45 -B

"Nilam... did he die too, Ar? So... so in that one time, all of Nilam's family died?" I asked getting concerned. Arya just looked down. He didn't answer my question. Silence, I interpret with the word 'yes'.

Retrieve the pieces of my memory. Trying to dig deeper into what I don't know. I want to know Ricky, whatever it is. The good—bad, his past, even all the memories in his brain. I want to know all! So that I'm not stupid anymore to take a stand. So that I don't hurt him anymore. What's more, so that I can face him to be able to apologize. I need a reason for that. I need support to strengthen me. It's Ricky, which scares me to approach him.

It's not the kind of fear I'm used to with him. My fear is the fear of guilt. For hurting him, again... and again.

"Then... then what did Alex say back then?" I asked again. Remembering when Arya's school friend had also said that Ricky was a murderer?

"Alex?" Arya asked confused.