First Day Of School

Finally it came to an end. The worst summer of a lifetime. The scorching hot sun made the road shimmer stricken with the summer heat. During the days you'd see everyone spreading blankets on their lawn grass laying outside just to enjoy the sluggish fresh summer breeze that swept through the trees every other ten minutes.

Everyone was dying to get back in school, so the night before school reopened everyone found themselves in bed extra early. They all wanted to sleep the night away in the snap of a finger which was verily impossible.

Zaylia was awakened by the sound of her alarm buzzing and vibrating the annoying sound of crickets chirping. She managed to turn off the alarm without lifting her head, but the gust of morning wind swept through Zaylia's half cracked window and made her shiver. Getting up with a blurry vision she rubbed her bleary eyes to see clearer in order not to trip over the stuff on the floor.

Closing the window, Zaylia threw herself back on the bed dozing off back into a cat nap. She growled and sunk her face in the pillows when her mom came in the room withdrawing the blankets off her. The light of dawn peeped through her curtains. She parted the window curtains so that the rays of the morning sun could seep into her room to make it warm.

"Come down for breakfast!" her mother shouted.

"Starting this school year, you and your brother are going to be up thirty minutes before the usual 7 o'clock," she said, mimicking her mom's words.

"If you just got your lazy ass up in time for school, mom wouldn't be waking up this early," she said angrily at her brother, passing him in the hall to enter the bathroom.

"It's your fault too," he snapped back at her.

"How is it my fault? it's your late arrival for school that caused principal Shaw to keep calling mom about your final year," she shouted at him slamming the bathroom door.

He just gave her a finger which she didn't see, but he didn't care.

Rushing became the new norm in Anderson's house, at 7'o'clock their mom had everyone miserable at the breakfast table, the only good thing about it is that they would be at school in a few minutes.

At seven forty-five Zaylia walked into the halls of Vendal High for the first time in two months. Walking towards her new locker all she heard was screaming, hugging and laughter. Organizing her new locker she could hear the other kids talking about their bummer summer, lovers tight hugging and kissing. She was disgusted!

How can they say their summer was great? When it was just super hot and boring, she mumbled to herself.

She was dragged back to reality when that loud mouth scumbag Jake started shouting from one end of the hall to the other at his friends. Closing her locker just in time to see her two best friends; Kassidy and Natalia ran up to her. With open arms they embraced her hugs, so happy she squeezed Natalia so hard she yelled, can't breathe. Together they strolled into their classroom and were so glad to have Ms.Gordon as their form teacher and math also, but they didn't care, she was dope.

She listened to them talk about their summer, at least that's what they thought she was doing. She was once again snapped back to reality when Ms.Gordon entered the class welcoming them back another year. She finished up her speech and let them get back to their chattering.

"So, how was your summer?" Natalia asked Zaylia excitedly.

"Tedious, hot," Zaylia sighed.

She ignored her friends' stare, eyeing her to look to her left. What's to her left? One of the two persons responsible for her previous heartbreak. The girl, her ex 'Kevin' supposedly left her for, more like cheated on her with. A specific chartered aimed at the group of boys that entered the class, she forced herself not to look, with the glimpse she saw of Kevin.

She stared at the clock, waiting for the bell to go off for lunch. She was expecting a better first day at school but instead it was worse than her summer. Luckily they didn't get any work on the first day of school, just a nomination for school president and sports president. She was furious when she heard she had me nominated for the girl sports president but still didn't know who nominated her first and who second it, then everyone followed and nominated her.

"I expected it, but I didn't expect all these amateurs wanted to work with me," Austin said to his best friend Tray. There was girls staring at him everywhere.

In Vendal High they didn't do the voting process. The nominee who was nominated the most automatically gets the position, but with a perfect academic record. So Zaylia is the females' sports captain and Austin is for the males.

With work on his hand, Austin was out to find his target. Who is it? What could this particular girl do to deserve another female hating on her and sending 'Austin Parkers' to ruin her. With his black hair, charming dreamy light brown eyes, and a body like Chris Hemsworth. A girl never dared to turn him down, with every girl flocking behind him, he could easily manipulate them.

Going to find his next target, but things changed when he made a different turn on things. At first he thought he had already gone out with her since she was talking to Lacia. But the smile was like one he had never seen, it made him sick to his stomach, thinking of it he had never seen her before and he now wondered what he had been doing on this compound to miss such beauty and smile.

He wanted to speak to her so badly but his mouth couldn't open when she came up and introduced herself. He was mute.

"Hello? Are you dumb?" Zaylia asked him, after she got annoyed by his silence. She later strolled off.

Stupid, that's what I am. Damn stupid, Austin told himself. What the hell happened to me? He went home pissed at himself for acting like a dummy when she spoke to him.

It was Friday already. Two weeks after they had been nominated. Instead of working on the assignment they got to work on together for the sports development fund they were at each other's throats. Most of the girls were upset that she was sports president, while some were happy- but in a bad way, they thought she was interested in it only because Austin was involved, because she mumbling about who nominated her and seeing them at each other's throat made it an interesting scene to them.

They had a meeting this weekend for the volunteered bake off for the sports event for the other week and they couldn't stand each other. Well she couldn't stand him, he used the disagreements they had as a mask for the feelings he held truly for her. Also they had the whole event to plan.

"How can you not like him?" Kassidy asked Zaylia.

"He's full of himself and cheap items attract a lot of buyers. I'm between cheap and expensive so he needs to level up or stop being so cheap. Every door opens he enters," Zaylia answered, caring less that he was there and so were their friends.

"Sorry, Ms. Perfect, I don't wish to be in your league," he snapped back.

The two of them went on and on throwing shades at each other which drew a lot of attention.

That night he laid in bed staring through his windows at the white stylized moon in the luminous blue sky. He wondered back to two weeks ago and blamed himself for how things are between them. If he just had opened his mouth and said 'hi' she wouldn't feel offended when she spoke to him. He sighed sadly and tried picturing her face with that smile.

She had the world's most beautiful smile; affectionate and beaming bright that lit up her enticing blue eyes. He was love-struck. He was surprised himself to realize that he couldn't tell in detail yet the physiques of her body, but soon.