
Thirty one

Chapter 31

I spent the whole day with father and Sam since have taken my leave already ever since I entered the last few days to my delivery which Mrs Adams willingly and Gladly called my attention after asking me how long I was gone after telling her she quickly dismissed me telling me I should take some few months leave and after everything I can return to work. I didn't dare inform anyone of that because it's the only ticket to my freedom where I can go and come the way I like without any form of worry

"Lilly don't you think it's time you go home?" He asked which I pouted "it's late already" he said concerned

"Don't worry I will drop her off on my way going home so you don't need to be worry" Sam comes to my rescue which I was glad because I know he won't listen to me no matter what I said

"Even at that you both to start going" he continues

"I guess you won't miss me" I feigned being angry

"I will but that doesn't mean I should endangered your life"

"Alright then, but will you be okay sleeping alone?" I concernedly asked him

"Yes I will don't worry about me"

"Or should I sleep with you?" Sam chip in the question

"Gosh you both are treating me like a kid as have said before I will be fine"

"Okay but make sure you lock everywhere" warned Sam

"I will do that"

"And make sure you also eat on time"

"Yes ma I will" he salute which we all smiles "so start going" he chased us out from the house and escorted us to where Sam car was parked

"Goodnight father"

"Goodnight princess"

"I will miss you" I said hugging him

"I will miss you too"

"Night father" Sam hugged him from the side

"Night son" he called which we both walked to the car and entered waving at him before Sam kicked start the car. I didn't stop waving at him until I couldn't see him again which I sighed I sat comfortably

"Today was fun" I happily said

"Yes it is because it reminds me of the old days" Sam replied which I humm in response enjoying the night breeze while he continued driving. Shortly after we arrived "thank you Sam" i smiled at him before giving him a peck on his cheek

"Always at your service princess. Hurry up and go in the weather is too much for you" caring Sam chase me away which I smiled and ambled inside but stopped on my track seeing Charlie at the doorstep waiting for me I guess

"You're just coming back?" He asked himself because I don't think the question is for me so I looked around to see maybe someone else is here apart from us "I'm talking to you" which I smile

"Last time I check I have the freedom to go wherever I want to and also come back whenever I wished to so please let me be, I don't want anything to ruin my night now" I side step him about to move past him when he held my hand which I used my other hand and drop his "thank you and goodnight" with that I walked out on him because I don't want more drama.


I don't know what's happening around me any longer because my wife has been acting weird and Lilly is giving me though time which I'm confused

Initially I planned to give her the key to the car I bought for her but she just walked out on me which I can't force her since I know she does have a lot of mood swings which comes with the pregnancy. I walked up the stairs almost close to our room when I stopped on my track when I heard my wife's conversation

"How much longer do I have?" She asked the other person on the phone which I don't know who it was so I patiently waited

"Isn't there anything you can do to help me out?" She asked which I got confused because I don't know what she's talking about nor did I know who is on the other side of the phone with her

"Please help me out at least for a month. I just want to see the baby even for once" her breaking voice gave her up which I didn't wait to continue hearing what she's saying before barging into the room which she immediately drop the phone shocked to see me but quickly composed herself

"You scared me" she said to which I just stared at her" what?" She asked "stop looking at me like that" she said about to walk past me which I hold her back

"Who were you talking to?" Was the first question that came out of my mouth

"I don't get you" she pretended

"You just dropped the phone immediately I walked in"

"Please let me be. I wasn't talking to anyone moreover you were the one that scared me that makes me to drop my phone" she lied looking me straight in the eyes but I know it's just a facade since I know her very well

"Tell that to someone who doesn't know you but we both know you're lying and you don't expect me to believe that do you?" I asked to which she didn't answered "so now tell me what you're hiding from me"

"I'm not lying and I'm not hiding anything from you so please let me be and stop pretending to be a caring husband I don't need that now" Vivian said walking out on me which makes me speechless I know we both have been a little bit far away from each other but that doesn't mean I don't love or care about her any longer but that not the case at hand because I definitely know she's hiding something from me which I will soon find out no matter how hard she tried to hide it from me.

