26 -A

"Take the medicine first, Lam," I obeyed Aunt Rosi's orders. Right now, I'm resting in my room. I'm sick.

Yes... right after that incident. When Ricky kissed me, my body turned hot—cold. I thought I caught the virus from Ricky. However, after going home and having Aunt Rosi checked at the hospital, I have a normal fever. Maybe... I was surprised, accepting the kiss.

"It's weird... you rarely get sick, don't you? How come you're sick now... especially after group study with your new research. Was it because of that chemical you put in your hair, Lam?"

"Maybe, Aunt." my lie. But... it could be like that. Because it burns when wearing it. Could it be wrong to use a hair straightener that made my hair this half straight—and—curly—perfectly stiff?

"Do you want to look beautiful? Kids your age always want to look attractive, especially in front of the opposite sex... right?"

"No, Aunt!"

"That's a natural thing, dear. But according to Aunt, yes... you are already beautiful. Remember what Auntie said, true beauty is not seen from the eyes... but from the heart. Besides... you are still holding your hand. your principle is not to date first, right?" I was silent, feeling guilty about Aunt Rosi. How about this? Do I have to admit that I'm currently dating? I'm afraid... she's disappointed.

"I... yes, Aunt." I stammered. Aunt Rosi nodded after giving her the medicine. Then she came out of the room.

I took a deep breath. Luckily today is still a class meeting... so I don't have to think that I will miss class. But still, both Genta and Lala will look for me. Although... I already told them.

"Nilam! you, why?!" they seem to live long. Just look, I just got the concept. They're already here. Yes... Genta and Lala. My best friends.

"Your hair!" Lala had not had time to sit down, and she was already screaming while covering her mouth with her hand. Maybe... she was surprised, or even... wanted to laugh.

"You're sick. You didn't go to school because of your hair, right?" Genta always... clarifies the obvious. Fever is one reason, though the main reason is my hair.

"I have a fever... Gen, La." I explained. Both of them sat on my bed then they hugged me simultaneously. It makes me... hard to breathe. But I'm happy.