
Twenty five

Chapter 25

The next day I wake up feeling lazy to stand up since I have no work to go to, just my appointment with the doctor to check how the baby is growing and doing. I decided to sleep for a while again maybe I will feel alive before dressing up and go for the check up

When I wake up for the next time I bath and dress up, done dressing up ready to leave, I pray inwardly to the lord not to have any encounter with Charlie because he's the last person on my list I want to see early these morning but I guess my luck is not by my side and my prayer is not answered because immediately I set my foot in the dining table I saw them both talking seated already which I didn't want this but I can't go back now since they've seen me

"Morning Lilly, just about to call the maid and ask her to call you out for breakfast but you arrived just in time. Here" she said pointing at the seat close to her "seat down let's have our breakfast before going to the hospital" I nodded and sat down while the maids served us. I feel uncomfortable because I could feel someone looking at me which without any doubt I know it's Charlie, so I didn't bother to look up or at him to avoid suspicion from Vivian. We ate silently through out the breakfast without any of us saying a word when we were done I get up

"I will wait for you outside" I said about to leave when Vivian speaks up

"Okay then let's me pick up my bag. My husband will be taking us there today since he's coming with us. I will be out in jiffy" and she left, which I groaned internally, disliking the idea of him taking us out. I never imagined things would turn out this way because at least I will have breathing space. I wonder what comes over him that he is following us today or is he trying to put me in trouble with his wife

Vivian came out while we all walked out together and entered the car with me sitting at the back while the both of them are sitting in the front since it's Charlie that's driving by himself. Shortly after we arrived at the hospital which he parked in front of the entrance while I and Vivian came down of the car when he speaks

"You can go inside I will meet you inside after parking the car" he said

"Okay we will wait for you at the entrance" Vivian answered as he drove to the parking slot which Vivian turned to me "don't you think his beginning is coming around and embracing reality already?" She asked which I didn't say anything since I have no other thing to say which she continues "I know he will come around to love the pregnancy he was just being stubborn at first" she said which I didn't say anything because she's so excited that her husband have come to accept the pregnancy not knowing what is going on under her roof behind her back between me and her husband. I wished she never finds out I sighed feeling bad but nevertheless keeps listening to her, before we arrived at the doctor office Mr Charlie arrived which we all entered inside at once

"Welcome and good morning Mr/Mrs Charlie. Lilly, how are you?" The doctor said smiling at us

"I'm fine thank you"I replied smiling at her too

"Good, let's get down to work. You know the normal routine already so just lay down on the bed so we can be fast" I did as she says, but uncomfortable because of Charlie that is present. But nevertheless I did as she says by laying down on my back facing upward. The doctor raised my cloth a little bit, exposing my tummy and the baby bump. She apply the gel for scanning on my tummy before using the scanning tool to spread the gel out

"Well, I think you're okay and the baby is in good condition as you can see, here is the baby on the screen" I heard Vivian squeal showing she's happy "and the beeping sound is the heart, which means the baby is in good condition" the doctor said which we all keep looking at the scanning screen

"So will you like to know the gender of the baby or you will just wait till the baby arrives?" the doctor ask no one in particular

"Yes" we both said in unison with Vivian. Which she moves closer to the bed I'm on before grabbing my hands into her. I'm so excited seeing a baby growing inside me and I could also feel the heartbeat. I never knew how it feels to be a mother. The thought of my mother came to my mind, so this is how she felt when she was pregnant with me inside her. A lone tears drop out of eyes, which I quickly wipe it off before anyone else notice

"Well, it's a baby girl," the doctor said enthusiastically. When I smile and Vivian hugs her husband, she is beyond happy. Charlie hug her back which he is busy looking at me because because I saw him and take my eyes away from him

"That's all I think. You can stand up now"

"Thank you doctor" i said because Vivian is busy hugging her husband to even hear the doctor talking while I on the other hand is uncomfortable seeing them like these, so I cleared my throat to get her attention which I did because she immediately let go of him

"Thank you so much Lilly. I don't know how much to thank you enough,but I know that I'm really happy and grateful for you" Vivian said while I just smiled and bid the doctor goodbye. Vivian said we should wait for her outside. She will join us soon. She wants to see the doctor before leaving, which we did but I always wonder what she always discusses with the doctor whenever we come here. I'm busy thinking not knowing someone is close to me until I felt someone holding my hand which I moved back to see who it is but isn't surprised to see it's Charlie I take my hands away from him seeing he has the guys to touch me after being all lovey dovey with his wife and his here holding me again. I shifted back thinking what has come over me to be jealous of them when they are husband and wife while I'm nothing to him. I sighed and walked out on him without saying a word

"Lilly you're quiet what wrong?" he asked which I looked at him before facing front

"Nothing serious"

"Are you sure?" He asked which I didn't reply "you don't look okay. Tell me what's wrong?"

