
Chapter five

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"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked immediately forgetting about the surrogacy and Mrs Vivian

"Am sorry but you have to calm down and let me explain" the doctor tried to keep thing at bay

"Don't tell me to calm down. Am still single, haven't had any sex experience my whole life of 22years and you're telling to calm down for what?" I said angrily thinking this is a set up "doctor for your information I don't even know what abortion is, at least I will have to have sex first before thinking of that and here you're telling me I can't conceive. Wait do you even know your work? or your just a doctor by papers?" I said scattering his table which Mrs Charlie get a grip on me

"Hey, please calm down and let's give him a chance to explain" she tried to calm me but I could not take it

"Just please let me tell him what's on my mind. If not, unless you're in this together, don't tell me to calm down. How could he say that or is it a set up or what"? I said trying to keep my calm

"Miss, I hope you will calm down and let me explain. You misinterpreted everything, at least give me a chance to talk" the Dr said waiting for me to give him the go ahead to explain which I just stare at him waiting for his explanation "well what I meant is that you have to reduced the intake of your alcohol or rather have to stop for awhile till after everything is done" he said which I sighed in relief

"You should have said that earlier than bluntly saying I can't get pregnant. You know I could've understand what you mean but you just said something without elaborating on it first"

"You didn't give me the chance to talk before you fired up" the doctor smile

"Am sorry! I was just worried that why. You know I'm still a virgin and yet to have sex talkless of marriage and thinking of having my own children, so hearing this just makes things worst"

"I understand where you're coming from, just that you have to abstain from alcohol for some weeks before another test in conducted again"

"Okay then. Can we leave now?"

"Yes you can. But Mrs Vivian have to wait behind "

"Alright then" with that I left the hospital alone, since Mrs Vivian have to wait behind and have some discussion with the doctor

Immediately I opened the door to my apartment and entered. The first thing I did was take off my clothes entirely, leaving me with just my inner wear. When I felt a hand touching me from behind which I jumped and shouted"holy shit" I turned and saw Mia laughing at me " Oh God! Are you trying to kill me or what?" I asked " I got scared" I said trying to calm down

"My bad, sorry babe. I never know you're these scared" Mia said still laughing

"Gosh don't try that next time. I thought someone bulged in or one of my father's debtors"

"What the fuck. Why would you think that way? Or does someone normally bulge here?" Mia asked alert

"No they don't. I just feel they might one day, you can't predict what they're capable of doing when they need their money"

"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you earlier"

"It's okay"

"Why don't you come and stay with me?" Mia asked which made me speechless "don't get me wrong, just for the time being not permanently"

"No! I can't. And don't worry I will soon pay them off and when I do they will leave me alone because i'm tired of them already"

"Calm down dear, everything will soon be over. You don't have to stress yourself because I know you're trying your best. But at least have time for yourself, you need to rest"

"I will soon. But that will be after I pay of the debt"

"It's okay. Soon you will be sent free. I just decided to check on you since it's been two days since I haven't set my eyes on you. The door was locked,so I used the spare key with me to welcome myself inside. Here I brought you some foods, you can refrigerate some since I know you won't finish it all today"

"Awwn thank you so much. That's the more reason I love you So much" I said kissing her

"I love you too. Let me be going, I know you need to rest before going to work. Do take care of yourself besty" she said giving me a hug which I hug her back before she leaves

I walked into the toilet after locking the door behind Mia. After bathing, I prepared what to wear when I woke up for work. I lay on my bed and not more than a minute I slept off

The sound of alarm wakes me up which I get off the bed and dressed up for work

I arrived at the workplace, which was already crowded everywhere. Did I tell you that i hate weekends, then if I haven't then I do because of the work loads. Customers were already flowing everywhere, which always got me confused, which table ordered this or that. I walked directly to the counter to begin my work, since that is what brought me here.

I wanted to see the manager but the work load and customers couldn't let me spend even a minute to see him. I didn't even have a chance to rest because of how the bar was choked up with customers

I was exhausted already which got me pissed off and seeing these young teenagers not old enough to consume much alcohol wasting their lives but being from wealthy, with no one to guide time to the right path or even at least to coach them throughout the way of life rather, here they're wasting and stressing me

If any of them passes out we have to look for someone to take them home or call a cab to them to their various house

Their customers were leaving one after the other while some were lying lifelessly on the floor. I was exhausted to the core today, because the work wasn't funny and easy at all which I had to endure, since it's just a matter of time before I stop walking here.

