

Chapter seven

I know boss will never tell me who he is, because I bounced into his office without knocking which I saw him fucking one of his workers and it's against the rules, but he can't keep his dick in one place following different girls and everything in pant and skirt.

I closed on time since the work wasn't that much today, so I will have enough time to sleep my ass off before going to work in the morning.

Today being my free day, I don't have to stress myself by waking up early. No night shift which means I need to take my clothes for dry cleaning.I always dry clean my clothes the days I am free so I won't be bored and lonely at home. I dislike staying in one place because when I do I tend to think a lot but the worst part of it is that i'm not current on social media because it's not something i'm used to rather i listen to music or do other things but not social media because I think it's waste of time and energy. Done with everything I lay down on the bed to have a nap before I wake up and know what to cook when a knock comes through which I grumpily stand up murmuring some incoherent words, thinking who the hell is at the door by this time of the day to disturb me.

"Who the hell is that?" I shouted

"Will you open this fucking door, before I break it down" the person said from the other side which is no other than Mia which I know they're together with Sam. I open the door and went back to lay down on my bed

"Girl get your ass of that bed and let's go have some fun "

"No thank you. The both of you can go I need to sleep" isaid adjusting the duvet when fling it away from my body

"Hell no. We're going nowhere without you. So get that your boring lazy ass from that bed and dress up" I know I can't just win when these two are together. Having no option left I stand up and dressed, but getting what to wear is the difficult task at hand now. I scan through my wardrobe and bring out a knee length gown with strips with my hills. I applied only lip balm and amble out together with my two crazy best friends

We were seated at the back table hosting and laughing while Sam and Mia were busy drinking which they offered me some but I declined, which got them staring at me as if they're just seeing me for the first time. Sam couldn't help but asked

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at me concerned

"Nothing. I just don't feel like taking any thing now" I replied

"You're lying" Mia said without any doubt

"Seriously, I'm just not in the mood" I tried to defend

"You know what? Keep your fucking problem to yourself" Mia said angrily banging the table about to leave when Sam hold her hand. Don't be surprised by her reaction because among the three of us, she's the one that gets angry easily, especially when she asks you something and you don't reply to her with the answer she wants to hear she will be mad at you and that's just what happened. She sat down but turn her face the other way round not looking at me nor Sam

"Lilly" Sam said calmly but I could dictate through his voice that his angry too but trying to calm himself

"Hummmm" I replied with a hum because I couldn't get my voice

"Talk to us" he said and continued "you know your problem is also ours, so why keep things from us or don't you trust us again?" He asked

"No" I replied not knowing what to say "it's just that" I tried to say something but couldn't

"Just that what" Sam said "we are your family and best friends not just anyone. Remember we don't keep things from each other, unless you want to start that now, which isn't going to work out. We have passed the stage of lying or keeping secrets from each other, so tell us what's wrong before we find out by ourselves" Sam said which I sigh in defeat, no escape route which I know from the beginning that they will find out one way or the other from me or somewhere else but I never expect they will find out as early as this. I know it's just because of my day off that they got to find out and coming to the club is not a good idea since I am not allowed to take alcohol now. I cleared my throat

"Guys I'm sorry" I said knowing have wrong them "i know I should've let you know first before deciding, but I couldn't bring myself to tell you guys, thinking you both will kick against it and not support me that's why I kept quiet "

"Can you just hear yourself? '' Mia said scoffing "you feel insecure and unsafe around us like seriously, when did all this start?'' You know no matter what we won't judge or misguide you no matter what you say or do. We promised to always be there for you and support you whenever you needed us but can you just listen to what you just said. I highly disappointed in you" Mia said still angry

"Mia, you need to calm down and listen to her first before concluding. At least we should know what's going on first" Sam said, being the patient and understanding one among us. I felt horrible because I know have wronged them because of my insecurities and lack of trust in them

