

I'm confused and speechless standing there looking at my crush, the man I almost had sex with, the man that kissed me yesterday for which I couldn't sleep properly thinking on how or where to see him his right here in front of me. I'm going to be my crush's wife surrogate. The man who had been dying to have all to myself is already taken and married, which is popularly known in the whole of Ghana even though I just got to know his name but not him in person. It's Mrs Charlie that break the tension seeing we don't want to speak up which speaks up first because we both were still staring at each other forgetting about her

"Can one of you just tell me what the hell is going on here or did you both know each other before?" she asked looking between me and her husband "one of you should speak up and tell me something. What the hell is going on here? making me look like a fool in your midst" she shouted angrily

"And what the hell did you want to know Vivian?" Mr Charlie shouted "aren't you the one that brought her here,then why ask me stupid questions when you're supposed to know the answers?" He fummed

"Yes I know but you recognize her immediately you set your eyes on her which means you know her from somewhere else"

"Of course I do and why shouldn't I" I silently prayed hoping his not about to blow my cover up about our encounters, that we almost had sex and also kissed yesterday, which if he does then that will be the end of me and I will go back to square one which I don't pray such thing should happen

"Then tell me how you knew her?" She said lowering her voice seeing shouting will take her to nowhere which they ignored me as if I'm invisible to them both

"Oh you want to know now when it's late already. Didn't you do a proper investigation before taking her as your Surrogate? Don't you do background checking before you do things? Then if you don't you should know she's a bartender and that in the middle of the night. Is this the kind of person you want to conceive for us to give us an heir? Someone roaming about in the middle of the night for who knows how long or what she's up to. Did you know if she's a prostitute or not?. How many tests did she undergo before you gave her the contract? "he shouted " You know what I don't want to know but you better look for someone else or terminate the contract instantly because I don't want to see the likes of her in my house again" he said and stormed off. To say I was shocked to hear such things from the person I have had a crush on for decades ago is the one saying all these about me. I don't really know what I got myself into, I should've listened to Sam and Mia then I wouldn't have seen all this. It's now that I'm regretting not telling them first before accepting the offer. It's Mrs Charlie that brought me back from my train of thought after her husband left

"I'm sorry about what just happened now Lilly. Forget about him and what he said, I will talk to him and I know you're not all what he said since we did all the necessary tests. I promised he will come around and things will be back to normal. Let's eat the food, it's getting cold" I don't think I can eat anything now because I have lost my appetite but I have to eat since I haven't eaten any properly throughout the day. I served myself but couldn't eat but rather I was busy turning the food with my spoon for a while before I began to eat. I didn't eat more than three spoon that's too because I forced it down my throat which I dropped the spoon and drink water to push it down

"Don't tell me you're done eating already?" Mrs Vivian asked

"Yes I am, thank you" I said shifting the chair back before standing up to leave

"Alright, goodnight. And please don't bother yourself about what my husband said '' which I just nodded and left without saying anything to her. I entered my room but couldn't sit or stand, so I began to pace around up and down in the room. I can't imagine what I have gotten myself into. The person have been crushing on for decades now is the one calling me all such of name which I promised his going to become a nightmare to me because I can't crush on someone that will look down on me or even call me names and not just ordinary name but a prostitute the name I hate the most to hear in my entire life that's why I didn't choose that way to pay of the debt and loans, but here I am being called a prostitute. I have never in my life go close to prostitution before because I know it's not the best way or the easiest way to pay off my debt since different people will come and also invite me over all in the name of giving me money which won't be enough to pay off my debt. But I shouldn't blame him, rather I should blame myself for bringing myself into his house to see me and say rubbish to me. I will have to call Mia and Sam tomorrow to have a talk with them because I can't think properly right now.I don't have any work tonight so I lay down on my bed but I just couldn't sleep because the word prostitute keeps ringing in my ear. I planned to take a month off but I don't think that will be a good idea so I won't do that anymore. In my entire life I have never regretted anything before, not even when my own father left me with thousands of loans and debt but here I regret being a surrogate. If I should've listen to my friends this will never had happened to me but no I went ahead to do what I like without informing them first, just because I want to pay off the loans and debt owed by my father to have a free life just like any teenagers at my age

I slept off in the middle of thinking without knowing,i just wake up to see its morning already. I quickly take my bath and dress up, not in the mood to see anyone from this household, not even the chauffeur. I check everywhere very well and when I don't see anybody I amble out of the house, hail a cab and ask him to drop me off at Sam place, since I still have some time before I go to work.

