Avoiding Austin

Getting out of the shower, Zaylia grabbed her pj’s. She got dressed, went to have dinner and watched a movie with her parents, elder brother Kerone and her younger sister Jazelle. Throughout the whole movie she was reminiscing about Austin rubbing his thumb over her cheek. It was a weird thing to do. She was never caught up about a guy like this, the rumors she heard must be true; Austin had his way of wooing any girl he set eyes upon.

But that’s bizarre, she thought. Austin wasn’t interested in her and they hated each others' guts.

But can you hate someone and think about them this much?

She excused herself, grabbed a bottle of water off the counter and went to her room.

She was the middle child of her family, her brother is 19, he repeated a grade, her sister, Jazelle is four and she just started Vendal Kindergarten. With a mom who’s a middle school teacher and dad a game engineer/CEO she got everything she wanted even without asking. She always thought in high school she would be a hyper and one of those egotistical popular rich brat but the world had different plans for her, her parents are the third richest parents in Vendal High she was the most deferential person out of them all.

Zaylia felt as if she was in her own little fairytale before her best friends called her. Knowing the friends he had they were calling to snoop, but why snoop when she and Austin can’t stand each other.

“How was your day?” Kassidy asked.

“It was tiresome. What did you guys do today to pass time today?” she asked them.

“Watch movies and finish the group project,” Natalia answered.

“We did your part too so don’t stress it,” Kassidy added.

“You guys are life saver,” she sighed.

“So what happened between you and Austin today?” they both asked at the same time.

“The usual; argue, work, argue, eat and then we went home,” she replied.

“You haven’t got any feelings for him do you?” Natalia asked.

“No, why?’ she answered.

“Great, I wouldn’t want you to get hurt again, besides he’s with Lena, and if the rumors stand correct he’s with her whole crew, even her cousin,” Natalia told her.

“So none of them knows that he’s playing them all or they’re desperate for a relationship with him?” Zaylia asked.

“He told them the same thing, that they mustn't tell the other, it's their little secret, but everyone in school knows that,” Natalia answered.

“Hmm,” Zaylia replied. She later listened to them chatter about the rest of the stuff that happened before hanging up.

She was in a depressed mood, she got caught up in him for a moment just to realize he’s always gonna be a player. Sighing deeply then went on instagram.

“Are you stalking the girl?” Austin's sister asked him.

“No, I’m just checking her instagram,” he answered. She took photos she said she was gonna upload and I'm waiting.

“You’re stalking her bro, “ she laughed at him. "What does she have on you?

“Her smile,” he answered.

She choked on her orange juice. “So you’re telling me you’re changing because of a smile,” she replied sarcastically.

He showed her the picture she took today. The sun falling on her hair giving it a gold look, her smile bright and filled with promises.

“Ooooooh,” Rachel said emphasizing while taking in the picture. Now I know what you mean, that smile bright up her eyes. Are you in love with her?

“Nope, but I have mad feelings for her,” Austin answered.

“I see,” she replied and went back to her cooking.

Austin was the baby of his family, he had two elder brothers and his only sister Rachel. His mother is a real estate agent and his father is an architect contractor with his own company built from scratch. His eldest brother has one more year before he becomes a family lawyer, his sister is busy studying nursing and his other brother is in his second year of college playing basketball. Austin wanted different things from his siblings; his dad wanted him to go to university on a football scholarship but he wanted to do a diploma course in culinary arts. His dream is to become a MasterChef with his own catering service and restaurant doing work locally and internationally.

It was lunch break and Zaylia was glad she didn’t have the first two classes with Austin and she won’t after break either because they have gym class when the bell rings. Walking in the hall she spotted him at his locker, their eyes met and she went the other way instead of acknowledging him. Sitting at their regular lunch table with her best friends, she stuffed her mouth full with Ms. Margaret's famous mac and cheese with sausage. She always eats fast and packs her mouth with food all at once, she says it brings out the flavour more in the food.

“Didn’t you eat this morning?” Kassidy asked her.

“Says the person whose plate and whole tray are empty,” Zaylia rolled her eyes.

“How are things between you and Frederick?” Zaylia asked her.

“Gucci, nevertheless the relationship is failing which I care zero,” Kassidy replied, taking a bite out of the apple in her hand.

“The same lack of attention problem or something else?” she continued asking.

“Lack of attention, so i’m done wasting my time,” Kassidy responded.

They both turned to Natalia to investigate her love life when Troy made his way over and kissed her.

“So what about you?” Natalia asked her after Troy left.

“What about me?” Zaylia asked.

“Are you crushing on anyone?” Kassidy screwed at her. She knew Zaylia didn’t want to answer the question.

“Yes I do, but It doesn't matter, he’s not interested,” Zaylia sighed, looking around to see if she spotted him anywhere, forgetting that she was avoiding him.

“Welcome on board my ship,” Kassidy responded. You can sit this one out Natalia you and my brother seems pretty good.

The bell rang and the girls made their way towards the locker room for gym class.