
Twenty four

Chapter 24

Ever since the day I saw my father last and told him to go away from me he has not returned just because I said so but here I'm missing him so badly wishing to see him but I can't since I don't know where he stays but I'm having the hope he will come back again to see me

I went to work earlier than normal, because I have a design to submit to my boss, since I'm in charge of the week's fashion design to work on. Ever since I got appointed to do the task, I have been busy doing nothing else and hardly have time to eat nor take care of myself. Sam has been complaining non stop for me to rest but I told him I will after I am done with the work. So here I am right now checking out my design for the last time before I submit it to the boss. When it is time for me to meet her I breathe in and out for some minutes before going but I prayed first before walking inside her office. I got anxious because I don't want her to be disappointed in me

"Good morning ma'am"I greeted her immediately she gave me the permission to enter

"Morning Lilly, how is your health now?" She asked concerned the more reason I love her because she's caring and warm towards her employees

"I'm fine thank you ma'am" I smiled

"Good, hope the design is ready?" She asked which I nodded

"Yes ma'am it is" i said handing it over to her which she collected and go through it

"Nice work, Lilly. Am really impressed with your design. Let make it into reality and see how it goes" she said still looking at the design with smile on her face which shows she's satisfied with my work

"Thank you ma'am" I smiled happy she likes it

"You can take two days off, and rest then you can continue" she said looking at me which I couldn't help but dance in my head

"Thank you ma'am, I'm really grateful"

"Your welcome, you can take your leave, '' she said, which I left smiling sheepishly because I'm so excited to see my design get approved without any corrections or complaints from my boss. I walked back to my table and sat down. I wanted to call Sam to inform him but decided to wait till after work. I don't want to be a distraction to him or his work right now. I was sitting down going through some papers when the receptionist called to inform me I have a visitor. I got surprised seeing I don't have any visitor who visit me here except Sam so who could that be since I'm not expecting anyone nor did anyone called me his coming but nevertheless walk out to check who it is but got shocked seeing my father in front of my working place standing. I'm so excited to see him but didn't show him because I don't want him to know have forgiven him yet

"What are you doing here?" I asked pretending not to be happy seeing him while I am

"I'm here to talk to you" he says which I nodded

"Let talk over there" I said to him without smiling at all which he follows me behind we sat down at the coffee shop after which have ordered a coffee for us both

"I'm sorry Lilly" he said and continue "I know I'm not supposed to come here since it's your workplace but you don't want to see me around the place you are, that why I decided to visit you here"

"So, what brought you here again?" I asked knowing already what brought him here

"To apologize to Lilly. I know I have wronged you in so many ways and haven't been there for you. But please find it in your heart to embrace and forgive me about the past. I have learnt my lesson the hard way Lilly. I really missed you so much my little princess" he said looking down not looking me straight in the eyes

"Hummm, have heard you" I said nonchalantly remembering the past when he used to call me his little princess

"Did you forgive me?"he asked

"I didn't say that. I just said have heard you and I will think about it"

"Thank you Lilly, I will be expecting your feedback. How have you been and how is your health?" He asked

"I'm fine. I think you should start going, I have to get back to work"

"Okay, do take care of yourself" and with that he left while I watched him leave. I wanted to at least feel his warmth but my pride won't let me. Even plan to ask for his number, where he lives, or how he is doing but my pride won't let me say it all. I walk back to the office before Sam came in


"Hi" I replied slowly

"What's wrong with Lilly?" He asked, looking at me, "You look dull, what happened to you?" He asked worriedly

"It's nothing serious" I said "I'm okay just a slight headache" I lied knowing deep down I'm not

"Say that to someone else that doesn't know you but not me. Come let's go and have something to eat. I'm through for the day so we have all day to hang around"

"I'm free too but give me a second to pack my things" I said heading inside to pack my belongs before waving at my colleagues then walk out to meet Sam where he's standing waiting for me immediately I entered his car he speaks up

"So, tell me what's wrong?" He asked not starting the car

"You know, I just met my father not long ago" I said truthfully

"That's good, then why are you so down like this?" He asked "I thought you said you wanted to see him again"

"Yes I did" I sighed before I talked again,but I couldn't tell him all that I wanted to. My pride couldn't let me say anything at all even when I wanted tok" I said silently sobbing because I know how much I miss him. "I miss him terribly" I said in-between sobs "I don't know why I let him go away without telling him what I feel for him" I said crying out loud not able to withstand it any longer which Sam embrace me in a tight hug without saying anything rather than stroking my back which I appreciated him not asking for saying anything to me the silent alone gives me comfort

