


I sat there expecting the inevitable "go and come back later I will soon be through" the doctor said which it's the only thing I could grab from their conversation the nurse left and he turned to me " well she has just a week to go" he responds

"What?" I shouted "tell me you're joking or something else'' I said not believing when I know deep down he's not going to lie to me

"I know it's come unexpected but I'm sorry to say that's the bitter truth and the reality of it" he tried to calm me down which I just sat there not knowing what to think again

"So what happens in the final stages of glioblastoma?"I couldn't help but asked

"Well glioblastoma is a brain tumor so seizure occurred in nearly half of the patients in the end-of-life phase more especially in the one-third of the patients in the week before dying. Other common symptoms reported in the end life phase are progressive neurological deficit, incontinence, progressive cognitive deficit and headache" he explained but I don't think I understand any of the things he is saying due to how am feeling seeing sitting here will not change anything I decided to leave

"Thank you so much I really appreciate your effort" I said giving him a hug and a tight lip smile before walking out of his office and the hospital entirely I don't actually know where i'm headed to because I can't go home in my present condition seeing I don't even understand my own self and I know Vivian is going to see through me so I decided to go far away from the town and get a quiet place to calm myself before going back home

I spent more than an hour roaming the city before I finally decided to go shopping for things I know she likes and loves before going back home. I arrived at home safely and saw my driver standing while I handed the car key to him so he could bring in the things I bought before I ambled inside. Immediately I set my foot in the living room. I felt suffocated but tried my best not to show it there. I saw her and Lilly talking and smiling about what they were discussing so I decided to join them.

"Hey babe" I kissed her on the forehead before sitting close to her and greet Lilly "hello Lilly" I said looking at her which she's not looking at me

"Good evening" she greeted which they continue talking while I cuddle Vivian in my arms inhaling her scent which in week coming everything will change lost in inhaling her when I heard what Lily said

"I asked Sam to come and stay with me for the time being seeing my due date is within the week" she said to Vivian which I pretended not to hear what they're discussing but deep down I want to hear her response

"That's okay by me in as much you're not leaving then it's fine at least you will have someone close by" Vivian replied which I wanted to talk but recalling Sam is a gay give me a little bit of ease even though am not entirely happy with the decision but have to take care of what's at hand for now. Seeing Im not interested in their discussion I stand up to leave but Vivian wouldn't let me

"Let me freshen up" I said hoping she will let me be but no

"Just stay like this then later you will freshen up" she said with her best puppy eye which I can't deny seeing she will soon be far away from me I agreed to her and sat down before cuddling her back while they continue what's they're discussing

After awhile Lilly stand up"I need to use the toilet" she said getting up on her feet which Vivian just nods and she left while I picked Vivian up and walk up the stairs with her on my arm till we reach our room


I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to leave and lied that I want to use the bathroom which I don't have anything to do there just can't withstand seeing them all tangled up together deep down I know it's okay for them to be like that but my jealousy couldn't let me and it's getting the best out of me by making me feel weird but I'm grateful I could hide it without any of them noticing

Have been seeing changes from Charlie though I know I'm at fault too at some point by pushing him away whenever he comes to see me but that doesn't mean I don't love him but this day I see he spent almost all his time at home

I could recall the day he was shouting baby all over the place which means he was searching for Vivian or they had some sort of misunderstanding. I can't actually say what happened but all I know is that he was giving her more time than before abandoning me completely. He even passed by me carrying Vivian in his hand not acknowledging me or taken even a glance look at my side which get me infuriated seeing I mean nothing to him any longer after everything and the promises I felt betrayed and unloved

Sam and father have been there for me ever since I got bored of the house because I always see Charlie and Vivian together whenever am going for my morning exercise which I do pretended I didn't see them and that's why I think it's better Sam comes to live with me since father said he can't live together with me so I opted for Sam when I have no other option than him even though he didn't agreed at first but after all my pleads he agreed on the condition I informed Vivian first because he can't just go to people house uninvited so that's the reason I informed Vivian which she agreed

I dressed up the next day and went to see father and Sam because have been feeling down all this while

"Hey princess" father hugged me with a smile on his face and I replied "don't you get tired of the up and down?" He asked genuinely concerned which I smiled

"I'm fine father and moreover it's all part of the exercise"

"Just say the truth because I know you're missing us that's why" Sam jokingly said because he packed out of his house and is staying with father now seeing father can't live all alone and I prefer it this way at least Sam his there to look after him for me

"I don't have your time. Get me something to eat" I played

"Yes man" he played along and went straight to the kitchen while I settled myself on the sofa.

