30 -B

Precisely at half-past six, I finished the questions. I immediately tidy everything up and put the printout on the table. Hopefully... there is still public transportation. Although I'm sure, at times like this, both buses and angkots are impossible for me to meet.

"Rain?!" how could that be? It's summer. It shouldn't be raining today, right?

I ran out of School while protecting my hair from the rain. I don't want my curly hair to grow again. Moreover, I'm pretty afraid if I linger in School alone. But, slowly... my running turned into slow little steps when I saw a figure standing there—the figure in the black jacket. A constitution was wearing a white uniform—checkered just like me.

My steps stopped when I saw clearly who the figure had been leaning on the fence. Yes... that's it, Ricky. He stood up straight while facing me, then walked over to me.

I lowered my face because I was afraid he would still be angry, but when the pair of red sneakers stopped. I started to raise my face. Why was he standing? Why doesn't he hit me like what's in my brain?

"Come here... I know you're cold," he said. He pulled both ends of his jacket and hugged me until he covered our bodies with Ricky's black coat.

Long time... we just stood in the rain like fools. In fact... I could feel Ricky's warm body behind the cold rain that fell on us. I could hear Ricky's heartbeat, which sounded so calm, with an unchanging rhythm with each beat.

"I'm sorry, Rick..." I finally said. He was still silent and did not reply to my words. Still holding me so tight, Hesitantly, I returned the hug as if it represented my heart when I decided to reciprocate his feelings for me. As if I whispered to him if I loved him too.

"I'm sorry."

"No need to talk about it."


"Let's go home. You don't want us to catch a cold, do you?" I nodded. Slowly he let go of her arm.

"But... I want to make sure of one thing first."


He didn't answer my question. However, he walked backwards. A few steps later, he stood facing me, spread his arms wide, and asked myself, what is he going to do?

"Now... I want to ask you seriously!" he shouted amidst the loud sound of the rain.

"What?!" I asked in a loud voice too so that he could hear me.

"I love you, Lam! Now answer me, do you love me or not! If you love me, you come here! Hug me! If not! You can leave here. Ignore me!" I stay in place. While she was still the same, spreading her arms wide as if waiting for me to enter her arms.

"I—" I stopped. He tugged an eyebrow, and that was enough to make me smile. Half running, I approached his body and hugged him tightly. This is my answer to him and my response to his feelings.