"Lilly, tell us everything and don't even think of omitting even a single word because you know the rest already which I don't have to spell it out for you to hear" Sam said trying to lighting the situation since his the only one among us that could keep his anger at bay which i know I have no other option than to tell them nothing but the truth. I'm finding it difficult to open up to them but I can't afford to loose my two best friends that have been nothing but good to me

Not knowing where to start or what to say I decided to just tell them the important part

"I'm becoming a surrogate" I said not looking at them but when I heard nothing from them both I raised my head and saw the two of them with their mouths wide open. I could see they were both shocked from what I just said. Mia just stood up and walked to the counter to get a drink before coming back to sit again. I could feel the tension in the air but none of them talked. Mia is just busy sipping her drink while Sam is gulping down some water down his throat after some minutes Sam talked

"Lilly" he just called my name nothing more nothing less which made me feel frustrated. Mia back from her shock speaks up

"Wait wait!" Mia said raising her hands up "are you serious about what you just said or is these some kind of prank you want to pull on us, if it's a prank or a joke just stop it already because it's too expensive" Mia said not believing me which I swallow the saliva in my throat before clearing my voice to talk

"I'm sorry and I didn't mean to hurt or hide anything from you guys. I know I made the decision alone without informing you guys first. It's just that, oh God! I don't know what to say to make you guys understand. But believe me I have the intention to tell you guys"

"The intention to tell us but when, till everything is over that's when you intended to tell us or till we see you with the baby bump right?" Mia asked, looking at me in disbelief. Sam didn't utter a word he just sat there staring at me like a ghost

"Trust me guys, I didn't mean to keep it from you" I said trying to make them believe me

"You didn't mean to, right?" Sam said " but for how long did you decide to keep it from us and how on Earth did you think of becoming a surrogate without informing us?" Sam speaks for the first time

"Humm. It's just a week ago"

"What the hell. A week?, and you're just telling us no. I can't believe this. Since a week ago and you didn't think it's important for us to know or what? What if we didn't visit you or asked you to come to the club with us? And that again because your not drinking if not we are never going to find out" Mia said standing up

"No. You're getting it all wrong"

"Then make us understand right these instant" Sam said furiously

"I need you guys to calm down first. We aren't getting each other. And if both of you are this angry then how do you expect me to tell you everything?"

"Can you just listen to yourself?" Mia asked angrily "We're angry because we never expected this from you and we care about you that's why, but if you think it's not important for us to know about what's going on in your life anymore then fine by me " Mia said drinking the remaining drink in her cup

"You're getting it all wrong Mia. At least give me a chance to explain please" I pleaded

"You know what?" Mia asked which I shook my head "I am out of here. I need to be sober for this discussion because right now if I continue to stay here and listen to you I don't know what will happen. Sam let's go or are you staying?" Mia asked which Sam nods standing up to follow her but Mia left before him

"Am sorry, but i think Mia is right we should talk about this when we both are sober, that why we will understand each other very well" Sam said giving me a light tap on my shoulder which I stand up and follow him

I saw Mia waiting for us already in the car, that means she's waiting for us to leave together. She sat in the front seat looking at the bar entrance but turned around immediately she saw us coming or me to be precise. I know I have wronged them by not informing them first before taking the decision, they have always been in support of me no matter what but I just don't know what come over me

We entered the car and Sam drove off, he dropped me first before going to drop Mia since they're not that far from each other. I entered inside my apartment but I was totally weak since it been long we have such misunderstanding which I know am at fault and ready to take any punishment given to me by them but I can't withstand seeing them angry with me

Thinking of the way out of this mess I picked my phone and called Mia but she's not answering my call. I called her for like five times but she didn't pick. I tried for the last time which she picked up without saying anything

"I'm sorry Mia" I said feeling remorseful

"It's okay but I think it's better we talk tomorrow. Right now I am not in the mood" and she ended the call which I feel better at least she picked. I called Sam which he picked at the second ring unlike Mia

"I'm sorry Sam" I said immediately

"It's okay Lilly. Let's have a talk tomorrow, I need to rest now" he said and hung up while I dropped my phone and walked to the toilet to have a bath.