56 -A

"Yes, Mr. Irawan, everything will be processed legally. It is better for Mr. Irawan to calm down, sir." some police tried to calm Uncle Irawan. Uncle Irawan also chose to go out, leaving Ricky who was still standing in the corner of the room.

For a moment, Ricky looked up at one of the police officers who had been asking for information from Bondan. His face looked bruised, there was even fresh blood that kept coming out of his temples and the corners of his lips.

Can I cry for now? Can I just give up for now? In fact, my dreams were shattered when I heard the truth about Ricky. My dreams of being with Ricky, have all been destroyed... and replaced with infinite frustration and disappointment.

"Sir, can I call Papa and my lawyer?" asked Ricky. The policeman nodded.