
Chapter four

Chapter four


Already dressed for work, I locked the door and walked out to get a ride because I want to be a bit earlier than normal day just because I want to meet with Dora since she always leave immediately after her shift is over which it's almost time for her shift to be over

I arrived shortly after at work which luckily enough Dora is still around cleaning up the counter before the night shift begins which I quickly walked up to her with smile on my face

"Hey Lilly welcome" she said smiling

"Thank you dear" I replied "can you give me some of your time please, if you don't mind?" I asked

"Of course not, I don't mind dear" she said, keeping the hand towel in her hand "come let's go to the back yard, I think it's safer for us to talk there freely" which I nodded and followed her to the back yard. She turned and faced me when we were at the back "So what is it dear? tell me am all ears"she said giving me all her attention

"Well I just want to ask you about someone" I said playing with my hand not knowing how to open up to her

"Alright. I just hope you're not in trouble or any kind problem" she asked concerned

"Don't worry, just wanted to ask if you know any Mr. Charlie" I said hoping she knows him

"Yes I do. But I don't know which of the Mr.Charlie your talking about, since it's not only one Mr Charlie I know"

"Oh okay. It's the one I heard his wife is looking for a surrogate mother"

"Oh you mean Mrs Vivian, Mr Charlie Ampofo's wife. I know them but why did you ask?" Dora said looking at me confused

"Well am just looking for extra job which I heard she's looking for new house maids" I lied to her not wanting her to find out about what am about to do

"But have not heard of that, all I know is that she's looking for a surrogate mother" Dora said trying to recall if she had heard anything of such which I quickly speaks up

"Maybe if you know of her address that will helps me alot" I voice out bring her back from her thought

"Well she leaves in Labone Estate house number 4. The mansion with white and black colour paint. It's the most magnificent house there, it looks different from the other houses so you can identify it easily" she answered

"Thank you so much, that means alot to me"

"Mention not dear. I have to be going, see you tomorrow" with that she left. One thing I like about Dora is that she's not the kind of person that talked too much or meddle in others affairs, she always mind her business but talks only when you ask her a question or talked to her, which she will tell you the answer without bothered asking you the reason or try to know more.I walk back inside the bar since it's already time for customers to start coming and some have been coming one after the other.

I sat behind the counter taking orders from customers which I finish serving table four when he came in, I stand there looking at him like a fool forgotten I was attending to the customers. The Manager came out of nowhere and shouted my name seeing I was just standing like a statue

"What the hell do you think you're doing standing like a statue? don't you have customers to attend to?" He shouted which brought me back from my mini dream land

"Am sorry sir" I said walking back to the counter to sit when I saw the manager talking to him which surprised me because this is my first time seeing him here.

Well he might be an important guest if not the manager wouldn't have come down just to welcome a customer unless there's problem which I planned to find out from the manager who the man is when he started walking towards the counter

"Go and serve him a drink and be on your best behavior if not consider yourself fire" the manager said telling me what to serve him before leaving for his office

I arranged everything the manager told me on the tray before taking it to him. I composed myself while walking towards him because I don't want to cause any scene and finally get fired, which the manager has been planning since ages just that he doesn't have enough reason to do that. I arrived at his table and placed everything neatly in front of him before turning to leave, stealing a glance at him.I could vividly recall the night I almost lost my virginity to him just because I was crushing on him.

Almost at the counter when someone called for a waiter which I had to turn to since I was the one closer to them to attend to them. I smiled at them bringing out my jotter and pen from my pocket to jott down their orders when I felt someone's hand on my ass moving in a circular motion

"Oh shit, your ass is so soft which am sure you will be fucking good on bed. Can you last for hours or you can't?" he asked, making others on the table laugh out loud at what he said which got me angry and without any thoughts I grabbed his hair and hit his face on the table which made his friends stop laughing and stare at me with eyes wide open. I just know that am going to be fired but I could care less

"Go fuck your mama ass not mine" I said smashing his face on the table and letting him go after seeing blood coming out from his nose when I saw the manager coming before he could speak up I beat him to it

"No need of telling me am fired, am leaving already so save yourself from the stress" I said about to leave the scene

"Well you're not fired but you have to learn how to control your temper because it's getting the best out of you" he said looking angry which I on the other hand was surprised not believing what he say so I asked him again in case I misheard him

"Sorry can you repeat what you just said"I asked still surprised

"Yes you heard me right, you're not fired or are you deaf now?"

"No" I replied shaking my head

"Then go and continue with your work" he said leaving me baffled still not believing what just happened.

