

Chapter 40

Father came back and had a discussion with Charlie which I didn't listen to because I was busy with Rafael which he slept off and I took him to the room knowing fully well he's not going to wake up anytime soon. I dressed up and walked out to see Charlie already waiting in the car so I bid father farewell before walking over to meet him "so" i said immediately I get comfortable in the car

"What?" He asked

"What did you discuss with my father?" I asked him

"We have concluded to have the wedding in two months time"

"What?" I shouted "that's too close and I haven't prepared yet" I complained

"What else did you need to prepare for?" He asked

"The wedding of course"

"You said a simple wedding which will take place in a church so I don't think you need any preparation for that"

"I do because I'm yet to even choose what to wear"

"That's simple I could get that done in a twinkle of an eye"


"Don't worry I will make sure everything is done perfectly and accordingly just have your trust in me"

"Then since the wedding is in two months time let's forget about the quicky I annex to give you"

"What?" He shouted stepping on the brick

"What the hell did you think you're doing?" I shouted "do you want to get us killed"

"I'm sorry but you caused it why will you say such thing"

"It's not a big deal atleast I do give you blow job so abstaining from sex for another two month won't cause an alarm"

"Please don't do this to me I can die of stomach pain"

"Humm but you know" he didn't let me continue and cut me off

"Please lilly" he pleaded which I gave in and followed him to the hotel where he booked a room.

Immediately he open the door and we entered he undressed himself before undressing me his body shaking "calm down honey I'm going nowhere"

"Have tried enough without feeling myself inside you where I forget myself" he said removing my tank top which I didn't bother to wear inside because I know he will see it as a hassle when he had already told me what he wanted. I let him have the whole of me without stopping him from what he was doing to me. He had sex of different styles with me which I lost count on how many rounds we had but when he intended to do another style I stopped him

"I'm exhausted" I complained

"I know you're but I can't seem to get enough of you whenever am inside you" he said which I "let me go for a round again"

"No, that will be after our marriage but right now I need to sleep" I said with finality which he sighed and let me be. I have no other option than to sleep with him because all my body aches and I feel sore that I don't feel like getting up rather I sleep which I did

I slept off but wake up to he feeling of someone sucking my breast which I know it's no other than charlie " stop" I said but he didn't because he knows how much I love morning sex which he used that to his advantage and get me where he wanted freely. Seeing I can't deny the pleasure I'm getting I helped him out which we satisfied each other early that morning before returning back home

Charlie dropped me off before leaving which I walked inside and get engulfed in a tight hug "Bride to be" mia shouted excitedly which I couldn't help but laugh with her too

"Let me go already I need to breathe" I said trying to get free from her Hold

"We need to go shopping so we could choose our dresses on time" Mia happily say

"That's the work for ladies I just need to get myself suit even the day of the wedding" Sam chirp in

"We aren't these so let's us be" Mia said holding me so we could go inside and discuss

Everything was moving so fast which I believed when there is money you can get what you want instantly which is what happen because my dress is ready already as well as Mia's bridesmaid dress which she couldn't stop admiring since the day Charlie brought it to us

She finally accepted Kelvin after much pressure from him which they decided to take things at slow pace and not rush into marriage just after some months of getting to know each other which Kelvin was okay with. I'm glad the two are together because they're a match made from heaven.

The wedding month approaches faster than I expected which today is the d day and I couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over "Don't over stress yourself it's your long time crush who becomes your lover now his gonna be your husband in just few hours to go" Mia said seeing how am behaving

"I just can't help but feel a little bit scared" I said truthfully

"Don't worry it's gonna be okay" she assured me while I smiled at her.

Sam walked in "gals it's time" he said which they both helped me up to the car where father is already suited waiting for me.

"I'm happy to be able to see this day" he said with tears in his eyes wishe your mother us here to see you I know she would be proud of you"

"I know daddy and I'm happy at least one of you is around to walk me down the aisle" I said smiling at him which he stroke my hair

"I'm proud of you" he said which makes me lay my head on his shoulder enjoying the moment before we arrived which we both came down of the car before I grabbed daddy's arm and walk down the aisle smiling and acknowledging the people close by while walking to the altar where Charlie is standing already

The pastor said the vows which we were busy staring at each other with love and lust because I want this day to be memorable "you may now kiss the bride" the pastor said finally Charlie didn't waste a second and kissed him. He kissed me longer than expected which made the pastor clear his voice before he stepped away a little bit from me. The pastor blessed us and our marriage before family and friends came over to snap with us

"Congratulations girlfriend" Mia said

"Thank you girlfriend"

"Congratulations Lilly" Kelvin said

"Thank you Kelvin" I smiled at him

"Congratulations little si" comes Sam voice with Rafael giggling

"Thank you bro" I replied happily before issuing Rafael at same time Charlie kissed him too people were coming to Congratulate us where we were sitted because I was tired of standing while Charlie was busy playing with my pussy under the table making me uncomfortable which I didn't know when I moan out "stop please your torturing me" I complained

"Then let's leave already the jet is waiting for us" he whispered into my ear which we left through the back door because I couldn't take the embarrassment Charlie was causing any longer.

I called my family immediately we board the flight to our honeymoon

We spent a whole week doing nothing but having sex till our honeymoon was over so we packed our things up and left for home because I seriously missed Rafael and others spending a week without seeing them is like spending a year without setting my eyes on them. We arrived late at night which means I can't go and see them because I will just disturb them so i decided to go early in the morning

When morning comes Charlie pin me down to have another round of sex which I have no option than to give in to him because that's one of the most times enjoy sex. We spent more than an hour doing one thing before letting go of each other and went to see my family "Daddy" I shouted immediately I set my foot inside the house while everyone rushed out and engulfed me in a hug.

We gisted throughout the day before we went back home to rest.

Charlie and I live happily ever after where he build me my own personal boutique where I can be the boss of myself and employ others under ne