We spend some time in the car without any of us saying a word to each other for while before I break the hug and give him a smile which he returns

"Guess what?" I said happily changing the topic and lighten the atmosphere

"You know I'm not good at guessing so just tell me already"

"Nop, you have to guess"

"Please, Lilly don't keep me waiting" he whined

"Okay, fine I will tell you but what will I get in return"

"Anything you want, but tell me already. Am getting impatient" he said

"Have submitted my design"

"And" he asked

"It's got accepted"I said happily jumping up like a baby

"Wow, that's good to hear. So what next now" Sam said happy for me

"Well I'm given two days off and the design I submitted will be up for display after seeing it"

"That's awesome, I wish Mia was here with us"

"Yeah, I wish same but nevertheless I will inform her"

"That's good, so come let's go for some shopping before I drop you off"

"That's so thoughtful of you but I will pay this time around so come let's go" I said while Sam drove to the nearest shopping plaza close by since there are different shopping malls around. I picked some clothes and try it out Sam looking at me for approval which after mine he shop for his which I paid and went to the nearest cafeteria to eat. After everything Sam dropped me off, since it was late already and I couldn't go to his place. I bid him farewell before I entered inside.

"Welcome Lilly" I turn and got surprised seeing Mrs Vivian standing at the doorstep which I know before I left for work I didn't see her so that means she came back not long ago

"Welcome Vivian. How was your trip?" I asked talking with her casually because she ask me to feel free to call her by her name and forget the formalities

"It was fine my dear. How have you been?" She asked

"Am fine thank you"

"Good, go in and freshen up let's have dinner together"

"No no, thank you am okay" I said quickly

"No Lily, don't say that it's been a long time since we ate together. Just eat a little bit I know that won't cause any harm to you" she said waiting for me to reply which I have no option than to reply her

"Okay" I said tired of talking already

"Good. See you in jiffy" she said as I walked inside my room to bathe and change before I walked out to meet them. They were both sitting on the dining table already which I greeted them both before I sitting down

The maids serve us which we begin to eat. I'm just forcing myself to eat which after one spoon I begin playing with my spoon because I don't have appetite to eat

"You're not eating?" Charlie asked which I pretended not to hear him

"That is what I am about to say, but you beat me to it. Lilly, what 's wrong?" Mrs Vivian asked, "don't like the food?" She asked again "or should I ask them to make another one for you" she said

"No, no,don't worry it's okay" and I begin to eat not because I want to but because I have no other choice. I feel like someone is looking at me which makes me raise my head and see Charlie looking at me intensely without blinking. I felt uncomfortable seeing him looking at me so intensely without even looking away, which I don't want Vivian to start suspecting us of. So I look away pretending not to see him or notice his gaze on me

"So Lilly, hope you have been going for checkups?" Asked Vivian

"Yes I have" I replied knowing it's just for two days I went

"I'm sorry, have been occupied to escort you but promise to make it up to you next time"

"It's okay Vivian. You don't have to worry yourself too much. I know you have a lot doing that's why"

"Thank you for understanding" I sat for a while before standing up to leave

"Goodnight" I said to them both which Vivian answers but Charlie on the other hand is busy looking at my retreating figure which makes me to leave quickly feeling uncomfortable with his unending looks

Immediately I entered my room I lay down and slept off without wasting even a minute deep asleep when i felt something moving on my body I used my hand to touch the place thinking it's an insect but it's too big to be an insect so I jerk up about to scream when my mouth got covered with a hand which I was turned around immediately his hand is off my mouth I opened it to shout but he sealed my mouth with his making the shout inaudible seeing he doesn't have the intention to leave me I pushed him off me"What are you doing here?" I shouted quietly not wanting to cause a scene

"I'm sorry" he said not bothering to lower his voice

"Sorry for what actually happens when you know it won't solve any problem. Please just leave before your wife notice your not close to her and starts looking for you"

"Don't worry she won't" he said coming closer to me

"Don't you dare lay your hands on, just get the hell out of here before I shout" which he turned and left

"What the fuck" I said out loud not believing he has the guts to come into my room in the middle of the night when his wife is around. I just hope no one sees him coming inside here. I walked to the door and lock it with the key before going back to lie down