The last two weeks have been long weeks. After we studied hard, finally the semester exams have passed. I'm grateful because Ricky bought me a package book, first. Because a lot of questions come out of there. Questions that are not in other textbooks. Ricky knew. Which parts will be included as questions and which parts will not. Or is it all just my guess?

"Lam, I'll find Mr. Santo first, okay! Watch out, don't go anywhere. I'll be back later." Genta threatens. Today, Lala did not come in. He said he was sick, and he gave Genta the task of looking after me while at school. So it's like this, everywhere Genta is always behind me like I'm the President's son, and he's a bodyguard.

Mr. Santo is our sports teacher. Today is the preparation for the school class meeting. Incidentally, Genta became one of the basketball teams in my class. But, said Aldi, the class meeting this semester is different. Because he wanted to invite students from the next school. The reason is easy, and he doesn't want the enmity between Pelita Mulya High School and Harapan Bangsa High School to continue. But, I know better than anyone who will be the victim of his high hopes.

"Lam, are you here? Wanted too!" I lifted my face when I heard Mila's voice startled me.

I know his purpose came to see me. Nothing but to collect promises. That is, about the work that Aldi had said before we had a test that semester. This means it was a nightmare for me, too, Sekar.

"Me? From class." I answered.

Mila rolled her eyes, and then she handed me a brown envelope. I don't know what it is for.

"Right now, you and Sekar have to go to Harapan Bangsa High School. And this..." she said, taking a twenty thousand note from the pocket of her white uniform. "It costs you to get there."

"But ---"


She left and disappeared among the crowd of students preparing their teams. Again, they treat me like this. Is my 'objection' pointless? Was the 'no-want' word that came out of my mouth useless? I exhaled heavily, then looked around for where Sekar was. She was sitting with Rian. Yes, it's always been like that. Sekar – and – Rian both have the same fate as me. That's why these two always get along well together, unlike me, who formed their colony with Lala and Genta.

Meanwhile, in the corner. Unconsciously my eyes swept across the figure sitting with his other friends. As usual, he was in his calm manner. And as usual, he with the cigarette between his lips. Thinking of cigarettes reminds me of Ricky's first answer. So, does he understand if his friends are not sincere? But why did he have to stick with friends like that? Is he a typical coward?

"Lam, looking for me?" Sekar asked and managed to surprise me. She was sensitive too. I haven't had time to approach her.

"Yes, I got an assignment yesterday. From Aldi."

"But, Lam. I don't dare." Honestly, I don't dare either. Entering Harapan Bangsa High School is the same as committing suicide. Give yourself up to be bullied by the enemy's high school, and it's not easy.

"who can't help it? This isn't a job we can turn down, right?"

"You ask your boyfriend for help. It's your guy, right, Ricky." indeed, after the shooting incident of Ricky. The school nearly exploded. Not a real explosion, but an explosion about the news of Ricky shooting me. And almost 100% of the students in the school, no one believed it. The same, me too...

After all, Ricky and I are like earth and sky. Of course, with a different view from the other students. To me, Ricky is a bad student. Students to avoid during three years of schooling. For a child who doesn't want a fuss like me. For a student who wants to pursue a scholarship like me. But different from the eyes of other students. The earth – and – sky for them is Ricky, the boy who, despite being famously naughty, is the cutest among the other kids, Ricky, who is always crazy about the girls. While me? Everyone already knows. Who is the ugliest girl in this school?

"This is our problem, Kar. As student council members. Let's go before Aldi, and the others get angry."


After debating with Sekar, we were also at Harapan Bangsa High School. They were standing right in front of the large gate that seemed to fortify the gray-painted buildings. It is almost impossible to say that many students are naughty. The school from the outside can be seen how beautiful and neat it is. Schools of the elite that only a few circles can penetrate. That doesn't mean that Pelita Mulya High School is a bad school. Of course not. One of the reasons these two schools continue to the feud is that they both have equal strengths. That's why they elbow or trip each other. So that one of them can lose. Sounds childish, but that's the truth.

"Sorry, Ma'am. What do you guys need? Which high school are you from?" said Mr. Security guard with a thick mustache like Mr. Raden in the past. The people are friendly, also lovely. Is it because he doesn't know that we are from Pelita Mulya High School?

"We are from Pelita Mulya High School, sir. We want to send a letter to the principal or the student council president." I answered politely.

Mr. Marto's eyebrows, the security guard's name that I read from the tag name-- are raised. Only for a moment, then he allowed me and Sekar to enter. He was guiding us towards the principal's office.

Many eyes were watching, and it scared Sekar. Not just Sekar. But, me too. The Harapan Bangsa High School students know who we are just with this school uniform.

"Please, Ma'am. I'll stay first." I nodded. Mr. Marto resigned. The principal's room is almost the same as the principal's room at Pelita Mulya. Luxurious impression, also elegant.

After Sekar and I met with Pak Razaq, the principal's name, and conveyed my intention to be there. Sekar and I were in a hurry to leave. We don't want to be soft food for this high school kid. Moreover, we are no longer escorted by Pak Marto. And that would be dangerous.