

I feel like I can take on the world the next day and even combat training with Nolan goes smooth. Nothing seems to make me tired and I have never fought this good before. I have some time left before I have to go train with Faith so I decide to go visit Thorn. I have brought him some nice meat to make him happy. He is dancing on his paws when he sees me coming with the meat.

"Ooooooo yummy thank you, mistress," he says in my mind.

I smile and stroke his big head. "It's the least I could do after you saved me and Gabriel," I say back to him.

Thorn digs into the food while he responds, "I thought I was going crazy I could feel everything you were feeling. The anger and then the ultimate sadness. I just knew I had to find you, mistress."

I put my head against his neck. "I am glad you did. Don't know where I would be without you," I sigh.