30 -C

"I love you too, Rick!" I shouted. He laughed out loud, then hugged me tightly. It was like getting something that was missing from my life. It was like getting half of my life. Saying that I love him makes my heart explode. Acknowledging my feelings for him made me want to keep screaming. I want to always be with him, and I always want to love him. Yes... he is, Ricky.

"So... who wants to be this intelligent representative? Only four children participate in each school, with the main candidate for student council president as the representative." Mrs. Marita came into my class. All the students immediately looked down timidly because they didn't want to be appointed.

While me? It will not be possible to enter this competition because I'm on the student council. My job is to help run the event, of course. There are representatives from each batch, starting from grades one, two, to three. And... only the second class has not received a candidate until this moment.

"Lilia's science class 2 only, Mom!" cried Bondan. In this school, science and social studies are divided into three classes. So, the number of first-class courses is 6, and they are placed in a two-story building in each batch. And so on.

"I have found a suitable candidate for this scrutiny." Mrs. Marita decided when all the children refused to volunteer. If I had the chance, I would gladly follow it. If bright—carefully, this will add value to my scholarship next year.

"Who, ma'am?" exclaimed the children together.

Mrs. Marita glared. Everyone immediately fell silent for a moment. Indeed... that's Mrs. Marita. The extraordinary effect was not only felt by the students. However, the teachers were also reluctant toward her.

"Ricky... you will be representing the 2nd grade."

"Me? Are you not pointing the wrong way? I'm a bad boy, you know. Don't you hate me the most?"

"Show Mom that you can not only protect your pride with a fight. But you can also protect the school's pride with your brain." Ricky sneered. But he did not answer Mrs. Marita's words. That's a sign, that he accepts the responsibility, right?

I turned my face, and I looked at his figure, who was looking at me while scratching the back of his neck. I'm sure he hesitated. Because they are not used to doing good things for school.

"SPIRIT!" I said quietly. He smiled so wide his teeth showed. Plus... those dimples.

"Rick! When you smile, you change my world, right!" Each exclaimed, winking at Ricky. Ricky closed his mouth again, then put on a wry look.

"Well, Cha! I haven't taken a picture of him yet!"


They don't think I exist...

I looked down with a wry smile. Why do they say that so quickly? And yet it was clear that I—Ricky's girl was here. Oh yes, I forgot ... I was not considered there by them.

"You don't have to do it. What's clear is that Ricky belongs to you. It's legal!" said Lala, elbowing my arm. Legitimate? Like we are husband and wife only.