I arrived at Sam's place and paid the cab man before I entered inside. I called Sam already on my way coming which he told me his around and I should feel free to come whenever I wished to, so here I am at Sam doorstep which he opened the door for me immediately I knocked"good morning young lady"

"Morning Sam" I greeted him shortly not in the mood to talk much

"Why the mood swings?" asked Sam, to which I didn't reply. ''Let me get you something to eat." He said , seeing I am not in the mood to talk to him, "What would you like to eat?" He asked which I answered

"Anything light will do. Thank you" minutes later he was back with sandwiched and fresh milk on a tray

"Here" he said handing over the tray to me before setting the table in my front

"Thanks Sam"

"Enjoy your meal, let me quickly dress up," he said, entering the bathroom to bathe. He comes out already dressed up while he picks one sandwich and begins to eat. Done with our breakfast he speaks up finally

"So, do you want to talk about it or what?" He asked

"Actually" I said not knowing what to say or where to start from

"You can start anywhere and if you don't want to talk about it now don't worry you can do that later. Don't overstress yourself" I nodded but deep down I wanted to talk to him about everything. I know Sam cares for me deep down his heart that's why he asked seeing me early in the morning at his place which is unlike me unless something is bothering me which I'm always grateful because he understand me

"I don't know where to start from actually"

"You can start from the beginning, middle or end all I want is for you to tell me what's wrong with you" he said smiling at me giving me assurance I can say anything

"I'm Mr Charlie's surrogate which happens to be my crush"

"What? Are you serious?" Sam asked not believing what I just said

"Yes you heard me right and I'm serious and that's not all you know" I said playing with my hands not having enough courage to look Sam in the eyes which he come closer to me

"What happened? you know you can talk to me about anything at anytime and anywhere, I'm always here for you,so speak to me"

"He called me a prostitute" I said wipping the tears from my eye "and that's because he saw me working at the bar which he almost had sex with me and even kissed me yesterday"

"What? He called you a prostitute and what did you say, don't tell me you just stood there staring at him like a zombie?"

"What could I have done? I never expected such thing from him" I replied

"I know, but you should've say something at least to defend yourself"

"I was too shocked to speak up. I was even surprised he could open his mouth to say such things to me"

"I'm sorry but I don't think it's a good idea going back to that house. If they still wants to go on with the contract then they should let you stay on your own and that's all"

"He doesn't even care about the contract,he asked his wife to terminate the contract or do things herself but he don't want to see me in his house any more"

"What? That's so rude of him to say such a thing. Tell me why you were crushing on him from the first place because I don't think he worth your crush"

"Well you know it's just crushing, moreover I never knew who he was,so please don't go there"

"I'm sorry, just angry with the way he talks to you and treated you like some shit"

"It's okay,I think we should start going before we get late for work" I said changing the topic

"Are you sure you can still go to work like this? You can just call in sick. I'm sure your boss will understand"

"Don't worry I will manage, and I'm okay now that have talked to you"

"If you say so let's get going then" Sam said getting up

"Thank you Sam" I said giving him a hug

"Mention not, you're always welcome dear" he said as we walked out to his car. He dropped me off at my work place before he went to his. During the break period Sam came over and asked if I wanted to eat something which I gladly accepted. We went out to get what to eat. We didn't go far away from my workplace since the break is almost over. After eating we left after which Sam paid for the meals we hand saying I should eat a lot to have strength. Which I didn't argue with him and ate all what he brought for me

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