Sam arrived with my food which I didn't hesitate before digging in because I have been eating three times what I used to eat before which I know it's all because of pregnancy. Done with everything I thank Sam

"How did it go?" Sam asked

"Fine" I replied and continue" Vivian agreed to it, she doesn't have issue with you coming over so far am not leaving the house"

"That's good then"

"Yeah you will be going back with me today right?" I replied hopefully


"Please don't say no" I pleaded because I don't want to be lonely any longer all this while I don't feel anything but this days I get insecure which I know is not good for my health especially now that I'm almost close to my due date just some days and I will be forever free from this

"I won't. I will be following you back" he said which I happily hugged him glad he's going with me

"I know father will miss you but don't worry we both will soon be back in just some days to come"

"I can manage for some days so don't worry" he reassuringly said which I couldn't help but smile and hugs him too

"Thanks father". We chatted for a while before I decided it's time we left. "Make sure you lock all the doors father" I reminded him even though I know he will do that but I just feel like reminding him so he won't forget. I hugged him before entering inside the car where Sam is already sitter in the driver side

Shortly after we arrived home which Sam parked before we both ambled into the house where Vivian and Charlie were seated cuddle together "Good evening" we both greeted which Vivian answered with smile

"Welcome Sam" she said getting up from Charlie's place towards our side

"Thank you"

"Glad to see you here at least Lilly won't be to bored" she teased which Sam smiled at her seeing how carefree she is "make yourself comfortable at home and feel free to go anywhere you feel like"

"That's nice of you thank you so much" with that being said we left seeing Charli closed his eyes pretending to be asleep which I know deep down his not because when we entered his eyes were wide open. I opened the door to my room and walked in Sam behind me which I sighed and lay on the feeling exhausted "get your lazy ass up from that bed and freshen up first" Sam whined which I groaned in response

"Can't I just sleep like this?" I asked hopefully

"Nope you smell" he said so that will irritate me and he got the reaction he wanted because I immediately got off the bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up, what I detest the most is being told I smelled because I felt less confident in myself. I quickly freshen up and come out of the toilet because all I want is to lay down and sleep. Sam freshen up after giving me my pajamas which I wore and lay on the bed.

Through with the night routine Sam begins to massage my legs because they're swallow which I enjoyed it when it's being massage by father or Sam "thank you Sam" I whispered enjoying how his hands felt on my leg

"You're welcome" we stayed like that for a while in silence before I speaks up

"I just hope my body will be back to normal after everything?" I wished

"Don't worry it will"

"I hope so"

"Just focus on yourself first don't think too much about everything now so your blood won't shoot up"

"It won't. I can't wait to give birth already"

"You will soon or who knows maybe before morning"

"Keep dreaming. I do feel pain at my back as if it's gonna break into two" I complained

"It's all signed of pregnancy"

"Say Mr doctor right?"

"Whatever. Sleep already" he shut me up which I complied because my eyelids are gradually closing due to exhaustion while Sam continue to massage my feet

Few minutes after sleeping I woke up feeling slight pain from my back and abdomen which is unusual so I sat upright to see what's wrong but the pain subsided and I lay down again after some minutes even before I could sleep the pain started again which it's more severe than the first one. I quickly switch on the bedside light before waking Sam up "Sam" I said tapping him which he gets up since his not a heavy sleeper

"What's wrong Lilly?" He asked coming closer

"My back and abdomen" I said breathing

"You're on your labor" he said getting of the bed quickly walking to the walk-in closet to bring out the bag set for my delivery

"Sam" I said feeling the pain ten folds than before while my breathing become Haggard due to the pain am feeling

"Sorry Lilly" Sam said picking the car key and coming towards me which he helped me up my hand wrapped around his neck which we walked out to the car parked. The pain is unbearable which I begin breathing heavily and groaning I shouted when I felt a sharp pain down my abdomen and at that instant the water break

"Sam" I shouted and pushed which is the last thing i could recalled I said before I passing out