
Thirty Nine


I didn't know what came over me that I didn't push him away but maybe because I missed him I kissed him back but stopped in my track recalling where we were "we have to stop someone might come in" I said which I don't think Charlie gets what I was saying "let's go to the car but promise me you won't drive off"

"I promised" with that being said he picked me up and continued kissing me while we walked into his back seat where he lay me down removing my clothes leaving me in nothing because it's just a short gown I am wearing without bra or pants which gives him more access to do whatever he wishes with me. I don't know why he likes breast so much because immediately he set his eyes on my breast his eyes become darker which he quickly began to suck on it while he play with my pussy I didn't stop him because I was enjoying the pleasure his giving me seeing his the only one pleasuring me I grab his member into my hand and begin to stroke it while I play with his nipple getting a groan from him

We both were long gone forgetting its late already I turned over giving him full view of my pussy while I have the full view of his cock which i begin to suckle on it while he suckle on my pussy we both moaning and groaning in pleasure which we both didn't get for awhile I begin to suck harder on his cock seeing his tummy raising up which means his close I increased my pace while he did same because we both were close and with one last stroke we both cum together into each others mouth breathing heavily I seat up right facing him which he smiled at me before kissing me making me to taste my cum while he taste his from my mouth he didn't stop kissing me until we both were out of breath "I love you" he whispered

"I love you more" I replied before placing my head on his chest we stayed that way for a while before I decided it's time he leaves " It's getting to late"

"I know but I don't want to leave you"

"Tomorrow we will talk" I said putting back my dress

"Follow me please"

"I can't tomorrow, we will meet now, get going," I kissed him first before coming up to the car while he moved to the driver seat and drove off. I sighed and walked back inside after locking the gate

I wake up the next day to the smell of bacon which I know Sam is awake already I quickly clean up and went downstairs because am seriously hungry after all the make out session without food "goodmorning" I greeted immediately I set my foot in the dining area

"Morning" Sam replied and continue with what his doing

"I need to eat" I said out loud

"Says the person that has a hot night out session inside the car" he replies

"Gosh Sam that means you were spying on me"

"Nop I didn't because I saw everything from when it's started in the parlor" he replies care free

"Are you a CCTV camera or what?"

"All of the above, you can choose the one that suit you more"

"Just give me my bacon" I said because I don't think Sam is ready to do that any moment soon so I serve myself and begin to eat "I will be resuming work on Monday" I said to him while eating before he joined me

"Are you sure that's okay?" He asked "you know you have to settle down first to know where you are heading to now that Charlie is back" he reason

"Well we haven't talk about anything yet"

"But you both have the guts to make out like seriously"

"Oh please you know it's been a long time I make up"

"Eww its to early please" Mia said coming to join us

"Don't mind her she thinks we don't know anything"

"Come on its just blow job we didn't have sex" I defend

"I think it's going to be better we stop talking about this before father comes out"

"You started it"

"I know but we should talk about it somewhere else but not here"

"I'm nor even interested," Mia said, "where is my bacon?' She asked

"Serve yourself miss" Sam replies which we ate in silence before I decided to speak up

"When are you going for your things?'" I asked which she just shrug

"I don't know"

"Why not today am free and so is lilly and I know you called in sick already " Sam concludes

"Yeah I did. I just don't want to go to work today"

"It's okay. So we're leaving in a few minutes to go" I said, which they both nodded while I picked my plate and walked out to check on Rafael who I think Mia has already bathed him with because he is no longer in his sleeping dress. I picked him up and walked out to meet the rest knowing fully well they both are dressed already we just need to leave

Sam drive us yo Mia's place where we all entered and begin to pack everything inside the box since we hired a bus to come for them. Mia sorted things out because some of Daniel clothes are here so she just decided to burn everything related to him while we packed her owns. We were busy when the door to the apartment got open which Daniel walked in and we all stopped in track waiting to hear what he had to say "I'm sorry Mia" he pleaded which I laughed but he didn't look at me and continue "it's the work of devil" he said which i couldn't help but talk

"You're the devil in disguise yourself, you shameless bitch" I cursed

"You know what just leave because I have no strength to talk to you right now" Mia said not looking at him

"Give me another chance" he pleaded

"That will be in hell but not here" she responded which he wanted to come closer but Sam was swift enough to stop him

"Just leave as she said before we all regret what will come after" Sam said with the underlying warning which Daniel knows best to push forward and walk out and none of us talked afterwards and continued with what brought us. We finished on time since we were three in number and left after the bus arrived.

