The sports center was full and buzzing with people and the party staff. It had to be perfect for the other schools participating in the big upcoming ports fundraiser. They had a lot on their hands and Austin was fifteen minutes late. She didn't have his number or any means of communication to get in touch with him. She realized the girls around her from the other schools started acting strange; giggling and looking past her.
She turned just in time to find Austin standing behind her with a huge grin on his face. He offered her a rose he bought and a box of chocolate as a peace offering. She wanted to be mad but she couldn't turn down the box of chocolate. She desists from making eye contact with him
When he wandered off to start clearing the equipment out of the room, she failed to stop looking at him. He smelled good and and looked good, he reminded her of the vanilla cake she had this morning; looked and smelled good.
"What the hell am I doing?" she asked herself. She was drawn to him despite the disagreements they had regularly. Considering that he had a bad reputation when it comes to females, he was amusing to watch. Changing her mood quickly she went from wishful thinking to a serious face when he looked up at her.
The girls were drooling over him. Every other ten minutes another girl approached. Asking for his number? She guessed. It didn't matter, she told herself. She put a roadblock on fantasizing about her and Austin. Sweeping out the room she shifts her mind to focus on her work. They had the cook off soon- more like volunteering baking but it's to see who bakes the most.
Keeping his gaze on her. He was impressed that she worked without even taking a break. "Why did she look away?" he asked himself. Is it the girls swarming me? Or She thinks I'm clumsy for falling every minute and disgusted.
She always has a smile on her face. She's breathtaking, she was fully dressed in a white crop top, black high waist ripped jeans and a white shoe. Simple but she wore it well . He called her to come help him but she went the other way insteads. It crushed him but he tried once more when he was alone.
"Why do you insist on me coming over here?" she asked him.
"I need help moving this," he answered.
"There's so many guys in this place, why couldn't they ask them to lend a hand?" she hissed.
"I don't know them and besides you're who I'm supposed to work with," he said to her, raising a brow.
Without further arguing she helped him.
"This is so spacious," he said admiring the empty sports equipment room.
"Glad you like it. So, Are you ready to get baking?" Zaylia asked.'
"Sure, it's what I'm good at," Austin answered.
"You. good at baking," she chuckled sarcastically.
"Have you ever heard of never judging a book by it's cover?" he pouts.
"Yes, but your cover describes you very well," she responded.
"What if I disappoint you, you're gonna owe me," Austin assured her.
"An apology, I don't have any problem doing that," she flirted with him.
"Well, let's get this show on the road," he led her to the kitchen.
In the middle of baking his phone kept on ringing, he was granted permission to take the call. She looked at him outside, he was arguing with someone. He was sweaty but handsome even with an angry face observed. He returned inside saying nothing to her, he was steaming hot.
"What's wrong with you? You look like you're gonna explode any moment now," she asked, concerned about him.
"Why do you care? Just mind your business," he snapped at her.
She was crushed, he humiliated her in public once more, she stormed outside to take some fresh air, slamming his hand on the cutting board he spilled every drop of flour and broke the bowl it was in. When she returned this time she was in no sort of mood to speak to him and the little feelings she had developed for him vanished. She ignored him for the rest of time they were in the kitchen baking together.
Jealousness swept over him when he saw her speaking to a guy from Hampton High. He watched them laugh by themselves, doing stuff together. He wanted to be hurt but it was his fault.
He tried apologizing for the ninety-ninth time.
'Whatever Austin, that's all she said.
It was time for them to pick out a theme for the fundraiser, but they also had to ensure it was on the sports complex budget. They had to know the amount of money they had in order not to spend more than what they got to do planning. They choose a sports theme auction and with that chosen they now can choose the decoration for the different sports areas being sponsored by this fundraiser. It went pretty smoothly. They had chosen the perfect caterers, giveaways and when they would do the shopping for decorating.
After a long day of work, she was worn out and starving. Her mom was late to pick her up, so she started walking towards town to grab a snack when a car pulled up slowly beside. When the window rolled down she growled and walked off. Jumping out of his car he chased after her.
"Come on Zaylia, I know you hate me but that doesn't mean I can't give you a ride," Austin said, trying to keep up with her. It was going to rain, you can tell by how the sky looked and he didn't want her to be stranded and cold when the rain started.
For the first she didn't argue with him, she desperately wanted a ride, so he held the door open for her and she slid in the passenger seat. Staring out the window, she asked him to stop at the diner so she could grab something to eat. Pulling into the parking lot outside the diner they managed to dash into Zac's diner before the rain started pouring.
While Austin was ordering she stared outside the window at the rain falling before dozing off.
He watched her sleep for half an hour before waking her up.
"Here's your cheese burger with extra fries and soda," he said, handing her the tray. He later gave her a bag of raisins.
"Thanks, how did you know I love raisins?" she asked, pulling the bag of raisins.
"I'm a keen listener and I observed how you picked the raisins out of the bun today and then threw away the bun," he smiled at her.
He ate slowly and watched how she devoured her food ravenously. He grabbed a napkin and wiped the mayonnaise from the side of her mouth. A smile formed at the curve of his lips.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful smile?" he asked, slightly rubbing his thumb over her cheek, blushing shyly, she looked away.
"Not that I remember," she responded.
He withdrew his hand from her face and began to take a big bite out of his taco sandwich. He made a mess of his white T-shirt. She wiped the mess off his shirt for him. His muscles tensed from her touch, his heart dropped and started beating fast when she smiled at him.
"Something wrong?" she asked, when he turned blue?
"I'm okay, just feel like I'm going to vomit?" he answered.
"Grab a cup of tea, before we go, it'll help with the upset stomach," she told him and then they left.
Pulling in front of her house, she thanked him for the food. He apologized for being a jerk once more then allowed her to go inside before the rain started falling hard again. Seeing that she made it inside safely, he honked his horn and drove off.