Chapter 3: Tempting Invitation

Before Rose could answer, the mansion butler arrived next to them.

"Lady Woods. I have been told to advise you of a soiree that will be taking place tonight at Floura Hotel. Master Rickhorn has invited you to come along if you are not busy as you might not like staying alone in the mansion."

It's not like he would actually be any company even if he wasn't attending the soiree, thought Rose. But she knew that it was common etiquette in the high class to invite your guests to any social gatherings you attend in the first few days of them staying at your residence, thus the invitation.

"A dress has been sent to your room for the occasion should you be interested in attending." Continued the butler.

As soon as he was out of sight, Daisy said to Rose, "Oh you must go Miss Rose! How wonderful for the Master to bring you a dress as well!" Even as a servant, Daisy understood that this was a rare opportunity to be invited to these soirees. Only the most popular men and women in the social circles are invited. Rose might have come from a rich family but compared to the other wealthy families like the Rickhorns, she was considered close to middle class. It would also be disrespectful to Mr Rickhorn if she where to decline the offer.

"Of course I will attend." she said and Daisy was ecstatic. As she was her personal maid, it was her duty to get Rose ready for the evening.

By the time it was six o'clock in the evening, Rose was on her way downstairs as it was time to leave with the Young Master.

Mister Rickhorn was waiting for her in the reception room. As she stepped in, she saw him standing at the side table having a glass of wine. He turned to look at her and with one last swing, he gulped down the alcohol. He walked towards her and she couldn't help but stare at him. He was dressed in a formal suit, not as fancy as one might expect but he had a certain air of charm. His hair was combed neatly with his bangs away from his face and Rose couldn't help think that he looked so much more tame as compared to last night.

"It seems that staring is a hobby of yours Miss Woods?" He asked with the same baritone voice as last night, as if there wasn't a thing in this world that could interest him.

Rose's cheeks fleshed red but she kept her expression at bay. The nerve of this man!

"Excuse me if I was being rude, Mr Rickhorn."

"Not at all. You look lovely in that dress." he remarked. His eyes scanned her up and down but at the same time, looked rather bored. "Why don't we be on our way? Come." and she followed him outside to the carriage. Is he always this aloof, wondered Rose.

From a window on the second floor, Daisy watched as they left for the night. She hoped that the Miss would make the best of the evening. From all the women who she has served in the mansion, Lady Woods was the only one to have treated her so...humanely. Apart from the madam of the house, Lady Rickhorn, Rose was the only kind aristocrat that Daisy had ever met and had the pleasure of serving.

"You seem quite taken by the guest."

Daisy jumped and let out a squeak at the sudden voice. She turned around to see Sir Roy. Her heart fluttered involuntarily at the site of him. For some reason, he would turn up at times like this and shock her. But secretly, she was happy that he spoke to her so often.

"You startled me, Sir Roy!" she said as a blush crept to her cheeks. She hoped that he didn't notice these things, that she, a mere maid, harbored feelings for him.

A smirk played on his lips, a site that she has come to love. He stepped forward, letting the moonlight from outside the window fall on his dark red hair. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, the Lady is a lovely person. Of course I will not forget myself." she answered. After all, she was just a maid.

"That is right. Are you done for the night?"

"I am." she answered whilst bowing her head slightly as she was speaking to a person superior to her.

Roy Harper. He was young for his title. Everyone knew him as DeAndre's righthand man. Of course he had earned the title for himself. For years, he had been by the young masters side during his expeditions and daily work, even during social gatherings. But tonight he did not go along with his master as it was not necessary. Not to mention there was a certain brunette who he has had his attention on for a very long time.

Seeing her behave so formally irritated him.

"I'll be on my way then Sir." she said and walked passed him. Before she could exit the room she heard him say, "Come to the balcony on the first floor when you are done washing up, on the right side of the mansion.

She was surprised by his request, even more so as he didn't bother turning around to face her.

"May I ask why, Sir?"

He turned around and gave her a charming smile, "I'll be waiting." and he left her alone in the room with hundreds of questions she wanted to ask.