

It's closing time already while Sam is outside waiting patiently for me to come so we can go since I will be going to his place then from there I will go for my night shift. About to enter the car when my phone rings which stopped me from entering the car. I bring the phone out from my mini bag seeing it's not a known number I decided not to pick but the person called again " Hello" I said through the phone

"Hello Lilly, where have you been ? And I hope you're fine and okay? I asked the maid to call you earlier but told me you're not responding"

"I'm sorry I left earlier than planned. Don't worry I'm safe and sound"

"That's good. I personally went to your room thinking you were in the bathroom that why you didn't answer the maid. Once again I'm sorry about yesterday incident, I don't know maybe it's because of that you left early without having your breakfast. Please do try and come, I promised you that everything is settle"

"No problem, I will be back but have to go now bye" I ended the call before she could say anything further" who was that?" sam asked

"Mrs Charlie" I replied closing the door

"What did she want?"

"To confirm where have been since in the morning"

"What? Don't tell me she's just calling you now since in the morning you left the house. I thought she wants you to be closer to her so she could take care of you and have her maids look after you and she's just calling now" Sam said and scoffed. I didn't say anything because he was right, she hasn't called since, it's now that she's calling when it's already afternoon. I wonder how they will raise a child in that house because she doesn't even have enough time for herself without a baby. But that's not my problem, mine is to give birth to the child, give them the baby and leave that's all. We arrived at Sam house before Mia arrived since she doesn't close on time. Sam told me he called her and informed her about everything. She said she will be coming to meet us after her working hours are over.

"Lilly, I'm sorry about what happened Sam told me everything, I just hope you're okay. I know deep down you're physically fine but emotionally you're not. I know you're hurt about what happened but I want you to know you're just there temporarily and not permanently. Do endure or tell Mrs Vivian you want to move out since the husband don't want you in his home" Mia said

"Thanks Mia"

"You're welcome. But come to think of it, I think Mr Charlie said all that because he had a thing for you and is angry to see you there as a surrogate which maybe he wants more. Come to think of it again, you know how guys tend to behave when they're jealous of what they want. I think in his situation he acts that way so you could end the contract and he will come after you. It's just that he took it to far by calling you a prostitute, which I know his regretting that already because he knows who you're already even without you telling him" to say I'm surprised hearing all this from Mia will be a lie because she's always the one that talk or takes decision without thinking twice

"I know what you're thinking," she said, smiling at me. "Come on I know, if I was the first person you told, I would act the way Sam did but no, I was the second person, so it gives me the time to view and understand everything well. Moreover I know you're still crushing on him, just that you're hurt he called you a prostitute"

"Yeah, I just don't know, I wish I could stop crushing on him but it's impossible. You know having a crush on someone hardly fades even when you know the person is married or far away from your reach. I don't think I can stop crushing on him even when he called me a prostitute"

"I know you can't stop crushing on him because seeing him closer to you now will make you want more than a crush. So when did you plan on going back?"

"That's will be after my shift too night"

"It's okay. Take your time and relax. What are you guys eating let's order because am hungry" Mia said picking her phone up to order

"Anything" Sam and I said. Mia ordered pizza, french cheese and burger for us, which shortly after the delivery guy arrived. We ate in silence while one of us was busy thinking about his/her life, which I appreciated because I'm not in the mood to talk. When I finished eating I walked to the bed and lay down, because I was beyond exhausted. Don't know what wrong with me I get tired easily these days, but i took it to be work stress

"Should I come and pick you up, after your closing hours"

"No Sam, it's okay. I will get a cap to take me home from here"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am"

"If you don't feel like going back there you can come and stay with me for a while before you decide"

"Don't worry I will be okay"

"If you insist then no problem"

"I will be fine"

"Alright goodnight and see you tomorrow"

