56 -B

In the past, I was the one who told Ricky that his friends weren't being sincere with him. But now, I'm starting to realize who isn't being sincere to Ricky. Not his friends, but myself.

"Nilam," I stumbled, the voice deep and frustrated. I immediately looked back, apparently, Mrs. Marita was already standing behind me. Her face was wrinkled, it looked like she had a lot of burdens on her mind. "Follow me to the BP room now, okay?" she continued.

I just nodded. In fact, my mouth is still dry to just get the words out. All I could do was, bow my head deeply, and follow Mrs. Marita's footsteps. Because the children looked at me with disturbing cynical eyes. Honestly, I don't like that.


"Honestly, I am very disappointed with this, Nilam ..." said Mrs. Marita after a while at her residence.