

Chapter eight

It's been a while I set my eyes on both Mia and Sam ever since the incident occurred which I know I'm at fault though it's high time they give me a listening ear

Sam doesn't pick me up any longer ever since then which I know they are both still angry with me. Have been going to both of my jobs but I'm not myself. I can't even concentrate on my work because I am worried sick about the attitude Sam and Mia are giving me. I decide it's high time I text them because I know even if I call they won't pick.

I texted them telling them I am sorry and we should meet up at which I sent the address where we are meeting.I took permission from my work place, telling the boss I'm sick because that's the only way she will let me go. I arrived at our meeting point patiently waiting for them to come but didn't see any of them who had been here for more than hours when they didn't show up. I gave up on seeing them because the Sam and Mia I know don't waste them in terms of meeting but I took it because they're angry with me that's why they're not here yet . I got tired and was about to leave when I saw them coming. I smiled because at least they showed up even though they weren't smiling, but still I have hope that they will forgive me since they showed uo. Both of them came and sat down without saying anything to me, I didn't mind and started the conversation

"I'm sorry" was the first thing I said to them "I know what I did was drastically unacceptable, but please can you guys forgive me?" I pleaded with the hope they will "I promised I had learnt my lesson and such a thing won't happen again. I missed you guys so much that I have not been myself ever since then. Sam, Mia" I called their names "I'm sorry, please let's sort things out" which I was about to kneel down when they both quickly hold me

"It's okay," Mia said, " it's just that we never expect this from you. Don't you think it's gonna affect our relationship if you start keeping things from us?" Mia said

"I know" I replied calmly

"It's so uncalled for. I never expect such thing from you that's why I got angry, but it's over since you have learned your mistake but next time don't try that" Mia said

"There's no going to be next time I promised"

"Well since she has said every thing already I don't have anything else to say but there shouldn't be next time again as she said."So can you now start explaining how you got the idea of becoming a surrogate, where, when and how?. Sam asked me all at once.

"At the coffee shop" I replied

"That means you already have someone whom you want to become their surrogate. So tell us who is the person, we have all night to listen to you" Sam said

"Well, you know the day we met at the coffee shop"

"Yes I can recall, continue"

"Hummm, the ladies that were seating at our back were discussing about Mrs Charlie looking for a surrogate" I said about to continue when they both stopped me

"Wait, Mrs Charlie? Or what did we just hear you say now?" They both asked at the same time which I had to look at them seeing how they asked me

"Yes Mrs Charlie you heard me right. Is there a problem?" I couldn't help but asked them too

"Like seriously!" Mia said still looking at me

"Yes" I said

"Well I don't blame you for not knowing who she is or who her husband is when you don't know what's going on in the society. Always stock up with your head phone and work. You need to go on social media for you to know all these people but you don't. Well let me tell you since you're in the dark, Mrs Charlie is wife to Mr Charlie Ampofo, the richest man and known man around" Mia said looking at me in disbelief

"What? Tell me you're joking? You can be serious" I said in disbelief

"Am serious babe" Mia said .'But how will you know when you're just naive about everything going on around you. You see it's better you go on social media before one day you get into trouble. So tell us, have you gone to see her yet or not?" Mia asked

"Well, I have"

"What?" They both said in unison still not believing me

"Yes, I have and we have already gone to see the doctor" I replied

"Tell me you're joking?" Sam said

"I'm serious. It's the doctor that asked me to stop taking alcohol for now" I said narrating everything without omitting any word

"Humm this serious, but you have to be careful with the way you associate with all these wealthy people.They're not to be trusted that much" Mia said

"Don't worry I will be extra careful. So what do you think?"