"Father" I said breathlessly

"Welcome back" he said to us all while he collected Rafael from my hand "the dinning is set" he said to no one in particular and we all ambled to the dining area and serve our self still when kelvin walked in "Welcome" father said warmly

"Thank you sir"

"Join us please" father invited which he did but he sat close to Mia which I looked at them suspiciously but didn't say anything until I was through with my meal

"Welcome kelvin. Sorry for the other day" I apologize because I felt bad

"It's nothing serious. Mia was there to keep me company" he smiled at her while she looked away shyly and there and then I concluded that something is about to happen between these two. He spent some time with us before leaving which Mia escorted him which I say impatiently waiting for her return

"Spill" I said immediately she set her foot inside the parlor which she laughed

"It's nothing serious lilly. He just want to try his luck which I don't think I can give any other man chance to ruin me again after giving my heart to him" she said sadly

"I know it's to early for you to move on but you have too since you can't dwell on the past for long" I said " and kelvin is a nice guy which I have hope he won't let you down" I tried to encourage her

"I will give it another thought. I don't want to rush things"

"It's okay dear take your time" and we change the topic with that

Later in the evening Charlie came and I ushered him inside while I cooked dinner because they all went out leaving me all alone with Rafael. Done with cooking I serve him and walk back to see him playing with Rafael which puts a smile on my face." Let's me have him so you can eat" I said trying to collect the baby from him but he draw me closer to him and sat me down on his lap

"I can comfortably even with you on my leg but I want you to feed me" he said looking straight into my eye which I had to look away


"No, but. Just feed me please" he pleaded. I comply and feed him still on his lap since he doesn't want me to get up. After feeding him I packed everything and returned it to the kitchen before going back to meet him "when did you plan on coming back?" He asked

"I don't think I have anything to do in your house" I said truthfully

"Why will you say such a thing?"

"You know that's the truth because am not married to you or tie to you in any way apart from carrying your child in my womb for nine month and giving birth to him" I answered

"But you promised to come back to me"

"That's will be after you seek my hand in marriage if not don't dream of seeing me in your home"

"Fine I will do as you say but please you can still come to live with me"

"I can't. The only way u can live with you now is after our marriage apart from that forget I exist" I said because I mean it and have made up my mind not to go to his house again without me being called his wife

"Alright then I shall wait for father to return so I can talk to him"

"That's will be better"

"Then at least come sit close to me" he said

"So you can be touching me all you want no thank you" I smiled at him which he sighed and walk to my side and sit close to me which I didn't push him away because I love having him close by that's way I feel at peace knowing fully well his mine and mine alone

"How do you want the wedding?" He asked out of the blue

"Just simple wedding my family and yours around only" I said truthfully because I ser no reason for extravagant wedding when we had a child already

"As you wish my lady" he said which I smiled and give him a kiss and quickly retrieve back because I know he will go further which I can't risk that because father and the rest will soon be back

"Why will you start what you can't end" he complained

"Don't worry I promised to make it up to you"

"Let's get a hotel if you can't follow me home because I seriously need you" he confess "I'm having trouble sleeping this days because it's been long I ate what belong to me" he said which I felt pity on him seeing how his talking

"Don't worry I will give you a quick to quench your taste and after that till after our marriage" I said which he moves closer" not here though we need to go to the hotel you said because no one is around to look after Rafael you know"

"As you wish ma" he saluted which Ismiled at him. I'm crazy in love with him, which he knows I am but I don't care seeing he loves me more than I do to him, which I'm glad I found the love of my life from crush to lovers.