"I said nothing" I said through gritted teeth annoyed about his non ending questions which he look at me about to say something else but I increased my pace which he didn't bother to say anything again and that's when Vivian came out from the doctor place

"I'm sorry for keep you both waiting" she said hugging her husband which I moved pass them to the car park

"Why don't we go shopping a little?" she said looking between me and her husband waiting for reply

"That's a good idea" Charlie said while I didn't say anything to which they both turn to look at me waiting for me to say something which I pretended not to hear what she said for the first time

"Sorry" I said pretending not to get what she said

"I said why don't we go shopping," Vivian repeated.

"Oh sorry but I think you should drop me off before you go. I'm seriously exhausted and want to have a nap"

"Oh! Then let's just go home" Charlie said which Vivian nodded in agreement. I was not in the mood for all these, I just want to lay on my bed and rest because all my legs are paining me from stress

I entered my room and lock the door, I don't want a situation where Charlie will just walk into my room without permission while his wife is around and anything that will cause suspicious between me and her I don't want it so it's better I'm cautious of what I'm doing

I slept out throughout the day, which I know it's because I'm exhausted from all the work I have been doing lately. I'm glad because of the two days break given to me, at least I have the chance to rest for a while. A knock on the door make me to wake up from my nap

"Who is that?" I asked not bothering to stand up because I don't have the strength to walk to the door

"Ma'am said I should call you for dinner" the maid said from outside the room which I sighed

"Okay, will be there in a few minutes' ' she left hearing what I said, which she knows I won't open the door for her. I walk to the bathroom to bath before changing into something comfortable which I walk to the dining table

"Good evening Vivian"I greeted her

"Evening Lilly. Guess you were too tired to come out for lunch and when I asked the maids to bring it for you was told you locked the door "

"Yeah" I replied

"That's good, hope you're feeling good now?"

"Yes I am"

"Good,you need to eat a lot to gain your strength back. So eat up I can see you're hungry" I just gave her a lip tight smile and began eating without saying anything. When we were done and waiting for dessert she talk

"Lilly, I hope you're going to be okay?" she asked out of nowhere which I got confused and look at her to elaborate because I don't understand what she's saying

"I will be traveling out tomorrow, I have a photo shoot which is important and I'm so sorry because i haven't been there with you which I promised you from the start that I will be there for you whenever you want"

"It's okay don't worry I will be fine" I smiled

"Thank you and don't worry too much, my husband will be there to take care of you whenever I'm not around. So feel free to ask him anything you need. Okay"

"Alright" I said looking at her because I just don't understand what kind of marriage is this, the wife always traveling out without thinking or caring how her husband is doing. If he needs something or want something all she ever does is to travel out for shoot

"Baby you did not say anything" Vivian said to her husband which have long forgotten to be here with us

"Don't worry, have heard all you say and I promise to look after her when you're not around" Charlie said which makes Vivian to be happy seeing her husband promised to look after me she stand up and sit on his lap before kissing him which I looked away so I won't feel disturb. I don't know what's wrong with me these days that I get annoyed at any little thing especially when I see Charlie and Vivian doing anything intimate it really gets me angry. I stand up leaving the dining table for them because I think at this rate they need room already which I can't stand seeing them naked. I amble into my room to call Sam

The next day I wake up early so I can see Vivian off since she told me she's having an early morning flight. Immediately she left and I walked to my room to bathe. I walked out of the toilet with a towel wrapped around me, standing fully in front of the mirror when someone grabbed me from behind and turned me around, pacing his lips on mine. I was struggling to get him off me but his too strong which I know definitely without seeing his face I know it Charlie