually a good thing since it brought out a figure I never knew I had.

My strawberry blonde hair had grown to reach my back which was also a good thing. This year was going to be a great year for me I thought to myself.

I entered into the shower enjoying the feel of it until my neck started hurting me. It was like a sharp pain burning into my neck but it left as quickly as it came.

I stepped out of the shower and moved towards my wardrobe deciding on what to wear. I decided to go with a black trouser and sweater. I stride towards the mirror and took in my appearance again I looked different more like felt different in a way I just couldn’t explain.

I gathered my books and other things and slipped them into my bag as I made my way downstairs.

As usual my mum had already gone to work. She worked at the towns hospital which demanded more of time. This in turn gave me more free time to do what I like.

I contemplated on eating or not and decided to go with the or not.

I strode towards my car which was parked beside our house and then again the sharp pain came back , this time I made a mental note to have it checked.

Under 10 minutes I arrived at school which was quicker than before. It took at least 15 minutes before I got to school.

As I got out of my car people were already standing by their cars or sitting on the grass talking to their friends. Sunny side was well know for its cold weather which made a lot of people to move out but it also had its bright parts.

It was the first day back and I was a junior this year. I'd been ecstatic for the year. We were juniors, one year away from being seniors.

As I walked towards my Iocker the pain on my neck came back with full force this time which made me winced a little but it left , again.

Kyle fell against the locker beside me. His hair was filled with mousse and he gave me a crooked grin.

“ so yesterday was awesome wasn’t it?” Kyle said with a wicked smile on his face

” if I drool in class it’s going to be your fault”I said as I removed some books from my bag and shoved it inside my locker.

” come on admit it you enjoyed yourself “ Kyle said as he strode off

I checked my new schedule to see what which class I was having and of course it had to be history , a course I wished to not come across. Rumor has it that only 2 people usually pass the class which was because of the strict professor, professor Daniel.

I slipped into the seat closer to the window as professor Danial entered.

” I hope you all enjoyed your break not like I cared tho. Well I have some rules in my class , first absolute silence during lecture, no phones, lateness is definitely not acceptable and all homework should be turned in at the given time no exceptions” He said as he scribbled HISTORY on the board.

” Any objections “

As there were no objections he began the class. Suddenly I could hear heartbeats like millions of them in my head and then it felt like I could hear different sounds at once which gave me excruciating pains in my head. It felt like I was about to explode and just on cue the bell rang so I sprang up from my seat which startled everyone. I literally ran towards the bathroom just in time to see my teeth elongated. It looked like............. FANGS.