When I woke up, I knew I was in hell. My whole body was on fire, or at least it felt that way, though I couldn't see the f lames. It was dark, and I could here every single drop of rain pouring from the sky. Then a dark figure loomed over me, those familiar blue eyes boring into mine, and It felt like I knew him but I thought better of it.
"Can you hear me?" His voice was low and calm. I opened my mouth to reply, but only a choked gurgle escaped.
Drink," he commanded, low and stern, and I did, I felt the blood slide down my throat, burning a path all the way to my stomach. His arm didn't move, and hot liquid continued to f low into my mouth. Only when I had swallowed three or four times did the wrist pull away and the he lay me back down. The pavement was cold and hard against my back.
What...happens now?" I was barely in my right mind enough to force out the words. Sleepily, I gazed at him as the pain faded to a distant throbbing that belonged to someone else. Blackness crawled at the edges of my vision like a million ants.
I bolted upright, shrieking, clawing at the darkness. As I opened my eyes, a searing light blinded me, and I cringed away with a hiss. All around me, strange noises assaulted my eardrums, familiar yet amplified a hundredfold more than how it was before. I could hear the scuttle of a cockroach as it f led up the wall. The air felt cold and damp against my skin, but in a strange way-I could feel the chill, but it wasn't cold at all.
I felt waxy and stiff, empty as a limp sack. Gingerly I turned my head and fire spread through my veins, hot and searing, nearly blinding me with pain. I arched back with a scream as the f lames spread to every part of my body, liquid agony shooting through my skin.
I recoiled with a snarl. Wait, the bag smelled of familiar....... blood I lungedI sucked and tore at the f limsy plastic, freeing the food within, feeling it slide down my throat into my stomach.
And then, as the awful Hunger faded and the ache inside was filled, I realized what I was doing or what I had become and will be for the rest of my life
"Oh, God." Dropping the mangled bag, I looked at my hands, covered in blood. The ground I lay on was splattered with it, dark stains against the cement. I could feel it around my mouth, on my lips and chin, the scent of it filling my nose. "Oh, God," I whispered again, scrambling away on my butt. I hit a wall and stared in horror at the scene before me.
I slumped against the wall, trembling. Looking down at myself, I blinked in surprise. My old clothes were gone. Instead of my thin, faded patchwork shirt and pants, I wore black jeans and a dark shirt without a single hole or tear. The filthy, torn and probably bloodstained jacket had been replaced with a long black coat that looked almost new.
"What...what happened to my clothes?" I asked, touching the sleeve of the coat, blinking at how thick it was.
“ I threw them away, you vomited all over them”
” I thought vampires don’t vomit” I said
“ well I thought so too, but then I read lizard u haven’t drank human blood which means your change was not complete, so yes you should thank me for saving your life” as if I thought to my self
” but I remembered you given me blood in the forest” I told him as I recollected what had happened
“ that was animal blood not human blood” he said as he came closer.
” I have to go” I hurriedly stood up” I have to find Kyle “.
” Your boyfriend is fine” he said
Throwing my head back in laughter “ Kyle is not my best friend, he’s more like my brother”
“ yh that’s what they all say” he said
“ well I still have to go, can’t be stuck here with a stranger” I said even though my body felt different.
Well If you want to leave, you may go." He didn't move, except to nod to a door on the other side of the small room. "I will not stop you. Though you will be dead within a day, if it takes that long. You have no idea how to survive as a vampire, how to feed, how to avoid detection, and if the hunters of this city discover you, they will kill you and start hunting us.... again , but also you could remain here, with me, and have a chance of surviving this life you have chosen." I glared at him. "Why the hell would you think I would choose this or even stay here with you”
He narrowed his eyes. "Then if you didn’t choose this how come you were at the early stage of turning ,certainly you must have drank the vampires blood who turned you " he said.
” well for your information I was attacked and the next I know I had turned to this” it seemed like he was shocked by what I said but tried to shake it off.
