
Prince Danny.

A study room in a penthouse.

A young man sat majestically on the study chair as he worked on his laptop.

He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't realize how much time has gone until a knock was heard at the door.

" Come in. " He said without looking up from his laptop.

Soon, the door opened and an older man walked in and walked towards the younger man.

" Hmm, I got what you asked, Sir. " He said handing over a spiral bound document to the younger man.

" Okay. " The younger man said as he collected the document.

He glanced at the title of the documents. ' Sushie Williams '

" You can go now. " He told the older man.

" Alright, Thank you, Sir. " He curtsied before living.

The younger man carefully placed the document on his study table and then began opening the pages one at a time as he read through.

Name : Sushie Williams.

Age: 15.

Skin Color: Pale white.

Hair color: Golden brown.

Highschool: Heart of Gold.

The young man clenched his fists reading this, his Sister was attending a public school even though her current family was billionaires.

' How cruel! ' He thought, he suddenly felt blood tasty.

How dare they do this to his Sister!

He continued reading anyways.

Body Weight: 35kg.

Favorite color: Purple.

Hobbies: None.

Best Friends: None.

Sibling: Tinu Williams.

Mother: Nancy Williams.

Father: John Williams.

He then went ahead and began to read her detailed life story.

Sushie Williams was born on the 24th of April XXXX at 8:30 am In Rajputs Hospital.

' Rajputs Hospital. ' That hospital name caught his attention.

He remembered his parents saying that his so-called sister was been given birth at Rajput's hospital when they traveled to India.

' Could it be possible that there was a mix-up somewhere? ' he had always suspected that the other girl wasn't even his sister and even got a DNA test done without anyone knowing and his assumption was right. Though he knew this he kept it a secret as a thing like that if revealed might cause chaos.

He remembered five years ago when he began to have this dream of a girl that looked almost exactly like him.

He was at first stunned when he started having the dream why because the girl in his dream was the replica of him, anyone who didn't know would have thought they were twins.

Meanwhile, his so-called real sister didn't look like any of them, she was completely different.

It was like she wasn't one of them at all and that's when he began to have his suspicion till he had confirmed his doubt.

Now, he guessed he understood but wait, does this Nancy William former Nancy Rajput know that Sushie is not her child?

It wasn't that possible though as if she knew considering the way she's treating Sushie she would have thrown her out if she knew the truth.

As he read on, he found out that Sushie also had a little brother, Tinu who was currently Seven years old but very smart.

Looking at the picture of the little guy, he smiled for the first time that day.

The young guy looked just too cute but wait, why didn't this young guy look like his father or mother?

' Is there also a mix up here too? ' he thought, but well that isn't his priority now.

He soon realized that Sushie had low grades throughout high school and well, her final results were not that good but perhaps because she was his sister... His biological sister.

He felt proud of her despite her results, at least she had Two distinctions and she didn't have any Fail.

That sure shows that she isn't a dumbass as other people think.

All she needs is a little push.

Soon, he realized that Sushie's classmates treated her differently due to her skin color and personality.

Yeah, the skin color.

That was only common in European countries and not other parts of the world which it's very rare.

But, True beauty shouldn't just be about Skin color but who one is inside.


He proceeded and soon found out that Sushie had a talent at writing, no one was aware of this even her.

Whenever there was an essay, her English teacher who didn't care about her never checks her essay but just scores her any Mark she thinks she deserves like 3/10 or 5/10 at most.

One time, Sushie wrote a short story on a piece of paper when been bored and dropped it somewhere but who knew that the school cleaner saw that and submitted it to a scriptwriter.

The school cleaner earned thousands of dollars for someone else's hard work.

As he continued reading he been to get angrier.

Sushie loved singing but she never got to train her voice as her parents believed it was a waste of time and money and most importantly they usually insult her that her voice was like a Frog.

So what if her voice is like a Frog's?

The frog's voice is good anyways.

Finally, he realized that Sushie at first had difficulties choosing departments as she loved arts and science but she later settled for science.

He smiled dotingly reading this.

That wasn't much of a problem, he thought.

He closed the documents and called back his Right-hand man into the room and gave him some instructions which were to be carried out quickly and efficiently.

[ A/N: Finally we got to meet our Handsome Prince. Sushie's and His picture will be posted on my Instagram shortly, Follow me on Instagram @qebunoluwa to see it. ]