
Waking up.

Sushie's POV.

It felt like I had been in a deep forest and I had been struggling to find my way out, it was like I had been walking in circles before I finally found my way out.

Then, slowly but steady my eyes fluttered open and I became aware of my surroundings.

White walls.

Where am I?

I was confused, but then my lost memories began to resurface.

The exam results, my mother's cruel words, my decision then the suicide.

Oh no! Where are I and most importantly why am I still alive?

I should have died alright? So why?

I then tried to stand up but couldn't, it felt like a force was pulling me down.

What's going on?

Am I paralyzed now?

Will I live my life as a handicap now?

Why me?

No! I don't want to! I don't want to live this life! I want to die!

Why am I still alive?

I should have died alright? Or wasn't my arteries ruptured?

If so, then...

No, don't tell me it was the mom that brought me here...

No! Why didn't I stab myself in the heart or stomach instead?

That would have been more effective.

What have I done!

" No! " I screamed out in a hoarse voice but it came out as a whisper.

" No! I don't want to live this life! Why am I so unlucky? I don't want to live a life full of misery! Why did I survive, Why? " I continued whispering as tears continued to stream down my face.

All of a sudden, I felt a presence.

Someone was hovering over me, then I felt a hand on my cheeks wiping out my tears.

What's going on? I thought.

Then I opened my eyes and was completely dumbstruck the next moment.

The person hovering around me was like the male version of me.

Pale white skin, Light brown hair, blue eyes.

If the person in front of me was a female then I would have said she was my twin sister ... But what is going on?

Then I heard the manly voice.

" You are awake? "

He had a shocked expression on his face as he asked the question.

Instead of replying, I asked him a question instead, " Who are you? "

I saw him pursing his lips, I think he was about to speak up when the door opened all of a sudden, and men and women in white lab coats walked in... Doctors.

They also had a stunned expression on their faces as they stared at me but they were quick to mask it up.

' What's going on? Where am I? ' I thought bewildered.

It suddenly felt like I had transmigrated to another world.

All the doctors and nurses were all pale white they also have similar hair color and eye color, Light brown and Blue.

" I see she's awake now. " One of the doctors spoke up after clearing his throat.

Then he walked towards where my bed was and smiled at me before speaking up. " How are you feeling now, Miss? "

' Miss? What the hell! I am just fifteen alright? '

I just stared at him in silence, I just didn't feel like answering anyone.

Seeing I didn't reply he nodded at the youth and soon both he and the youth who looked exactly like me walked out Along with two other doctors leaving only me and a female doctor behind.


Danny's POV.

It's been a month, a whole month since she fell into a coma but yet there's no response from her.

My heart ached to see her looking lifeless on the Bed but what could I do?

I wished I had some superpowers which I could use to wake her up but well... I am helpless.

I had tried my best to gain justice for her and so far it's been going well.

The teachers who bullied her had all lost their jobs, her classmates who made her Depressed had all been charged to court.

I left no stone unturned in getting justice for her, I know it's pretty harsh but I think they deserve it and so much more after all because of them my sister is lying lifelessly on the bed.

I had been praying more than I have ever done this past few days just for her to wake up.

I can't lose her now that I just found her, I don't think I'll be able to bear the pain.

She's just too priceless to me.

Today, I decided to stay with her in the world despite my Assistant protests.

I can't just go on a night out with my friends when my sister is lying lifelessly on the bed.

I often felt very guilty anytime I had to leave her alone in the ward, though nurses were watching over her 24/7 I just couldn't help the guilty feeling.

Sitting beside her bedside all I could wish for was for her to wake up, just for once.

I want to see her blue eyes staring at Me with a smile.

I just wish.

While I was lost in my thoughts I suddenly held a hoarse voice beside me.

<< No! >>

At first, I thought I was hallucinating but her next words made me turn to her and I was stunned by the sight in front of me.

Her eyes were open, her blue eyes were wet with tears.

Her words made my heart ached, I couldn't help but imagine what she had gone through to make her hate life this much.

My finger acted on their own as they moved and I wiped out the tears from her eyes.

I could see the shock in her orbs.

Then I spoke up and instead of replying she replied to me with a question.

I was about to reply when the door opened all of a sudden.

I watched her closely while the doctor was speaking, I noticed the change in her expression but she didn't speak up.

' Is she traumatized? ' I thought.

I hope not, I don't think I'll be able to bear it if anything like that happens to her.

I just hoped she's alright.

Sigh, I can't wait for her to accept me as her brother.

These were the thoughts on my mind as I followed the doctor out.