“Turning a human only to abandon it without the skills it needs to survive would be irresponsible and dangerous. If you stay here, I will teach you what you need to know to live as one of us. Or-" he turned slightly, gesturing to the door.
My chest felt tight, and I bit my lip, imagining the faces of Kyle staring at me, pale and scared My eyes burned, but I swallowed hard and forced back the tears.
I am a vampire and I have to make the best out of it.
"So," I said softly without looking up "Do I call you
'master' or 'teacher' or something else?"
He paused then burst out in laughter. Well that was new.
” Am I going to be staying here or what”.
” no you won’t but I would have to be with you for sometime in order for you to learn how to control your urge for blood-and also incase you try to kill anyone until you are fully prepared to become a vampire ”.
” Alright”
"Before I disclose anything about myself," he said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, "I would like to know a bit more about you. I will be teaching you, after all, and that means we will be spending a great deal of time together. I want to know what I am up against. Are you amenable to this?" I shrugged. "What do you want to know?"
"Your name, first off."
” Eva Bennie”
“ you are sure that’s your last name” he asked
“ well yes mr”
” Breaden, that’s my name” for a moment we both stared at each other.
“ well I have to call Kyle, before he blows up” I said breaking the uncomfortable silence.
” Well go ahead” he says as he gestured to the table beside me where my phone was.
Immediately I took my it dialing Kyle’s number , as if on cue he picked it up immediately
“ Eva!! Where the hell are you, Hope you are okay. Your mum has been asking for u I just told her you were going to sleep at my place”.....he said in a heartbeat
“ slow down mr Holter , first of fine but I have to stay here for today, to learn how to control you know what....” i said not wanting to point out the real fact.
instead of arguing Kyle say in a dejected voice
“ well I trust you and know you will take care of yourself,..... just be safe Eva”
” I will and Kyle am sorry “ and with that I disconnected the line not wanting to prolong the conversation any further.
Turning back I notice that breaden had already left.
Reluctantly, I pulled myself to my feet and went looking for my new mentor.
The door led into another room that might've been an office once. A few broken chairs were tossed carelessly to the side, and several long metal cabinets lay on the f loor, spilling paper everywhere. Against the far wall, Breaden sat behind a large wooden desk covered in dust and scratches. He glanced up from a stack of folders and raised an eyebrow as I came in.
"I have a few questions," I said, wondering if it was im-proper to ask and then deciding I didn't care. "About vampires, and this whole drinking-blood thing in general." He shut the folder, put it aside and nodded to one of the chairs. I pulled it upright and sat down, resting my arms over the back.
"Let me guess," he said, lacing his hands together. "You're wondering if you have to prey on humans, if you can survive by drinking the blood of animals or other creatures. You're hoping you won't have to, am I right .”
I nodded not wanting to say anything.
” Well yes you can , we have blood bags from hospitals..... which may help” he said
well I felt a little bit relieved and disgusted at the same time.
” So my turn” Breaden said turning to face me.
” What do you want to know about”
“ Kyle Holter”
“ Kyle?? why the you want to know about him” I said suspiciously
“you don’t really know anything about vampires, do you??
” Well duhhhh!!!! I don’t”
” your friend’s last name is Holter. They are vampire hunters “
I had to take a second to take in what Breaden had said about Kyle’s family. I have known Kyle since kindergarten, we did almost everything together. My mum and I would usually go to their house during Christmas. It couldn’t be, am certain I would have known something.
” I don’t believe that and besides there really plenty of people with their last name as Holter” I said refusing to believe what he said.
“ well I can’t convince you any further or at least I don’t want to. Get some rest we have school tomorrow “
“ But I thought we had vampire learning and stuff”
” well am tired “ with that he stood up and left the room.
I on the other hand proceeded to the room I had been before.
As I lay down I couldn’t stop thinking of how holter’s family could actually be vampire hunters.
if that was true, will Kyle hunt me.