Preparing for battle


I run out of the cave and bump into Zeus.

"Ho, ho,ho what's with the rush?" he asks.

I try to answer but my breathing is still not under control. "I... I... I have to warn them, I have to tell Gabriel," I mutter and I try to run past him.

Zeus puts his arms around me, "Easy Noelle, you have to tell Gabriel what?"

I try to calm myself a bit so I can answer him, "I saw a vision of the sea realm being attacked by Hades. Everyone was dead."

Zeus his face immediately becomes serious, "Visions only appear to people with mind magic. Considering your talents it wouldn't surprise me if you can also do mind magic. We have to go tell the other right now."

He takes my hand and together we run back to Gabriel's mountain. Everyone is still sitting at the kitchen table talking when we barge in. Faith asks confused, "Already done with training?" but then she sees the wild look in our eyes and she continues, "What's wrong guys?"