We didn't sleep in the same room that day which I know she's up to something. I walk up early so I could talk to Vivian because I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation I overheard even though it's not everything that I get to hear but unfortunately enough she left the house even before I wake up and same applies to Lilly which I know the duo are trying to avoid me but I know what to do

Throughout the day I didn't go anywhere which I asked the maids to prepare dinner for us since the duo didn't come back for lunch

Busy with my phone when the door is open "welcome ma'am" the maid said which Vivian just nod with fake smile "ma'am the dinner is ready" I heard the maid said

"Oh I'm sorry will skip that"

"Okay ma'am but it was sir that ordered us to prepare the dinner"the maid is quick to say which Vivian stopped in her track hearing what the maid said

"When did he order that? And didn't he go out for work?" Asked Vivian which everything they have been discussing have been listening to it seeing she's going to question the maid without getting tired I walked out

"Yes I didn't go for work today" I said coming closer which the maid left quickly while Vivian turned to my side

"I just hope all is well?" Curious Vivian couldn't help but asked

"All is not but I will prefer you take a shower, eat first before we talk"

"I hope this not about me because i'm not ready for any interrogation" she said walking out which I just sigh and continue looking at her until I couldn't see her view again before walking back about to sit when Lilly walked in without looking at my side which one of the maids quickly come out

"Welcome Lilly" the maid address her casually

"Thank you Vic" she smiled at her which I couldn't help but smile too because it's been long I saw her smile

"Dinner is ready and Sir wants everyone to come out for it" Vic the lady I got to know her name today said to her which Lilly touch her forehead breathing in heavily

"Gosh I'm tired I don't think I can come out for the dinner" before I could walk out Vic talked

"Please try and come out. It's just for a while" pleaded Vic

"Don't worry I will because I want to see Vivian. So now let me go and freshen up before time" she smiled and left while Vic followed suit with Lilly's handbag in her hand.

I don't know what's actually with both the women in my life but I will try and find out because they both change at the same time. I couldn't help but get worried because last I checked I had no misunderstanding with any of them.

I sat at the dining table when the duo come out"it's been a while" Vivian said hugging Lily which they both genuinely smile at each other making me more confused

"Yes, you have been quite busy I guess and I wake up late at times that's why"

"It's okay let's sit" Vivian said before helping Lilly out with her chair which she whispered thank you to Vivian which she just smiled. We were serve and were half way through the food when Lilly speak up

"Vivian" Lilly called which she humm before looking at her

"Well just want to inform you that I will be packing out to stay with my father" Lilly said which I stopped in my track while Vivian dropped her spoon

"Is anything the problem?" She couldn't help but ask "seriously nothing. Just want to stay with him because I'm not comfortable with him staying all alone" she replies

"I'm so sorry to be selfish Lilly but can you please stay until you give birth?" Vivian said with pleasing tone which I know she don't want Lily to leave

"But" Lilly tried to push but Vivian stopped her "please do this for me" she said her eyes moist which got me confused because the Vivian I know is not a weak person but seeing her like this makes me to confirm my doubt that something is definitely wrong with her which she's trying to keep away from me

"It's okay I will stay since it's just some few days to go" Lilly smiled at her which Vivian get up and walk to her side to give her a hug

"Thank you this means alot to me" Vivian whispered her voice breaking which she quickly get up and left leaving me and Lilly staring at her retreating figure I sighed before looking at Lilly who is about to leave

"Are you running away from me?" I couldn't help but ask but she just looked at me talking when she beat her to it "here is the car key I promised you" I said dropping the key on the table before walking out on her to meet Vivian.

I didn't knock I just ambled directly into the room where I saw her crying out her eyes bloodshed like which makes me to stop in my track because I can't really recall when last I saw her crying like this nor in this kind of situation so I cautiously walked closer to her "baby" I whispered trying to calm her and myself because seeing her like this means what she's hiding is not something small but something huge "you're gonna be alright" I said rather assuring myself

"How am I gonna be alright" she said moving away from my embrace "nothing is gonna be alright" she continues to say but she didn't look at me straight in the eyes

"Baby" I said not knowing what to say actually which she chuckle a little bit

"It's been long I heard you call me that" she smiles " I wished I can change everything but I can't because it's too late already" she said rather to herself because I can't place my hand on what's going on or what she's saying

"Can you tell me?" I asked hoping she will confide in me but she just smile and shake her head

"I want too but I'm scared" she confess which makes me to want to know what she's scared of

"Don't be I'm here for you" I encourage

"You being here won't solve anything for me"

"I know but please tell me. You're keeping me in the dark" I pleaded

"It's" she stopped and sighed without continuing rather she get up to leave but am not letting her go without finding what's wrong with her

"Tell me baby. It's what?"

"I'm dying" she whispered which I guess I didn't hear very well so I asked again not able to stand up

"You're what?"

"I'm dying. I have Glioblastoma and I just have some few days left to live"

"What?" I shouted which she run out of the room before I could even say another word again which I wasn't able to move nor raised my hand talkless of thinking about following her because I think I'm day dreaming