"There's a rat in the tiger's cage, here!" shouted someone who managed to stop me as well as Sekar. I don't know who the rat is. Is that me?

I looked back. There was a big guy. The guy who snapped at me a few days ago. Yes, that guy. The gang leader from Harapan Bangsa High School, Ricky, punched until he bled during the first brawl.

"He said Pelita Mulya's children were beautiful. Where? How come there are ugly ducklings like this!" another boy exclaimed. I don't know the guy with the spiky body and hair. I don't know what kind of hairstyle it is.

I curse myself. I should have run. The gate is just around the corner. But why does lousy luck always come to me? Moreover, now Sekar was shaking. Held my arm timidly.

"I feel sorry for you, yes. It seems that you are very willing to be the victim of Pelita Mulya's child. Are you stupid so you don't know the meaning of enemy high school entering our place?"

"We're just doing our job, really," I explained. They laughed as if my answer was funny. But I don't know where the funny thing is.

"It's ugly, stupid again! It's tough for you to live. You half-boiled noodle hair!"

Sad? Not. That's how they should act. I'm used to it. What I don't get used to is a compliment. Because I never got it.

"But, it's pretty good. Make a toy." Alex, the big guy's name, approached. And it managed to scare me. I was afraid of being raped, then killed like the news on TV. I still want to live, and I still want to continue my studies.

"Sorry, let us go." please. I can't expect Sekar. Because she almost fainted.

"It will never be in the dictionary. Pelita Mulya High School students will come out intact, understand?" he threatened. His voice was hissing more like a whisper. However, that little whisper had tremendous meaning. A threat that said I was in danger. I'm not okay.

"Nilam!" shouted Sekar when her hand was held by a man named Andrew.

I tried to grab Sekar's body, but Alex grabbed my hand. God, can there be a miracle? Even once. I don't need to be beautiful and perfect. I don't need my life to be changed to be happy. But at least, can God deliver me from people like them?

"Cribs hair. Can you shut up or not?!"

"But I don't want to hurt you! What did we do wrong?"

"It's one of you guys. Enter our high school, understand?" he said, pulling my jaw tight. I don't know, how can they do this? It's still on the school grounds. And I know, in front of this courtyard, the teacher's room is lined up neatly there. Then, where are the teachers in this high school? And where is Mr Marto? Shouldn't he be in his post by now?

"You die, kid---"

"Hey, feather duster!" The shriek managed to disturb Alex's composure. Makes my blood swish generally in and out of my veins.

Roughly, Alex pushed me away. Until I almost fell. Luckily, the owner of the shrill voice caught me. I could see Alex's expression of displeasure was evident. But he didn't dare to do anything.

"Feathers girl!" shouted the boy again. I tilted my face to see who kept calling you that 'feather duster'. My eyes widened in shock. He's the guy from yesterday. The guy who bumped into me on the bus. And he remembers me? Is he the natural gang leader?

I immediately pulled my body away from him. He smiled widely as he waved my hand like a child. It's like we know each other. In fact, not at all. I hugged Sekar's body, which was shaking violently. We hugged each other as if trying to protect each other from the three humans who might be ready to pounce on us. We have no one—besides ourselves.

"What is it?" asked the boy again. I squinted my eyes, trying to read his name on his uniform tag. His name is Arya, Arya Saputra. "You jailed them?" he asked Alex and Andrew this time. The two of them fell silent.

"You know them?" asked Alex at last. Arya shakes his head, but he pulls me away and wraps his sturdy arms around my neck. As if embracing and signifying ownership. We are not that close.

"No, it's just her..." he said, pointing at me, "Feathers," he answered happily. He thought. I'm a toy.

"No, I ---"

"He's my crush," he added. Interrupted my words. And it worked. It made me choke on my spit. Succeeded in making Sekar squeal in surprise, even the two naughty children.

"You're joking. After all the pretty girls you turned down. You chose her?" who did not cover up laughter. Alex asked after his laughter died down. But, Arya was silent. Didn't answer Alex's question. He just smiled lopsidedly. A smile that could make Alex and Andrew's laugh stop. A crooked smile made the two boys leave. And it scares me. One more thing, the human species scares me. The human species I must avoid.

I tried to pull away from him. However, the grip was getting stronger. He brought his mouth close to my ear. And it worked. The interaction that I thought was intimate managed to make the hairs on my spine tingle.

"Today, you are safe, and I don't know tomorrow. If I see you again, I will not let you go, Nilam." My eyes widen as he whispers the word.

Immediately, he released his grip. Then returned to his face with a charming smile on his face. He was waving his hands at me.

"Congratulations to the duster girl's destination!" he screamed. Go and leave me to Sekar. Honestly, I have absolutely no idea. But, somehow, I feel familiar with that voice—no stranger to that treatment. However, I'm sure I had never interacted with Arya before this. Yes, never...


"Where have you been?" I looked at the back seat. Ricky sat there reluctantly. At the same time, Sekar looked at me with fear. Though, we just got out of 3 imperfect humans. Now, we have to face another evil human.

"From where? You're not stupid, are you?" he asked again.

"Pelita Mulya High School."

"What are you doing?"

"Delivering the letter."

"What letter? Who ordered? Go with who?" question that confused me.

"Invitation letter for an inter-school class meeting, Aldi, Sekar," I answered the question.

He stood up and then came closer to me. Bend his body until Jami's face was close. Ricky's minty smell was starting to tickle my senses.

"Oh," he said. Then pulled his body. His dark brown eyes seemed to be examining me. I saw my dirty white uniform. I'm sure he saw this.

"This, that, this----"

"I'll go out first. Later, go home together."

I can't even explain. Our relationship was very rigid. Is this what is called dating? Ricky left, out of class. Meanwhile, Sekar immediately covered his face. She spilled the tears she had been trying so hard to suppress.

"Aaaaaaaaaaa! Help!" The scream took me by surprise.

All the children rushed out of the classroom and towards one point. At the same time, Genta approached me with a bright red face. I'm sure he ran here.

"Lam, it's bad!" he said. I was confused by his ambiguous speech.

"What's the matter, Gen?"

"Ricky beats the student council boys! Now he beats Aldi's brother!".