

Chapter 19

I tried my possible best to avoid mr Charlie as a plague, and I mean human plague because I don't want to have anything to do with him, I know the first time was a mistake which I don't want it to repeat itself. I don't know what he will come with next time so I'm trying my possible best to go far away from him before he caused problem for me with his wife which she has been nothing but sweet to me that I'm still feeling bad for having sex with her husband behind her back and that again in her matrimonial home. I'm getting ready for work but I want to be sure Mr Charlie is not around or any where close to my room. I quietly tip toe out of my room like a thief not wanting to be caught because that exactly how I could describe my action I successfully tip toe out of the house with seeing him which I rushed to the car

I sighed out immediately I entered the car glad I wasn't caught nor seen by Mr Charlie which I'm happy for that. The chauffeur dropped me off and left.

During the break time I was expecting to see Sam but didn't see anything that looks like him then I remember he told me he had something to take care of. So here I am sitting all alone eating my food boredly thinking about what's been going on in my life, how time flies and how things have changed. I sign out loudly feeling pains all over and exhausted

It's closing time which most of the time I find difficult to get a cab, because everyone will be in a hurry to go home, which I'm one of them. Have been standing at the road side for more than a minutes now but have not gotten a ride, which a car parked in front of me which I immediately recognize the car before I could talk Kelvin came out

"Hey" Kelvin said with smile on his face

"Hi" that's all I could say since we both have nothing to say because of the last incident but seeing him now with a bright smile makes me understand he's not mad at me

"Can you spare me some of your time?" Kelvin said looking at me "that's if you're not in a haste" he said seeing I didn't say anything

"Sure" I think we need to clear the misunderstanding and settle the issue once and for all because I know he will like to know what between me and Charlie

"Let's go to my car and talk then I will drop you off at your place"

"No no it's okay" I said immediately not planning on having anything related to sex or romance now "let's talk over there then after the discussion I will get a cab to take me home"

"Don't play hard to get, I mean no harm to you and you know that" he said trying to make me understand

"Okay then" I said which we entered his car

"I'm sorry about what happened the last time" he said when we were in his car

"I'm sorry too. It's not your fault" I said to him too

"I know, but I should have stayed and listen to you before leaving like that without giving you a listening ear which is wrong of me"

"It's okay. So why are you here now?" I couldn't help but asked

"Well, I thought about it and think it was not a good idea for me leaving like that without giving you a listening ear at least I should've trust you, even though we aren't close and barely know each other"

"Hummm you're right"

"Hope am forgiven?"

"Yeah, I have no grudges against you even at first, if I was in your place I would do more than that"

"Thank you. I won't ask you about what happened or what he said even though it's bothering me but I believe with time if you want to share your secret with me you will do that one day without me asking. So now what I want to know is, are you giving me the chance I asked for?"

"I don't know,just give me some more time to think over it but right now I can't say anything"

"Don't worry I understand you and will give you the time you asked for. I just hope you won't let me down?"

"I can't really say but let's wait and see"

"Alright then let me drop you off" he offered

"You know it's not necessary I can go by myself and I don't want to stress you"

"Don't worry it's not a stress just give me the honor to drop you off"

"Alright thank you" with which he drove off. After which I gave him the address thinking he would ask me why I'm going there but he didn't, which I'm grateful for. We arrived safely and I open the car door before turning to look at him

"Thank you Kelvin"

"It's my pleasure, do take care of yourself. Bye"

"Alright" I waited for him to drive off before I entering inside, but luck is not by my side seeing the person I never expected to see standing in front of me by this time of the day

"I thought I made it clear to you not to see you with anyone again when you're leaving under my roof with my baby inside your womb"

"So fucking what if I'm leaving under your roof, you have no right to stop me from seeing whosever I want to see and whenever I want to and after giving birth are you going to marry me or what? So please let me be'' I said about to leave when he blocked my way

"And why should you think I will marry you? Ehn" he asked coming closer to me which I shifted back

