Chapter 2

WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING TO ME? I thought to myself. My heart was beating very fast like it was about to explode until something cold and watery met with my body which somehow calmed me down.

” what the hell Eva, re you ok” Kyle said sounding out of breath. I wanted to reply his question but oh how wish I also knew.

Kyle shrieked away from me which means he must have seen my fangs if that is what it is.

“ Holy Christ Eva , what the fuck is going on”

“ How the hell am I suppose to know Kyle it just came out “ I replied

“ ok well you can walk around the school like that” well duh Kyle I obviously can’t I said in my mind.

“ Alright am taking you home right now , hope your mum is not at home”

” no Kyle she’s not “

” alright then let’s go “

Thank God classes were going on so no one was at the hallway as we passed. We finally made it to my car when I felt a familiar cold again . I turned to check if anyone was around but all I get was the back of guy who was walking into the school building.

” come on Eva , do u want everyone to see your new set of teeth “

” sorry “ I said as I climbed in.

The drive to my house was eerily quiet and this was unlike Kyle he usually had some funny remark to give but he must have understood how serious the situation. Kyle has been my best since forever. Although he hadn’t noticed I was a bit surprised that he was taking this well.

We arrived in front of my porch. Kyle didn’t care for parking the car well he immediately just came down of the car which I also did with my fangs still showing. He ran upstairs probably going to my . I followed him wondering what the hell he’s thinking.

” come Eva sit” he said looking at me with pitiful eyes. He leaves the seat for me to take over.

With another sigh, I turned to my computer.The screen was covered in ads. I sat in my hard folding chair and made it to my favorite search engine. I shot down a few more pop-ups and then typed in one word.


It took an infuriatingly long time, of course. When the results came up, there was a lot to sift through - everything from movies and TV shows to role-playing games also different underground cults

Then I found a promising site -‘ Vampires The real deal’I waited impatiently for it to load, quickly clicking closed each ad that flashed across the screen. I sighed trying not to believe what I was thinking. How on earth could I be a vampire.

I felt overwhelming embarrassment. It was all so stupid. I was sitting in my room, researching vampires. What was wrong with me? I decided that there must be a scientific explanation for all these. But then I remember how I felt in the morning, the different look and the sharp pain on my neck.

“ so vampire uhn” Kyle said with a little grin. I can’t believe he’s enjoying this.

” We are not certain yet kyle”

” Hmmmmm Fangs hello..... you re totally a vampire and the earlier you accept it the better “

” How re u so cool with this “ I asked him with my hand on my face

” well it’s not like you are a ghost or anything “ he said as he strides off to the other corner of the room. Well it couldn’t be so bad right.

"Do you feel any different?"

"I feel . . . like I could feel and hear everything "

kyle nodded with confidence. "Effects of the change" . He offered a weak smile."Hey, you're still Eva, right?"

Weirdly, I felt a prickle in the air emanating from my best friend a A tingle of something electric. But still sleepy, dizzy, I dismissed it.

"I'm still me," I told him

I turned to Kyle with an evil grin. "How about we find out how much of the vampire myth is actually myth? Don't vampires have to suck human blood”

“ oh no you re not going to use me for you vampire experiment... not ever” he laughed as he ran out of the room. Without knowing what I was doing in a second I was already at the doorway. I starred at my legs in shock.

“Oh, God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry” as I realized that I hit Kyle on the way down who looked at me with a expression. He rushed down and he held me while I sobbed, rubbed my back while I cried hard enough to hiccup, while I mourned the loss of my life, of my humanity.

We sat there together for a long time, my best friend and I.

When I'd sobbed my body empty of tears, Kyle stroked the hair from my face. "It'll be okay I promise . . . we'll figure something out. You never know know this could be a great change for you.” Kyle said as he held me.