

Chapter 32

After getting back to my sense I quickly ambled out of the room and open the next door but I couldn't find her in the room"baby" I shouted going down the stairs "baby" I called again but got no reply which I quickly walked down the stairs about to trip when i quickly grab the handle "Vivian" I screamed on top of my voice shouting her name but got no reply which I saw one of the maids standing down the stairs "where is my wife?" I shouted which the maid shifted back a little bit scared of how I'm shouting "where the hell is my wife?" I asked shouting at her as if she's the one hiding my wife which makes her to shift a little bit away from me before she opens her mouth to speak but couldn't speak up due to the way she's shaking "answer me" I shouted at her seeing she's wasting my time

"She.. she..." she stammered all her body shaking from fear "she.. she walked out the door" she replies shakingly which I didn't wait for more explanation and ambled out because I know it's cold outside and she's not properly dressed for the weather and anything can happen to her seeing walking will waste my time I opt to run which I stopped in my track when I heard a song coming from the back yard I quickly change my direction and walk to the back yard there I saw my wife seating on the bare floor

"Baby" I embrace her and scoops her into my arms before standing up and begin to walk inside because it's late already. I didn't stop her from crying because I know she needs to let it out. I entered inside and saw Lilly standing at the doorstep which means she's about to go out but I have no time for her so I walked past her without uttering a word to her because of the issue at hand.

Already in the comfort of our room I sat down still holding her while she sat on my lap with her head on my chest while I stroked her back without saying anything because I didn't want her to be uncomfortable so we sat there quietly while she slept off. I undressed her and change her into her sleeping dressed before laying her down about to stand up when she holds my hand "don't go please" she pleaded with her weak voice which I sat down and stroke her face

"Don't worry I am not going anywhere I just want to change my clothes" with that being said she let go of my hand while I changed my clothes in the walk-in closet before walking back to her. I lay closed to her putting her head on my chest while I continue to stroke her back

"I'm sorry" came her weak voice I listened to her but didn't stop stroking her back "I never knew about all this until last three month ago" she continues " I wanted to tell you but I couldn't bring myself to tell you that I'm dying in some months to come" she sighed while I just gave her the listening ear she needs not wanting to interrupt her "I don't want to die now until I see the baby but I can't because I have just few more days to come" she cries softly

"It's gonna be okay" I speak up for the first time

"It's not gonna be alright because I'm dying already" she sobs "it's just some days I have left. I will be gone forever" she clutch onto my top which I couldn't find the right words to say

"Shhh don't cry. I don't like seeing you crying" which she stopped sobbing but her breathing isn't even yet. I let her be and decided to go to the hospital and enquire more about her illness from the doctor.

We slept off like that embracing one another

I woke up the next morning and Vivian was still sleeping on my chest. I quietly place her head on the soft pillow and walk down the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for her. I did everything myself asking the maids to give me some space done with everything I placed them neatly on the tray before walking back to the room which I set the table for her before waking her "baby" I quietly trying to wake her up in a harsh way "baby" I called again which she groaned and shift a bit before opening her eyes gradually due to the sun ray penetrating through the curtain "good morning" I whisper kissing her on her chick which she beamed at me

"Morning love" she responded groggily

"Your breakfast is ready" I smiled bring close the bed table towards her

"Let me freshen up first" she requested which I pick the table aside before helping her to the washroom

"Let me bath you" and with that being said I run the water and check the temperature before undressing her gradually leaving her in only her bra and which I stand behind her to unclipped the hook gently bring it down while I stopped mid way taking my hand to grab her round smooth breast which she gasped immediately my hand come in contact with her breast she inhale deeply which I use my finger and begin to pinch and play with her nipple making her to groan I continue playing with her nipple while I use my other hand to remove her pants rubbing my finger against her clits which makes her to inhale sharply wrapping her hand against my neck for support I continue rubbing clit before turning her over facing me I squat down without removing my hand from her clit which I suckle on her nipple pushing my finger inside her pussy fucking her with my finger which makes her to groan in pleasure I continue sucking her using my tongue to lick her nipple biting on it with my teeth seeing the way she's shaking I removed my mouth from her breast

