Chapter 7: Not Him!

The next morning, Daisy woke Rose up early as she will be having breakfast in the dining hall.

While helping Rose set her light brown curls, Daisy asked her, "So, Miss Rose, how was the soiree? Was the Flora Hotel as elegant as they say?"

Rose let out a heavy sigh and said, "Oh Daisy, it was a nightmare honestly." Daisy looked at Rose's reflection through the mirror, confused with the news. Rose continued. "The hotel was beautiful, elegant and a place I would love to visit once more, but the soiree was an immoral nightmare."

"What ever do you mean, Miss?"

"Well, firstly, the women there. All they did was gossip! And what were the topics of discussion? A place called Miss Heidi's, which is apparently a brothel, and Mister Rickhorn! Dare I say, he is rather shameful. I even caught him snogging some random woman on my way to the powder room." she said with a frown marring her forehead.

She got up, turning to Daisy. "Are you certain?" asked Daisy with a shocked expression and Roses nodded.

"After that, when I had gone back to the lounging area, all the men and women were drooling over each other. I later asked to come back to the mansion."

"I didn't know such obscene activities would take place during these functions..." trailed off Daisy. What played on her mind was whether or not Roy had involved himself in such things as he does normally accompany Master Dre to these things. The thought bothered her very much.

"I'm not sure if you noticed that I did come back a bit early last night." continued Rose. This made Daisy freeze but then immediately schooled her features. "You must have retired for the night though." said Rose, dismissing the thought. They started to walk out of the room and made their way to the dining hall.

Last night when Daisy was outside, she was having second thoughts. Was it really okay to meet Sir Roy at this hour? And why did he ask her to come? All these questions where running through her head but she soon decided to go see him. But The moment she started to walk towards the balcony she heard the carriage come back into the grounds, making it's way towards the front of the building.

In the end, she didn't end up going and went back to her quarters.

Arriving at the doors of the dining hall, Roy and Dre had come at the same time as the two women.

"Good morning Lady Miss Woods." spoke Roy to Rose and she politely returned the greeting. Dre however just walked into the dining hall.

Rose turned to Daisy and said, "Please get my olive dress ready for after breakfast, I'll be going out." She then noticed how Daisy's cheeks were now a deep pink and her eyes looked somewhat nervous. Is it because Mr Rickhorn was here just now? Does she truly fancy him? She wondered.

Daisy nodded feverishly and gave a slight bow before leaving. What Rose failed to notice was that it was due to Roy's accusing gaze on Daisy that had caused her to blush so furiously. The girl was not used to having his attention in such a direct way when others where around.

Breakfast went on in silence, which didn't surprise Rose. Though she did feel slightly awkward after having had an argument with Mr Rickhorn last night.

She quickly finished her breakfast, enjoying every bite before she excused herself from the table leaving the two men remaining.

Roy, who was sipping his tea turned to Dre and asked, "Did something happen between you and the Lady?" Roy was one of the few who could speak to the Young Master at such a personal level. They both had known each other ever since they were children. There wasn't anyone who Dre trusted more than Roy Harper.

Hearing Roy's question, he turned to him with a look of disinterest and said nothing, instead he starred at Roy as if he was asked the most stupidest question by the most stupidest person in Kantor as he continued to chew the food in his mouth.

While the two men finished their breakfast, Rose went up to the room where Daisy was waiting for her.

Upon seeing Rose enter, Daisy said, "I've got the dress ready Miss Rose and there are no creases. Would you like for me to stay and re-do your hair?" she said in her usual energetic self.

Rose stalked towards her slowly with a slight smile on her face.

"It's him you like isn't it?" she said to Daisy in a hush manner.

Daisy was quick to turn red once more.

"W-who do you mean?" she stuttered.

"Mr Rickhorn of course! You had turned bright red downstairs when he appeared before us and look, you are as red as a rose right at this moment or my name isn't Rosette of Willowtown!"

"No, no Miss! You are mistaken!" exclaimed Daisy as she blushed even more. Rose giggled as she watched Daisy place her small hands on her cheeks in embarrassment, her bright blue eyes wide.