I woke up the next day and dressed up because I will be going to Mr Charlie's house to see if I might get lucky

I removed one of my gowns from the hanger and wore it because I think it's better to dress up and look presentable. I picked the blue dress and curl my hair before applying a little bit of makeup on my face to look more presentable

I arrived shortly at Mr Charlie's mansion following the description given to me by Dora. I walked to the doorstep but was a bit nervous to knock because I'm feeling guilty for not telling both of my best friends that I know they will be disappointed in me, but nevertheless I still have to do this because I need the money. I will tell them everything when I get the chance at least by then not going back.

My only fear now is that I wish and hope I am not going to regret what I am about to do. I breathe in and out before pressing the intercom, waiting patiently for the door to be open. The door was open shortly after some minutes revealing a young lady in her white and black clothes with an apron hanging around her neck. I don't need to ask anyone to tell me she's a maid. With a smile on her face she greeted me "Good day ma. How may I help you Ma'am?" She asked still with the smile on her face

"I'm here to see Mrs Charlie. Hope she's around?"

"Do you have any appointments with her?" She asked me which I nodded in reply "am sorry you can't see her if you don't have any appointments with her'' she was about to close the door when I heard a voice of another lady from the background asking her who she's talking to appeared at the doorstep which the maid open the door more wider for her. From her appearance alone I could say she's Mrs Vivian. I readjust my cloths and with smile on my face I greeted her

"Good day Ma'am" I said trying to compose myself

"Good day young lady. How may I help you?" She asked. Seeing she straight forward I just told her the truth

"I heard about your search for a surrogacy,so I decided to come and see maybe there's still vacancy"

"Oh news travels so fast. But nevertheless come in let have some discussion" she turned and walked past the maid which i followed her inside.

I didn't sit down until she asked me to which I murmured a thank you before sitting down. I sat there for a few minutes without uttering a word while she on the other side was busy accessing me from head to toe.

I was busy murmur it to myself seeing how she's checking me out for a person looking for a surrogate mother being selective. I wonder if it's because she's rich or what. It takes her for about fifteen minutes before she speaks up

"Let's get straight to the business since you're here already, I will just ask you some questions to see if you're qualified then there's no need to look for another Surrogate mother or borrowed womb" I felt insulted by what she said, like seriously does she have to spell it out. I have to compose myself before I do anything stupid. She continues

"Well I don't think I need to know more about your family or your problems, since I know that might be one of the reasons you're here," she said as if she hadn't said anything wrong. I think she's going too far but hope she doesn't say more things that will push me to the edge and make me lose my temper. I know this all because of my worthless father's fault who piled a bunch of debt and ran off leaving me to pay it off. I almost forgot someone is in my front until she speaks up and brought me back to my senses

"Oh I can see you're already thinking about the money. Don't worry I know your in need of the money so badly, which I don't think you will reject my offer" she said with a straight face which I couldn't take her bullshit any longer

"Oh please I beg your pardon. I think it's better we stay within our limits and be mature enough to know that we're strictly here for business and business alone, not meddling in others' personal life. And moreover you're the one searching for a borrowed womb just the way you said it, simply because you can't carry a child in your own womb. So please refrain from saying things that we both might regret. I told her not to mind being in her home and anything could happen. It takes her a while to come back to her senses after what I just said. She clears her throat

"Good then. So I will like to know where you work, what time you start and close"

"I'm a bartender at a club. Starts by 10pm and closes by 4am or 5am"

"Hummm, you spent all your night outside which I think will be bad for the pregnancy, but let's wait and see what will happen first. So do you drink or smoke?" She asked looking at me

"I do both" I answered straight forward since I know lying to her will gain me nothing and she will eventually get to know since I have to undergo some tests

"Good, I like how straight forward you're. So you're a virgin I guess?"

"Yes I am"

"Good. You have all what I required so i will take you to the hospital for some tests to see if everything is okay before giving you the contract for signing"

"Alright then"

"So whenever you're free let's go and see the doctor and be done with everything once and for all"

I checked the time and saw that there's still time for me to go with her and come back and rest before going to work.

"Yes we can"

"Okay then, give me some minutes" which she left and came back in less than five minutes wearing a different outfit from the one earlier. We left for the hospital and arrived shortly after

We waited for some minutes before we were called to see the doctor we entered without spending much time they started the procedure for the test which I think she have called before we even arrived so they know what to do when they were done they asked us to wait for the results since it's not going to take much time so we waited

We waited for a while and still yet it's not our turn to see the doctor since the que is long, so I couldn't help but to check the time. Seeing it's taking longer than expected I told her I will be going when we were called.

After some tests, we waited patiently for the results to come which shortly after the nurse came in and handed the results to the doctor which he opened and look at us

"Am sorry to say, but I don't think your fit to become a surrogate"

Thank you all for reading and adding my story to your library

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