


I woke up and the first thing I heard was the baby's cry which made me open my eyes quickly even though they felt heavy. I opened it just to see Vivian holding the infant tears streaming down her cheek. I couldn't speak up seeing the sight in my front then Vivian raise her head and saw me "you're awake?" It's come out more like her asking herself than me because of how her voice is "called the doctor" she said to Charlie standing behind her before she moves closer to me handing the baby over to me

"Thank you Lilly" she whispered which I smiled a little bit at her and the doctor arrived Charlie following right behind him

"How do you feel, Miss Lilly?" Asked the doctor if I wanted to speak up but my throat was dry, and the doctor noticed, "Please help her with a cup of water." He said that Sam helped with the water. I drink the water and felt a little better before speaking up

"I'm fine" I replied weakly, which I think it's still from the stress. He examine me for a while before turning in to Vivian

"I think we will hold her for two more days so could have complete rest" the doctor said which I'm not happy with because I seriously don't like the hospital especially the smell that comes with it it's makes feel nuisance

"Alright then. Thank you so much" she smiled genuinely while the doctor left and she walked closer to me and handed the baby to me. With shaking hands I Gladly took the baby into my arms not knowing what's am feeling right then and now. I just can't believe I gave birth to this baby without knowing tears stream down my cheeks which Vivian wipe it away

"Tears of joy" she whispered which I look up at her not knowing what to say "I will be going now but please I will like you to breastfeed the baby and promised to come back later so we can talk" she said which I protests

"But that's not in the contract" I said

"I know but I will come back for more Clarification please" with that she left Charlie holding her which I swallow the lump in my throat

"Congratulations baby mama" Sam said happily which I smiled at him looking for any sign of father "don't worry Daddy's girl he just walked out when he saw Charlie and Vivian he will soon be back" he answered even without me telling him what am looking for and on cue father walked in which I smiled at him

"My princess is now a momma" he said with tears in his eyes but quickly wiped it off " I am proud of you my princess. So how do you feel now?" He asked concerned which I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love

"I'm fine father here" I said, taking the baby forward to him " hold him because I know you haven't held him yet" and he complied by taking the baby in his arms. He kept looking between me and the baby which I don't know why and he didn't say anything so I said "father what's wrong?" I asked which he shake his head in response "I know you're thinking or you know something so tell me" I inquired

"Hope you know you're not longer a baby so let us be" Sam chipped in which I pouted

"I'm hungry" I whined while Sam just shook his head and made me tea. After drinking I decided to sleep for a while because I feel sleepy. Father and Sam where there to look after the baby so without worrying I slept off

I wake up hearing the baby's cry which I immediately get up and Sam hand over the baby to me "feed him please" he said which I collected the baby and started breastfeeding him

"I haven't seen Mia" I said

"She was here when I brought you in but left before you wake up since she had to go to work"

"Oh" I said disappointed

"Don't worry she will come" Sam tried to cheer me up. We just sat there talking non-stop when Vivian walked in with Charlie and some people following them with different bags and basket which I know she wants shopping

"How are you feeling now?" She asked concerned

"Am fine thank you"

"Good to hear that. Hope there's no problem?"

"None just want to leave here already"

"Don't worry you will in two days time. You need the bed rest please"

"Alright then"

"Can we have a moment?" She asked which I looked at Sam and he walked out understanding what I mean which Charlie walked away too. I just don't get how he treats me these days as if I don't exist but I will handle him my way. After everyone left Vivian cleared her throat "Lilly I don't know how to thank you enough but know that deep down I'm grateful and happy for what you did for me" she started saying

"But I got paid so you don't need to thank me"

"I know but money is not enough to pay you for what you did by carrying a baby in your womb for nine month so I think it's necessary for me to thank you" she said which I just kept mute. She didn't say anything for a while so we just sat there then she continues "Lily I know you think I don't know anything going on in my home but I do and I won't blame you because of my negligence and some reasons" she said which I just sat there looking at her without uttering a word " I know about your relationship with my husband" she blurt out which I almost fall down because of guilt

