

Chapter 20

"Yes me any problem" he said smirking at me to which I'm confused, shocked and surprised to see him here

"B..Bu....But how comes" I stammered asking no one in particular and turn to look at the door maybe the boss is still there to tell me I'm day dreaming but to my surprise I couldn't see him at the doorstep and the door is locked which means he locked it before leaving which I don't know when or how he locked the door and left without me knowing since I know he was right behind me when I come in. Still in my dazed state he begins to walk slowly coming closer to me like a predator that has seen his prey. I begin to move back slowly as he is coming more dangerously close to me until my back hit the wall where I have no other way out or to run too so i stand still

"So, how did you like the surprise?" he asked, still smirking at me with a smug look on his face which shows that he loves the effect he has on me. I Composed myself so as not to embarrass myself in front of him. I cleared my voice before speaking up with the anger in me

"You're a cheat, scoundrel and incompetent. How can you join work and personal issues together?" I shouted pushing him "that so uncalled for and un business like, things aren't done this way in business which you know. So I need my work back this instance"

"Well said but no, you're not working here any longer because I'm the head here, I have the right over every one working here because this place belongs to me which means you're under me and can do whatsoever I like with you which I said you can only work here after you have given birth to my unborn child but as of now capital letter NO will do, so get that into your thick skull head young lady"

"You can't decide for me what's best for me or not. I own my life and get to do whatever I want to do with it so stay clear out of my life you selfish bitch. All you ever care about is just your child, the pregnancy you denied and kicked against at first. I wonder what comes over you to change your mind all of a sudden to accept the pregnancy and trying to ruin my life and all my hard earned work just because you're selfish" I said shouting as he came closer to me. I could feel his breath on my neck which weakened me but I tried my best not to give him the satisfaction he wanted from me. After awhile he speaks up

"All I'm trying to do is to help you out, the stress is too much for you to handle talkless of the baby your carrying. I care alot about you and my baby" he said slowly which I shivered under his breath because his voice is husky and calm but dangerous enough for the person listening to it should know he means every single word he said. I couldn't talk back at him because I'm weak under the close approximate, he is too close to my liking that it's affecting me emotionally. He pecked me on my neck using his hand to hold my waist moving me closer to his body making me feel his hard crotch on my thigh. I became restless, losing my sense of thinking because of the close proximity between me and him, the pregnancy not helping me nor the situation at hand because of my frequent urge and craving for intimacy. He uses his other hand to raise my chin, making me look directly into his eyes. All I could see in his eyes is longing, desire, need, want and lust or rather that what I think which I felt the same for him but before I could register what's happening he did it, he kissed me roughly yet passionately that makes me moan into the kiss melting into the kiss wanting more seeing I'm not getting it the way I want I kissed him back more roughly than the way his kissing me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth which he began to suck on it making me want more than just a kiss. He used his hand and remove the apron covering my clothes and unbutton my top exposing my bare breast since I'm not wearing bra, he grabbed my breast into his hand which I moan loudly forgetting where I am enjoying the pleasure his giving me I stopped kissing him pushing my chest forward for him to have clearer few of my breast which he kneel down and grab my other breast into his mouth sucking it while he pushed his other hand into my core fingering and fucking me making to scream enjoying the pleasure his giving me I couldn't help but play with my other nipple about to reach my climax when I recalled the situation at hand which I pushed him away regretting the fact I let myself fall for his trap. I adjusted my clothes then shouted on him pretending not to be affected by what just transpired between us

"Fuck you. You have the guts to lay your filthy hand and touch me. I don't want to see you again and don't you dare come close to me or else am going to abort the pregnancy you're using as an excuse to do whatever you like with me and taunt me around" I exited his office before he could say something else. I hurriedly walk to the counter pick my bag and was about to leave when I heard my name being called

"Lilly" I turn to see it's the boss calling me, but dash out since it's not his fault that I'm being sacked. I left without saying goodbye to anyone, because I know if I waste any minute, he will come to get me. I didn't plan on breaking down in front and giving him the satisfaction he wants because he knows he has an effect on me. I hail a cab and ask him to drop me anywhere far away from the town. I had no idea where I'm going too but all I need is somewhere quiet and calm to clear my head and reflect on my life. I have no intention of seeing Sam or Mia in my current situation because they will ask me what's wrong with me and I don't want to tell them anything that will make them worry. The cab man stop which I paid him and get down. I couldn't say or dictate where I am, because I actually don't know where I'm heading to right now. I saw a bench at the far end and walk there to sit since I'm exhausted and can't stand for too long

I just don't know why all this is happening to me, being a surrogate for my crush. My crush who happened to be my boss which I'm just finding out today after all the years I spent in the bar. I just don't know how all these are happening without me knowing or is it that I'm too naive or blind not to notice all the things going around me. Then I started recalling the incident that happen in the bar between me and the guy I slapped when I thought I would be fired but the boss let me be that means his the one that ask him to leave me

"Oh gosh" I shouted clutching my hair in my hand. I'm in a total mess. I switched off my phone and stay in God knows where for hours before I decided to go back to the house. I can't brege the contract because have already sign it and if I do then it will cost me a fortune which I don't think I can afford. I drop a little far away from the mansion, I wanted to walk for a while before I enter inside. I was walking when I heard a sound beside me from the bush but I shook it off, thinking it might be a dog or cat since people around here rarely see them. Two steps again I heard a twist of sticks breaking, like someone is walking in the bush. I increase the speed in which I'm walking when someone touches me from behind. I shouted, because I got scared. I didn't know who the person was, I couldn't run because my eyes were closed. I was waiting for the inevitable, I concluded that my end have come. I stand there with my eyes closed for a few minutes and nothing happens which makes me open my eyes gently and gradually because I don't want to open my eyes and see what will kill me. I open it completely and sighed when I didn't see anyone in front of me

I turn around and saw someone standing by my side, covered in all black. I couldn't see the person's face and I got scared all of a sudden thinking what happened to me all throughout the day. I was about to scream again when the person talk

"Lilly," the person said, '' I freeze knowing who it is instantly without seeing his face. How could I not recognize the voice I could never forget in my life no matter where I go?'' The voice even in my wildest dream I could recognize it but it is the last voice I expected to hear on this Earth because to me the owner of the voice is no longer in existence. It's been ages since I heard the voice but then what on Earth is he doing here? I thought finding out that my own boss is my crush is okay and that will be the end of the day problem but no, I have forgotten I can't predict the future nor predict what will happen next. I composed myself and was about to walk out on him when he held me by the arm which I had no other option than to stop

"Please Lilly listen to me" he said with the voice that annoyed me the most but I could hear the plea in his voice but I don't think I can listen to his excuse right now, have heard enough for the day which I can't deal with more problems

"Why?" he asked me when he saw I didn't move an inch. Rather I'm listening to the rubbish he's saying but I don't think he has the power to ask me anything without asking why. Why for what

"You see I'm tired right now so please let me go and rest. I can't deal with more problems right now, all I need right now is to sleep but here you're keeping me waiting asking me why. Why for what if I may ask you" I said still not facing him even though I want to see him so badly but I know the moment I set my eyes on him I will breakdown which I don't want that to happen and give him hope I could forgive him easily

"How could you do such a thing? I know I didn't raise you in anyway but your mother tried her possible best to give you the best home training but see what you change into" He said in a voice that seems like he's in pain but I know deep down it's nothing but a facade hiding behind his true colour waiting to change cover just like a snake. I raise my head and look at him into his eyes but didn't say anything I ambled inside the house knowing he won't be allowed to enter just like that without my permission or from any of the Charlie's