26 -B

"Do you want to look beautiful? Kids your age always want to look attractive, especially in front of the opposite sex... right?"

"No, Aunt!"

"That's a natural thing, dear. But according to Aunt, yes... you are already beautiful. Remember what Auntie said, true beauty is not seen from the eyes... but from the heart. Besides... you are still holding your hand. your principle is not to date first, right?" I was silent, feeling guilty about Aunt Rosi. How about this? Do I have to admit that I'm currently dating? I'm afraid... she's disappointed.

"I... yes, Aunt." I stammered. Aunt Rosi nodded after giving her the medicine. Then she came out of the room.

I took a deep breath. Luckily today is still a class meeting... so I don't have to think that I will miss class. But still, both Genta and Lala will look for me. Although... I already told them.

"Nilam! You, why?!" they seem to live long. Just look, I just got the concept. They're already here. Yes... Genta and Lala. My best friends.

"Your hair!" Lala had not had time to sit down, and she was already screaming while covering her mouth with her hand. Maybe... she was surprised, or even... wanted to laugh.

"You're sick. You didn't go to school because of your hair, right?" Genta always... clarifies the obvious. Fever is one reason, though the main reason is my hair.

"I have a fever... Gen, La." I explained. Both of them sat on my bed, and then they hugged me simultaneously. It makes me... hard to breathe. But I'm happy.

"GENTA!! You're a boy!" me and Lala angry at the same time. Maybe... because Genta is often with me too, Lala. That's why we are never shy about discussing women's issues. However... this is a different case. It's about Ricky.

"Ricky is a playboy like what the students say? Do you like pregnant women? How come I doubt it."

"Why, dear?"

"Honey... watch. If he's an experienced guy, it's impossible to give a girl a sanitary napkin as a gift! There are dolls, flowers, chocolates, bags, or other things that girls like. Right?"

"That's true... it's too stupid to be a boy. I can't imagine what would happen if this thing spreads around the school. The black prince nickname that girls always complain about will still survive?"

"So... can you guys keep your mouth shut?"

"But this is great news, dear Nilam." seems Genta very happy. Like a reporter who found a giant prey. But I'm shy. What's more, I don't want to embarrass Ricky.

"For me," I whined. After taking a deep breath, Genta finally nodded. Thankfully he agreed. Otherwise... I don't know anymore how to save Ricky.


Today, I return to my daily routine. I was going to school... remembering that the class meeting would be over in four days. Now it's the preliminaries. Between Pelita Mulya High School and Harapan Bangsa High School. I don't know, what if one of them loses. Because I believe, to achieve that victory... they will use various means. And in the end... Aldi's idea of ​​a friendly match, not to unite them, will only make things worse. I'm sure of that.

"Cieee, the dreads are now straightened! But it's like a broomstick! Ciee!!!" I immediately lowered my face when Echa and Salma called me. I knew... this would happen. I should have nothing to be ashamed of.

"Listen, lion girl... if you want to dress up as anything, the result will be the same. You're a furry. So... be aware and look at yourself! Get out of Ricky's life right now!"

"You're right, Mom... this girl is too big ahead!" Echa wanted to grab my hair. However, I quickly grabbed her hand. She groaned in pain, and then I let go of my grip.

"Are you brave enough to fight it?"

"Watch out, I-"

Salma wants to slap me. Before I could stop it, someone's hand stopped it first. Not Ricky's hand, but... it was Arya's.

"Pelita Mula's students is scary, isn't he. The girl has magic like a thug! What's the story? Does your friend want to be beaten like this? Are you sane?"

"E...you're Arya. That teen magazine model, right?"

"No need to ask. I won't answer. What's clear... don't bother my crush anymore, understand?!" Arya pulled my hand away from that place. Then he released his grip when we were in front of the class. He stood looking at me, who was looking at him without blinking. So... is she a model? I just knew that. Maybe... I should buy some magazines to see if she's a model.

"Feather duster! Elo, why?"

"Oh... no," I answered awkwardly. I just realized if he was wearing a sports uniform now. It's no longer the white and gray uniform that he often uses.

"Could it be that you like me? I admit that I'm a crush? Ah, you're so lucky to be my crush. Coincidentally, you're single. So... it suits us!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Sorry... but you misunderstood, actually I—"

"Come on... you don't have to explain how happy you are to be my crush. What's clear is from now on. I'll take care of you the same way I used to. I don't want to lose you again, Lam."

"But I—"

"I'll go first, okay! I'll call you later!"