"Thank you so much Sam and don't worry too much about me"He nods without saying anything before he drive off which I entered inside, change my clothes and wear my apron to begin my work. Some hours later, someone knock on the counter which I was busy under the table putting each drink in it's rack for easy access when I want to serve a customer. I stand up to attend to the person that knock on the counter but immediately change my mood seeing the person standing before me which the smile on my face fade due to annoyed I am " how can I help sir?" I asked pretending not to know him to avoid complications

"I need a drink" he replied looking at me as if it's the first time his seeing me which I pretended not to notice the way his looking at me

"Which type of drink would you like to have?" I responded in a professional way

"Whiskey and ice will do"

"Okay sir. You can go and have a seat I will bring it for you"

"Don't worry I'm okay here" i forget about the way he was looking at me and serve him his drink before I left the counter walking to the backyard since it's break time

"Some men lack senses'' I said angrily, thinking how he has the guts to come close to me after everything he said about me, but I don't blame him since this is my working place where I have no other option than to serve him and keep my problem with him outside the work. After the break I went back inside to continue with my work but to my surprise he was not there again which I sighed in relief because had it been his still around I don't know how I will continue my work since he will be a distraction to me. Immediately it's time for closing, I started arranging, cleaning and putting things places it's supposed to be kept, since that's the rules. Before leaving you must arrange the cups, clean the counter, empty the dustbin and rearrange the chairs before you can leave. Done with everything I walked out of the door looking for a cab to take me to my destination when a black car with tinted glass parked in front of me. I didn't bother to stop walking since I'm not expecting anyone to come and pick me up seeing I didn't stop walking the person keeps following me before bring down the window "come in let me drop you off,I'm on my way going home" I continue walking without looking at him even for a second because I don't really know what he want from me after calling me names, telling me he don't want to see me in his house he still have the guts to follow me and asked me to enter his car, he must be stupid or drunk . I got a cab and entered without minding him. I arrived safely about to pay the cab man when he gave him the money which I didn't look at him and left seeing his looking for way to talk to me

Being in the comfort of my room I take off my cloth bath and lay on the bed,but I make sure the door is locked so that no one could come in. I slept off enjoying the soft texture of the bedsheet when I heard the knock on the door that woke me up. I used the duvet to cover myself before walking to the door to see who is it " Morning Ms Lilly" the maid at the door greeted immediately I open the door

"Morning. How may I help you?" I asked still feeling sleepy

"Mrs Vivian wants you to come out for breakfast"

"Okay, tell her I will be there in a jiffy. Thank you" I told her to lock the door behind me before going to take another bath and dress. I walked out to the dining table already dressed for both work and breakfast since I'm not going back to the room again. I entered the dining area and saw both of them seating down already so I greeted them"Good morning"

"Morning Lilly, how was your night?" Mrs Vivian asked smiling at me

"Fine" I replied shortly

"Okay, once again I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I know it's the reason why you left so early but I promise you that such a thing won't happen again. My husband will also like to apologise to you about all the things he said to you and have informed him about everything he needs to know about you with the fact that you're still a virgin. But I don't really know you work at a club which I know I should be blame for that since I didn't asked you were you worked"

"Yes I do work at a bar and you know we never talk about anything concerning my work"

"That's true which I'm sorry about that"

"It's okay" I was expecting him to apologize to me but he said nothing rather he was busy with his phone until his wife use her leg under the table to hit him a little bit, which I saw everything

"Sorry for yesterday" he said staring at me not minding his wife is present which I didn't answer him, but instead i stand up from the table " I will be leaving now" I said about to leave

"What about your breakfast" Mrs Vivian asked

"I'm okay thank you"

"Please allow the chauffeur to drive you or you can drive by yourself. If it's okay by you"

"Thank you" I left them and saw the chauffeur waiting for me already. I entered the car and the driver drove out of the house. I just sat quietly at the back seat thinking about how my stay is going to be in this house. I wished he was not my crush then I wouldn't have bothered myself about staying but seeing him with another person hurts me alot but I have nothing to do since she's his wife. We arrived at my work place where I thanked the driver before walking inside to settle down and begin my work of the day. I have a pending design which has been trying my best to make it simple but unique.