Chapter 3

THAT night I slept dreamlessly, exhausted from beginning my day so early and sleeping so poorly the night before. I woke and walked to the mirror. My eyes were not puffy even though I had cried my eyes out last night. Kyle had left sometime at night which I didn’t take notice of. I opened the window and stretched my hand outside trying to see if my skin was going to burn , but nope skin still intact. Well then that was a fake vampire legend.

My blood was electric in my veins making all of my senses heightened but I also felt good. My room was a mess so I decided to test out my vampire abilities and in ten seconds I had arranged everywhere.

I think I might like this vampire stuff.

Mum was finishing breakfast when I came downstairs, and she picked up on my mood immediately.

"Nice day out," she commented.

"Yes," I agreed with a grin.

She smiled back,

“ So what’s going on in school” she asked as she started the dishes

” nothing, school is the same as always “ I lied

“ that’s good, hey how about we grab dinner tonight. Am just on morning and afternoon duty today”

” nah it’s fine, will be at kyles today “

“ alright then “ she said as she scurried off.

mum called out a goodbye, and I heard the cruiser pull away from the house. I hesitated on my way out the door, hand on my jacket thinking if it would actually be a good idea to be at school today . It would be tempting fate not to so with a sigh, I folded my jacket and kept it in my bag as I approached my car.

I parked and headed toward the picnic benches around the school ground. The benches were still a little damp, so I sat on my jacket which I brought out of my bag , glad to have a use for it. My homework was done - the product of a slow social life, since I had no one in class to ask.Kyle didn’t take same classes with me. I sketched inattentively along the margins of my homework. After a few minutes, I suddenly realized I'd drawn five pairs of red eyes staring out of the page at me. I was utterly shocked as I dropped the note on the floor which seemed more like throwing it away.

"Eva!" I heard Kyle’s voice.

I looked around to realize that the school had become populated while I'd been sitting there, absentminded. Everyone was in t-shirts, some even in shorts though the temperature couldn't be over sixty. Kyle was coming toward me in denim trouser and a Stripped shirt, waving.

”Hey, Kyle," I called

He came to sit by me, the tidy spikes of his hair shining golden in the light, his grin stretching across his face. He was so delighted to see me, I am sure he was enjoying this.

"I never noticed before - your hair has grown longer than before, probably because you re a vampire now" he whispered

I laughed throwing my head back

"You are enjoying this too much Kyle , I might just use you as my lunch snack?"

"You wish " he pauses a little and then continued

” but don’t you need to drink blood or have u ......."

I became just a little uncomfortable as he said that

"Well I don’t know hv not felt the urge to do so yet"

"Well what about when you do"

"I don’t know Kyle "

"Well if you do you need to call me immediately, " I just shrugged in response. kyle put an arm around my shoulder, and squeezed. "Look. You're a vampire now. A vampire." He looked me over "I think it has definitely improved your fashion sense, and pretty soon you'll have this whole goth-chic-undead thing going on” I laugh as he walked away laughing too.

I strolled toward my locker since classes were about to start. Then I felt that unusual cold again and It felt like I was being watched. I look around but then my eyes set on the most amazing blue eyes I had ever seen.

From where I stood, I scan through him, I could see he had a lean, flat-muscled body. Faded jeans he probably had to peel off at night, tight T-shirt, and a leather jacket of unusual cut. His hair was wavy-and dark.

He was tall. I let out a breath. Just like me most girls were also checking this new guy out. It seemed he was also looking at me but more like looking at my soul or something. I decided to go to class than be buried in those insanely blue eyes.

I was glad the school day was almost over. I just wanted to get out of these crowded rooms and corridors, just for a few minutes, so many emotions and sound.

In anger and frustration I recognized the feeling coming from my in teeth-more a tickling or a tingling than an ache. It felt like hunger this time , a specific hunger.


The teacher was pacing about the room like a ferret, asking questions, and I tried so much to fix my attention on the man. At first he was puzzled, for although none of the students knew the answers, the questions kept coming. Then I realized that the man's purpose. To shame the students with what they didn't know. No wonder no one ever passed his course , alright maybe one or two but incase I didn’t pass at least I won’t be the only one.

Just now he'd found another victim, a small girl with clusters of red curls and a heart-shaped face. I just watched in distaste as the teacher badgered her with questions. She looked wretched as he turned away from her to address the entire class.

"You see what I mean? You think you're pretty hot stuff; you're just juniors now, who will graduate any time soon . Well, let me tell you, some of you aren't ready to even be in kindergarten. Like this!" He gestured toward the red-haired girl. "No idea about the Sunny side history “

Students all around were shifting uncomfortably. I could feel the resentment in their minds, and the humiliation. And the fear.

"Excuse me sir”

Everyone turned to stare at me who didn’t even know what she was doing "What? What did you say?"

"I said, excuse me," I repeated, removing his glasses and standing up. "Well sunny side history goes down to the first founding fathers, the pierce, the ravens and some others who weren’t mentioned in the book. It was said that the town had supernatural activities going down during those times which brought a revolutionary act from the founding fathers “ I said without having any knowledge of what the hell I just said.

He turned to me and smiled, and I smiled back gratefully.

Students were murmuring probably wondering how I knew all that , well so am I.

The bell rang.

As I stood up there was a familiar burning sensation in my veins. immediately I call Kyle who appeared 10 seconds later. Without wasting time he hurried me out of school towards my car but then I remembered

” my mum is going to be home” I said out of breath

” well we can go to mine”

” no no your parents might be around “

” True but what other choice do we have right now”.

I look around

” well let’s go into the trees “ I started moving before he could protest.

I hurried inside the trees, my mind was already getting blurry and all I could think about was blood.

I fell to my knees holding the grasses on the ground in my hands. I could hear everything the movements of the leaves the trees the birds everything and then memories of the night that I was out with Kyle started flowing in.

The night I was bitten.

It had been at a gas station I had seen something in front of my car before he grabbed me and threw me across to the wall. I'd screamed before he tore into my skin.

But while he tore into skin and muscle, he didn't drink; he didn't have time. Without warning, he'd stopped and jumped away.

My attacker temporarily vanquished, I'd raised a hand to the crux of my neck and shoulder, felt the sticky warmth. My vision was dimming, but I could see the wine- colored stain across my fingers clearly enough. Now I realized why my neck was hurting so much.

Am going to kill that bastard I thought in my mind. Then I could sense a pair of heartbeat close by and all I could think of was to tear into its skin but only one person could be out hear. Kyle.

As he approached I couldn’t stop myself as I jumped towards him looking for any means to kill him but he held a stick towards me trying to fight me off.

suddenly something large hit me and I fell on my side

” RUN “ I heard the person who had hit me say.

” Hey I need you to calm down and take this it will help” he held a can of liquid which had crimson red substance in it. I don’t know what it was but it was smelling delicious. I grabbed the van quickly and started chugging down the liquid which seem to calm me down and also made me light headed. I staggered a little attempting to fall but was caught by some strong arms, looking up I stare back at a familiar set of blue eyes.

“ you” I say as darkness envelopes.