"Ehn" I wanted to talk but I don't really know what to say which she smiled

"Don't panic. I pretended not to know because I choose too, I know even about your love makings and sex even in his office and in his bar because I have the taps but don't worry it's save because I burned everything already" she said which I am short of words

"Well i'm not angry because at least because of you he could get to see his offspring which he got from you because the baby is not mine but yours"

"How is that possible?" I asked confused even though the guilt is there but I can't admit to the fact the baby is mine

"Well it's possible because you can see it already" she said

"No it's not because the egg is yours" I said which she laughed not smile

"It's not mine I think you should take a closer look at the baby then you will know it's your child and Charlie's baby" she said picking the baby up from his bed before handing him to me which I take a closer look and see the baby look somehow like me and Charlie then I recalled how father was looking at the baby and even Charlie too but still yet I couldn't believe it

"It's might be because it's stayed in my womb for nine month that's why and" I wanted to continue then recalled the day we had sex without protection I gasped out looking at her in horror

"I think you have recalled and if you still don't believe me here is the DNA test because I need to have a proof"

"I'm sorry" I whispered "I know this shouldn't have happened. I cheated on you with your husband under your roof in your home" I said regretting my actions because all this while I never thought it's this painful until last few days ago when I don't have Charlie's attention any longer

"It's okay, I have forgiven you and hold no grudges against you and worry not. I have no intention of telling you to refund me or Sue you because I am partly at fault. But all I want from you is to let me name the child" she said which I didn't hesitate to handover the baby to her

"His all yours name him what so ever you want to" I said because that's all I could do or say

"Rafael"she said with a smile "I love the name and have been planning to name any child I have first Rafael so thank you" she said with tears which I couldn't help but look away "I need a favor from you please" she pleaded

"Just say it you don't need to plead or ask"

"Take care of my husband and don't let him go. I know he's not the best and has his flows but deep down I know his a good man" she said which makes me confused but before I could say a word she's already up "I know you will take good care of the baby even if it's not mine talkless it's yours now so thank you once more for everything, for being there for my husband when I was not and now that I will not be around. Bye" she said, walking out of the room. I couldn't quite understand what she meant by some words. Shortly after Mia walk in together with Sam and father

"Mummy" Mia shouted in a tiny voice which makes us all to laugh "oh come on I know that what our baby will call you when he grows up" she teased before engulfing me in a tight hug "I'm proud of you girlfriend and congratulations" she said which I smiled " so tell me how was the labor?" She asked moving back while I looked at Sam and he started laughing "what?" Mia shouted

"Mehn don't pray to see Lilly's next labor because she can scream and passed out on you" he said which Mia couldn't help but laugh

"I'm just imagining how she was strangling you with her hands"

"Don't even imagine it"

"So when will you be discharged?" Mia asked

"In two days time"

"Woh I hope you can survive it" she teased knowing fully well I hate the hospital walls but have no other option we were busy chattering when excused himself

"Guys Vivian knows about everything" I decided to drop the bomb which the both of them stop laughing

"What?" They shouted

"And the baby is mine not hers because she did the DNA and I fully remember the day I had sex with Charlie without protection" I added before they could even come back from the previous shock

"How on Earth did she find out?" Mia asked

"Well it seems she knows everything but pretended not too because she think she's partially to be blamed for not giving her husband the attention he needed" I sighed

"Oh God I can't imagine how she felt"

"Me too but she said she hold no grudges against me and will not sue me for bridge of contract"

"That's nice of her" Sam said quietly

"Humm I know" and we sat there in silence each of us having different thought in mind before the baby decide it's time for her to suck which Mia quickly picked him up and gave him to me

"God this is the replica of you and Charlie" Mia said amazed by what she's seeing

"You can say that again"

"No wonder father was looking at you and the baby which I never take a closer look at the baby because I was too excited to see what he saw" Sam chipped in

"That's my thought too when Vivian asked me to take a clearer look at the baby before handing the DNA results to me for confirmation"

"Humm she came prepared so there won't be any way for you to deny the truth"Mia reasons

"It's all in the past now" Sam said while I continued feeding the baby thinking about the last thing she said of me taking care of her husband. I didn't ponder much on it to know what she meant by that and I didn't care to let Sam or Mia know about it.