I left my work place, immediately it was time for closing without cleaning the remaining places because I'm seriously tired and my bed was calling me. All my body aches from too much work, walking from one table to another. I arrived at home safely and rushed into my apartment. The first thing I did is to remove my clothes tossing them one after the other all over the places remaining me with just my bra and pants, which I removed my bra because I don't like sleeping with it. In Fact i don't like wearing bra that much, but have to wear it to work, since I will be moving from one table to another,coming in contact with different people. I lay down and slept of without bathing


The vibration of my phone is what wakes me up from my dream land. I'm awake but I don't have the strength to get up because I'm still feeling sleepy. I stretched my hand to pick up the phone and immediately get up seeing the name display on the screen "hello Sam" I said groggily

"Lilly are you sleeping?" Sam asked from the other side

"Yeah I'm"

"You better get your ass of that bed"

"But you know yesterday was Sunday right? and you know how hectic sunday's are at the bar"

"Sorry babe I forget. But still we need to see or should we just talk over the phone?"

"If it's something we can talk over the phone, then no problem, if my presence doesn't matter that much"

"Okay lazy ass. It's about the work you asked me to check for you if there's still a vacancy which there's is. So are you still interested or not?"

"Gosh Sam! Do you need to ask me again, when you know I need it"

"Alright then, meet me by twelve noon later"

"What happened? Is there still a vacancy for me?" I asked hoping he will say yes

"Yes babe there's, see you later"

"Thank you best. I will be there soon"I said excited getting up from my bed to dress which I heard Sam still talking

"Hey! you need to rest. Just make sure you're there by twelve or before your shift"

"Alright best. Bye see you then" I ended the call with a sigh before I dropped the phone and lay down again.

I dress up immediately. It's eleven thirty. I just can't afford to lose the opportunity. I dressed up in a peach gown, to look presentable. I packed my hair in a ponytail style before applying a little bit make up.I make sure I look good and presentable before walking out of the apartment to meet Sam

"Hey Sam" I said immediately I sights him from afar

"Hello my pretty friend" he said smiling. Sam can be dramatic sometimes

"Oh God Sam. Do you really say that out loud? People are looking"i said shyly

"But seriously I am not. You look hot in a gown. Next time don't forget to inform me to get you a job, at least I will get to see you all dressed up"

"Can we go already? I'm tired of standing" I whined

"Yes my lady," Sam said teasingly. Did I ever mentioned that Sam can be playful and un serious when you're serious, then if I don't know he his

"Sam be serious. I'm nervous. Are you sure I'm going to be okay? I'm sure if I can do this"

"Hey! Calm down. Take a breath in and out then relax. I know you can do it and I promise you it's gonna be simple and easy. I trust you best" Sam said reassuring

"Thank you. I need that encouragement" we were in front of the manager's office which Sam knocked waiting for permission to enter.

"Come in" she said after some minutes from inside the office when we opened the door and entered. Which we were still standing waiting for to give us permission to seat which she did

"Please have your seat" she said while I, on the other hand, was nervous, as if it's the first time I am coming for an interview. Sam holds my hand seeing I'm nervous and shaking a little bit. I turned and looked at him, which he nodded in assurance, giving the vipe I needed.

"Welcome" the lady said

"Thank you" I replied

"Without wasting much of my time let's talk business. I have a lot to do already, so I am gonna make it snappy for both of us. Are you the one for the job?" She asked looking at me

"Yes Ma" I replied which she continue to check me out from head to toe without taking her eyes off me

"Good. So tell me, what do you know about designing?" She asked which I just kept mute " Well let me tell you something, designing is not all about sketching, admiring or seeing what a person is wearing. You need to dedicate all your time and effort to bring out the best for people to see and love your love. Here we deal with top celebrities, famous musicians and the rich. So if you really want to work with me, you have to know what's best for my customers, be good and fast on what you do. I hope I am communicating?"

"Yes," I said, stammering.

"Good. But I will have to test you to see how good you're. I hope you won't disappoint me?"

"I won't ma"

"Good. You're hired then" she said which I couldn't help but smile and look at Sam and I could see he is smiling at me too

"You can start work tomorrow. But I don't like coming late . Hope I am clear?"

"Yes ma'am"

"You can take your leave and resume work tomorrow. Make sure you come on time and don't be late or forget about coming at all" I thought it was going to be difficult but the reverse is the case. We walk out hand in hand with Sam which I hugged him immediately we were outside the building to show him how happy I am