"You can go to hell because I don't care about you nor am I interested in marrying you. So fuck off and stay away from me" I said and push him away walking inside my room banging the door on his face. I just don't know what's wrong with him. He always has a way to spoil my mood and get me angry. I never know Mrs Charlie is back until she asked the maid to inform me she want us to have dinner together which I don't like the idea but have no other choice than to go since I don't have any excuse not to go I could have rejected the offer

"Lily,how have you been?" She asked immediately I set my foot in the dining room the maid helping me with my chair for me to seat on

"I'm fine thank you"I replied

"That's good to hear. Lilly we had a discussion with my husband and decided you stop working at the bar for now or what did you think?" She asked which I look at her then her husband before speaking up

"I don't think anything but I'm sorry I can't since it's not part of the contract and I see no reason for that"

"Sweetie I know it's not there and I'm sorry for taking the decision without asking you first but I promised we're going to be paying you for that. Is just that I don't want you to over stress yourself in these condition you need a lot of rest but you know you can continue working at the design palace but just stop working at the bar for now after everything then you can continue with your work"

"I can manage don't worry"

"No my dear, you always go out late and return in the morning all tired when you don't have enough time to rest before going to work. Reconsider what I said please"

"No thank you. I think I will take my leave now" I said getting up angrily why will they take decision without telling me first

"Oh! Lilly I'm sorry I know you're angry but I'm doing it for your own good but atleast eat something first before going. Have a seat" Mrs Vivian said which I don't think I have any appetite left in me to eat

"Don't worry Mrs Vivian I will be fine" I said to her but take a glance at Mr Charlie before leaving because I know it's all part of his scheme.

I quickly change into something comfortable for work before leaving. I wanted to check on Sam before going to work since I couldn't see him yesterday, so I asked the chauffeur to drop me off at Same place. From there I will go to work by myself.

"Hey Sam" I said entering inside

"Hi Lilly, won't you be late for work?" He asked firstly even before I could seat

"Oh! Thank you too" I said sarcastically" at least allow me to seat down first before you chase me out"

"You know I can't chase you out, it's just that I don't want you to be late for work. You know your boss can be mean sometimes"

"Don't worry, I won't be late"

"Okay, let me get you something to eat"

"Sure,I really need that"

"Woh! We got one foody here"

"Yeah yeah, whatever just give me what to eat" he brought food for me which I ate and rest for a while before taking my leave to which he offer to drop me off at work which I rejected and asked him to rest but he insisted which I have no other option than to allow him to drop me off

"Bye Lilly"

"Bye Sam"I said , waving at him without leaving until I couldn't see his car anymore. I entered the bar and was told the boss wanted to see me. I know whenever the boss calls me it means no good, so I prepared myself for the worst. I open the door and saw him seating down, using his hand to hold his face.

"Sir, you ask of me"

"Yes Lilly I'm sorry but I couldn't help you out. I tried too but he was adamant"

"What's the problem sir?" I asked seeing how he looks which is unlike him

"You are fired" he blurted out

"what?" I asked confused not believing what he just said

"I'm sorry Lilly and I really mean it"

"Tell me, is it one of your pranks or what?" I asked still not believing him

"I wish it's one of them but these time it's for real"

"What have I done?" I couldn't help but ask

"I don't know, I was surprised when I was given the command to fire you from above. I know you can be troublesome sometimes but I just don't know why he fired you of all people even when he always stopped me from firing you all the time"

"Who ordered you?"

"Sorry I can't reveal the person"

"At least, that the last thing you can do for me. I need to know who did these to me. What have I done to him, or if there's any way have offended him. He should let me know, I will change but he should not fire me"

"Hummm. Okay but promise me not to create a scene up there"

"I promise" I lied

"It's the last floor, the directors office. I will be at the door listening and waiting for you, don't try anything funny"

"I will not" I walk up there knock on the door and push the door open even before I was given the permission to enter but couldn't move an inch closer seeing the person seating behind the desk

"You" I said pointing at the person behind the desk which he smiled as if he has won a lottery ticket which got me more angrier seeing he has the time to smile at me after he ordered the boss to fire me