Chapter 2: A New Day

Deciding that she was much too tired to think about her eventful evening, she slumped onto the her bed and without changing into anything more comfortable, she fell into a deep sleep.

When morning came, she opened her eyes slowly noticing the light that now filled the bedroom. She also noticed the sounds of movements near her. Lifting her head up, she saw a woman in a maids uniform preparing tea on a trolley that had several other plates and bowls.

"Oh, good morning Miss." said the made once she spotted Rose sitting up on her bed. "I've brought up your breakfast and some tea. Tufan said not to wake you up to come to the dining hall as you had a long journey last night." said the maid cheerily.

"Thank you very much." Rose then remembered that the Rickhorns were very rich and she would be receiving this kind of treatment for the next three months that she will staying here.

"It's my pleasure. Daisy at your service! I've been assigned by Tufan to be your personal maid." said Daisy with a bright smile that was absolutely contagious.

"Well, at least I won't be all alone here." she said with a smile as she pushed the trolley of delights towards me. "I'm Rosette Woods, I'll be here a few months. Though I'd like it better if you call me Rose."

"T-Thank you Miss...Rose." she stuttered,

"Would you like a tour of the mansion grounds later today?" she offered.

"That would be lovely Daisy. Say, how old are you?"

"I'll be nineteen in three months." she responded. This explained her enthusiasm, she was young unlike most maids. Daisy was a few months younger than Rose yet she felt that she could get along with the maid quite well during her time here.

"I'm nineteen. This is my first time out of Willow Town. That's where I'm from." said Rose after sipping some of my tea from the beautiful china. "But it's only because I've something very important to do here in Capitol. You see, I plan to pursue a career as a doctor."

"Blimey, you must be very smart aren't you Miss Rose?" said Daisy with starry eyes.

After a bit more chit chat, Daisy left Roses to finish her breakfast as she had some work to do downstairs in the kitchen and will be coming back to prepare Rose's bath.

Taking a bite of the strange bread that Daisy brought, Rose couldn't help but appreciate the lavish lifestyle of the high class Capitol residents. She too was from a rich family, they owned a rather big house in Willow Town and a few other land plots here and there. Roses father was the owner of the cotton factories in Willow Town. Simply put, they had a lot of money. But even they couldn't hold a candle to the fortune of the Rickhorns.

The Rickhorns were one of the oldest families in the kingdom. The fortune being passed down from generation to generation along with the mansion. Roses parents often told her stories about the different people in the kingdom of Sienne, and when asked about their good friends the Rickhorns her father told her that long ago when the kingdom was founded the first few families that lived here where among the richest and, of course, the Rickhorns were one of them. The Rickhorns are known for their wealth and absolutely goods looks.

Done eating her heavy breakfast, Rose sat back and scanned the room. She didn't really get to admire the furnishing when she arrived last night. Only a few seconds past and Daisy was rushing into the room. "Ready for your bath Miss Rose?" she asked, oozing with positivity.

After having long warm bath in the attached bathroom which was as luxurious as the bedroom, she set out with Daisy to have a tour of the grounds and gardens.

She was not disappointed. The gardens extravagance matched her expectations, or even exceeded them. From vegetables, to fruits and the flower gardens, Rose marveled at the beauty and serenity offered by the Rickhorns home. While Rose was appreciating the scenery, Daisy chatted the whole way about the family who were her masters.

"Oh! There's the young master." said Daisy in a hushed tone. They arrived in the front yard which marked the end of the tour. There they saw DeAndre Rickhorn conversing with a few other men who looked to be councilmen.

A blush appeared on Rosettes cheeks as she remembered her encounter with the young master. She remembered her mother telling her of how the son of the Rickhorns was part of the kings council. It was an important position and it would mean that he was involved with important work within the kingdom.

She made her way to the front doors along with the maid. She nodded curtly when she met gazes with DeAndre which was returned by him. Again, he wore the passive, expressionless face. This made her wonder if he ever smiled or laughed.

"Ah, so you have met the young Master?" asked Daisy once they were inside as she had noticed the silent greeting between the two.

"Well, um... I arrived last night and when I was feeling thirsty I decided to go down to the kitchens myself. I happened to bump into Mr Rickhorn and along the way."

"So you've met Lady Lokh?" she asked with a hush tone.

"That was her name? I didn't exactly meet her, just caught a glimpse of her half dressed. It seems he's quite popular with women?" answered Rose.

"Master Dre often does bring company home. He is famous in the social circles as he is a Rickhorn and has a high position in the kings council."

And he's handsome, thought Rose. "Dre?" asked Rose.

"Yes, he prefers the nickname Dre instead his full name DeAndre. He says it's a mouthful. But he is a good man, Master Dre."

"Oh, do you fancy him? Dare I say, he is handsome." teased Rose.

"Of course not! It is not he that I fancy but Sir... never mind!", Daisy blurted. This made Rose laugh at how adorable her maid was and how flustered she could get.

"I hope to meet this Sir one day then." Rose said to the bashful Daisy as they ascended the staircase and made their way to her quarters.

"He does not know of my feelings Milady."