"Please baby fuck me" she whispered in-between groan which I removed my finger before placing my mouth on her pussy fucking her with my tongue which she hold onto my head grinding her wet core fastly on my tongue "fuck me harder. I wanna cum" she shouted which I grabbed her legs and placed it on my shoulder adjusting her so her back will be steady on the wall before sucking hard on her core making her to shake. I dip my tongue deep down licking her juice and fucking her harder the way she want

"Yes baby that's the way" she groaned "faster I'm about too" she screamed while I increased my pace which she exploded all her cum on me. I didn't release her until I wiped every bit of her juice from her pussy which her breathing is not even yet. I dropped her and picked the sponge and scoop some soap on it and began to bathe her still playing with her breast in the process of bathing then rinsing her off with water before wrapping her in the bathroom and picking her up in a bridal way.

"Do you want to eat first or dressed first" I asked

"I'm hungry" she said childishly which I smiled and brought the table forward and begin to feed her

"The food is almost cold" I said

"Humm '' she humm smiling at me when I returned. I can't actually recall the last time we spent time together like this. Done with feeding her I walked into the walk- in closet to get her what to wear. I picked one of my shirt and shorts "let's me dress you up" I said waiting for her to sit upright seeing she's not ready to compile I picked her up and place her on my lap and dressed her placing her back "I want to go out and checked on the companies hope that's okay by you?" I asked which she nods

"Okay then rest for awhile let me go and come back" I give her a kiss which she kissed back seeing she's taking it too far I dropped back "sorry baby will be back soon" I smiled which she returned the smiled adjusting her pillow while I walked out of the room to do the things on my agenda

The first thing on my agenda for the day is for me to check on my companies before going to the hospital to enquire more about Vivian's sickness and when she find out

Immediately I came out I saw the driver standing by the car already "I will drive myself" I said collecting the car key from him and drive out of the mansion I drives directly to the companies and do some paperwork before informing my manager I will be off for some time and that how I went to all of my company's before driving to the hospital luckily enough the doctor is free so I got to see him on time

"Good day Doctor" I greeted giving him a hand shake before I sit down

"Welcome Charlie" he smiled in response since we were best of friends ''to what did I owe this visit?" He asked "because I know you're not the type to see me in my working place rather outside my working place" his forwardness is one of the reasons I still keep him close to me because he's not the type to keep things from me so am surprised to why he didn't informed me about my wife sickness

"Well you should know already" I replied

"Why will I? When I don't think we have any unfinished business. So tell me what's going on" I sighed before I speak up

"It's about my wife" I said directly because he knows what I meant already unless he still wants to hide things from me which he didn't speak up rather he keeps staring at me " I know what you're thinking so you had better not lie to me or tell me it's confidential because she's your patience or any stories" I said knowing fully well he won't tell me anything

"But" he wants to say but I didn't allow him

"She told me everything but I want to hear everything in details that's why i'm here and since when did she find out and I want to know how many days does she actually has left?" I asked not wanting to hear him say soon because I just don't know how she feels right now knowing she has some days left to live

"I think it's better you asked one question at a time because I can't answer all your questions at once"

"Fine when did she find out and why didn't you informed me?" I knowing getting pissed with him will take me nowhere because he won't tell me the answer I needed to know so I asked calmly

"More questions" he raised his brow

"Oh please just tell me"

"Fine I didn't inform you because of the rules of the hospital which you know we're not allowed to say anything about our patients condition especially when she requested that she doesn't want anyone to find out" he answered "and she finds out about three months ago when you both visited last but I have known for a while after the tests conduct but you know she's not always around and pleaded with me not to tell her on the phone unless she comes by herself which she has been fearing to hear any bad news so she got the courage and asked me of last three month"

"Can't she be cured?" I hopelessly asked knowing fully well there's no way but I still have to ask

"I'm sorry there is no way out of it. She even asked to be put on medication or if surgery is possible but it's late already so we can't do anything" he replies I sighed not wanting to repeat my last question but I have no choice

"How many days does she have left?"