"We won't stop you. Since you have met with her and made the decision already. We are just here to give you all the support you need. So worry not we got your back in any decision you take. The reason we kick against it before is just that we are angry you didn't share the idea with us first, but now it's okay, we're always here for you whenever you need us" Sam said, which I stand up and hug them both before Mia speak

"But wait. How will you cope? You still being a virgin, and you haven't had sex before how can you give birth? Mia asked

"Have never thought of that" I said truthfully because all my thinking then is the money I would get

"You see you should've browsed all this before going but maybe the doctor will tell you about it. But all I know is that Pregnancy is achieved through in vitro fertilization (IVF). A traditional surrogate both donates her own egg and carries a pregnancy for an individual or couple. The pregnancy is usually achieved through intrauterine insemination (IUI) with sperm from the intended father. Donor sperm may also be used but in your own case yours their both donating their sperm which you will be undergoing a CS"

"Impossible! I don't think I can go through CS. But seriously have never thought of all this before and I don't want to lose my virginity to just anybody "

"Don't worry girl, when you reach that stage we will know what to do. But hope you're allowed to have a hot and intimate romance or is that not allowed too?" Mia couldn't help but ask. Which makes me and Sam look at her before bursting into a fist of laughter, while she just stares at us "what? did I say anything wrong" she asked

"Oh! Yes you did. I don't think romance have anything to do with the pregnancy Mia" Sam said still laughing

"Oh! But you should've said that earlier, not for you both to laugh at me" we discussed for a while before Sam drove us home. I'm glad and happy we're all back together at least I will sleep peacefully

I'm meeting Mrs Vivian Charlie Ampofo today, because we will be going to see the doctor for my appointment to check if am fit to become a Surrogate or not since have abstain from consuming alcohol

I arrived earlier than time at Mr Charlie's mansion so I won't waste much time and be late for work. I pressed the intercom at the door before someone open the door for me and usher me inside telling to seat since Mrs Vivian is having a talk with her husband

I waited for some hours, before I heard their voices, which seems that the couples were having an argument

" I told you, I don't like the idea of surrogacy,if you can't give me an heir by yourself then forget it" Mr Ampofo said angrily

"Well, suit yourself. But don't you dare disturb me about the issue of an heir again, because I have told you several times before and am still saying it again. I'm not getting pregnant and jeopardizing my career. If that's what you want then am sorry to say it's impossible" Mrs Charlie said

I just sat there confused thinking about what I had gotten myself into. Is it that the husband is not in support of these or what. I hope have not brought myself into trouble

The husband stormed out of the house furiously, I could not see his face, just his back view and it's not even clear because before I could turn and see him, he was already out of my sight. I composed myself before Mrs Charlie make herself present

"Oh! Lilly, you're here already?" Welcome"

"Thank you Mrs Vivian"

"So, I think we should postpone our meeting with the doctor for today. I have an important appointment to attend to. Hope you don't mind the change of plans?" She asked

"No problem. I will see you next time then" I said leaving the house without turning my back. My only prayer now is that she won't call me again, because ever since I overheard their argument over this I felt discouraged. I sighed in relief after being far from the mansion. You can never predict what the rich are upto

I arrived at home shortly after and immediately dressed up for work. I can't afford to be late. I don't think the idea of me going to work late is a good one, because ever since I caught the boss having a steamy sex in his office with a worker, he has been hot in my tail waiting for me to do something wrong, which have been extremely careful because I don't want him to get the satisfaction he wants that's why have been going to work on time, to avoid his trap, which I vow not to fall for his trap

Immediately I set my foot into the bar and I saw the manager standing at the extreme end of the stairs. I pretended not to see him "and why are you just coming?" He asked which I checked the time and saw that am not late yet

"But sir it's not time yet for me to start my shift. At Least there is almost like twenty minutes before my shift starts" I replied

"Oh! I can see you're now the boss, since you know when the shift starts or not"

"But it's there in the contract paper we signed, so I'm not late yet" I said walking past him, to which he couldn't say anything further. I'm glad I go through the contract paper very well every chance I get. If not I could've been fired since ages ago but I'm always giving him close marking which he dislikes more. I walked to the closet to change before my shift starts

"Hey Lilly" one of my colleagues said immediately I came out from changing

"Hello Vic" I replied

"It's been a while since we talked. Hope you're good?" He asked concerned

"Yes I am. How was your break?" I asked him because he has been on break since he got into a minor accident

"Fine babe"

"That's good to hear. I hope there's no more pain?"

"No, I'm okay now. Thanks for your concern" I just smiled at him and walked to the counter when I saw the manager coming down from the stairs. I vividly know he's doing all this up and down just because of me. I don't have his time for right now while I have a lot on my table already. I began my work immediately and the customers started coming in one after the other.